What is coaching?

Coaching is designed to advance your thinking and accelerate your plans. It is powerfully used in conjunction with a Strategic Life Plan, obtained by attending a Design your Life on Purpose Program.

It usually takes the form of a discussion held either one on one or with a group with similar objectives.

Why will it help me?

In the work I have done myself and with other the main reasons someone choose a coach is the following:

  1. Accountability - there is nothing like getting action done, when you know you need to show up and tell someone what you have been up to. Coaching can be used to keep you accountable and moving forward

  2. Check your thinking in a safe place - sometimes you have an idea that seems radical and you really need to check that the thinking is sound and stacks up. Coaching can be used for this as well

  3. Accelerate action - want to move fast, get a coach on board and you will move much faster than left to your own devices.

For you, it might be a combination of the above, or all 3.

Why with CMM?

Bottom Line is… I know CHANGE. I know how to plan for change, how to start change, how to adjust change in progress, how to track change and how to embed change.  

When you are coached by CMM, you will be gaining the collective wisdom, that has been condensed and distilled from over 20 years of experience, from both Organisational Change Management and Personal Coaching.  You are getting the research, and investment to designing your desired future state.  You are getting a wholistic approach that is focused uniquely, on you, your personal Strategic Life Map that suits you and no one else.

What I offer as a coaching experience?

I believe that a great coaching experience starts with understanding your innate talents and how they contribute to your overall success. I like to get people to complete a Cliftons Strength assessment online and then we use that as the catalyst for the initial discussion. Once we have that as a base, we look to the future and what you “want to be when you grow up”, leaving you with tangible actions to start on.

Coaching follow up sessions will be based on what you are trying to achieve by when and what makes sense to keep you progressing.

If you are ready to give coaching a try then reach out to hello@incahoots.com.au