Who Says? I am too old

Ronni Khan founded OzHarvest at 52

Pete Murray started being a serious musician at 30 (learnt the guitar at 22)

Jan Logan started her jewellery business at 50

Ita Buttrose accepted the Chair of the ABC at 77

Bryce Courtney published his first book at 55

Louise Thrum had her first art exhibition at 83

Trinny Woodall started her makeup and skincare brand Trinny London at 52


Age is not the barrier you might think it is


You are neither too old nor too young.


Max Alexander (https://www.instagram.com/couture.to.the.max/) Fashion Designer, started designing and sewing from age 4.


Who says your crazy idea might not be exactly what the world needs?  Regardless of how young or old you are. 


Creating something for the world, might not be what you want to do, but living more fully in the life uniquely yours – Yes please!

These people could have stopped once they reached an “age”, in fact made a significant contribution “later” in life. 

Ronni Kahn is the founder of OZ Harvest (Australia’s largest Food rescue association) and started this at the age of 52.  I imagine her and all the people that they help (250 million meals delivered since inception) are glad she didn’t think she was too old.  She has changed an entire industry and in fact created a new one for food rescue and diverted 12,716,046 kgs of food from landfill in 2023.. 

Pete Murray is a musician, and you might be thinking old, what the?  He became a serious musician into his thirties.  Shocking I know!  In an industry where if you haven’t had major success by mid to late 20s, you give up, this is unusual.  Pete only started learning guitar at 22, he didn't think he was too old, actually, he did.  He was convinced by other musos and has had 3 albums that have achieved Platinum status on the ARIA Charts (Australian Recording Industry Association) as a result.  

Jan Logan started her jewellery business at age 50.  She had her kids and decided she needed something else in her life (see this article about a country girl to design icon).  The designs are just divine and I often lust over them.  Thank goodness she didn't think she was too old. 

Everyone’s favourite, Ita Buttrose.  A very formidable women, having worked in Magazines and Newspapers, when they were male chauvinistic bastions, Ita was invited and accepted the chair of the ABC at the age of 77.  She did not think she was too old. 

Bryce Courtney published his first fiction book in 1989 - The Power of One. The book is set in South Africa during the 1930s and 1940s, it tells the story of an English boy, who through the course of the story, acquires the name of Peekay. It is written from the first person perspective, with Peekay narrating (as an adult, looking back) and trusting the reader with his thoughts and feelings, as opposed to a detailed description of places and account of actions. A film adaptation was released in 1992. He published over 23 books that sold 20 million copies. Nice living for someone not too old.

Louise Dumbrell had her first art exhibition Thrum at the tender age of 83. her incredibly detailed work is a sight to behold and the crappy iPhone photo does not do them justice. She did not decide she was too old for art or an exhibition.

Louise Dumbrell - Cadence 1971

Finally, Trinny Woodall of Trinny London. Not only did she decide to launch a skincare and make up line at 52, but has grown it into a global phenomenon in such a crowded market space. She had everything stacked against her, aged, female, make up and skin care industry had so many players. She tapped into make up as skin care, specifically for older women and BOOM! Personally (I use her stuff religiously) I am glad she decided she was not too old.

IGNORE the TOO OLD Message

The above people ignored the people who said, “you are too old” and just went ahead and did it anyway.  They are very public examples of the people who refused to let age be a barrier.  I am sure if you looked around you, you could find loads more.

So, what does this mean for you? 

Do not let age be a barrier to you.  I want you to do the thing you have been avoiding, thinking it was not right or odd.  You are not too old.  It is doable.  Ignore the naysayers and go do your thing.

Share your amazing thing and be amazed at what you can do, regardless of how old or young you are.

Having a Strategic Life Map gives you enough flexibility to respond to life events, as well as clarity and direction and tangible actions. 

The easiest way to get started on your Strategic Life Map would be to join me on Design your Life on Purpose, in March.

You will get a Strategic Life Map for the next 12 months and beyond, as well as access to all the tools, templates and recordings.  The format includes: 

  • An initial 6-week group coaching program to get you across all the content with the ability to action in between sessions 

  • A Gallup Strengths assessment 

  • One on One coaching sessions all about you! 

  • 6-month program with 2 reflect and refine sessions (think accountability, but way more inspiring) 

  • Access my brain and the latest research and thinking 

Get your Strategic Life Map for 2025 and beyond. 


If you are ready to create a Strategic Life Map that suits YOU personally  

Is this the year that you start designing a life that suits you perfectly? 

The next cohort is due to start Friday 7 March. Head to the link below to sign up.

I would love to see what amazing possibilities you unearth that will help you have 14% greater life satisfaction, after 3 months. 

All the information is here, including the magical registration button.

What is a Strategic Life Map & Why would I need one?

My mind has a habit of running forward, part of the combination of futuristic and strategic strengths (see Clifton’s Strengths).  As a result of this, I sometimes forget to let people know some of the fundamentals of my thinking. 

I thought it was time I explained, what exactly is a Strategic Life Map!

It creates direction & therefore clarity 

The purpose behind a Strategic Life Map is to provide general direction.  It provides you with an outcome, an intention, a destination to arrive at, hopefully.  I say hopefully not to be flippant or to discourage you, but as a reminder that you might not end up where you originally intended.  Decisions create diversions on the path, you might get back to the destination or completely recalibrate where you are heading.  Often where you end up is way better than predicted, which has been my experience. 

By deciding on the direction, some things will fall away.   


If I said we are going to travel somewhere for a few nights, you would want to know where.  Knowing where we are going would allow you to pack appropriately. 

Isn't life exciting!!! 

The path will be different 

Even if you are heading in exactly the same direction as someone else, your path will be different.  The decisions you make, the turns you choose to take or not take will turn different lights on, open up different options. 

Let’s say you decided to teach people how to train snails.  Deciding if you train online or face to face, is a choice that will open up other options and possibilities. 

The same will be for your Strategic Life Map.  Each decision you make, will still get you towards your destination, but via a different route. 

Each of these decisions will mean that you will arrive at a different place, the same direction and outcome but handled very differently. 


I like to think of this as going into a building with movement sensor lights.  You take one step and some lights come on.  You can then see what options are available to you.  Take another step in a different direction and different lights come on, with different options. 

It is not a turn by turn 

Often it adds more clarity to explain what something is not.   

A Strategic Life Map is not a turn by turn process for your next 12 months.  It cannot be.  Loads will happen during the year that is unpredictable, in both a good and a bad way. 

Curve balls will be thrown at you, that is life, and you will need to learn how you can still move in the direction despite the obstacles, or even to change the approach entirely. 

But good things will also happen that will reveal your next step.  By not being a turn by turn, it will give you the chance to change direction, when you unearth something that you did not know and that will lead to other possibilities. 

You can change your mind 

Having a strategic life map can provide the clarity and direction you might need.  However, you can change your mind at any time.  As you go exploring you might decide that it is not right or not right now.  So, you can change direction.  At least you will have tried something and now know, it is not for you. 


This happened to Vanessa.  She was keen to add coaching to her quiver.  She had mad skills that she wanted to translate into coaching.  She did everything right, put all the elements in place and got great outcomes for her clients.  However, she could earn more doing recruiting, which she really loved, whereas getting coaching clients was a lot of hard work.  Knowing that, she can now decide what she wants to do next. 

Practically speaking 

You will receive an A3 paper that will map out your 3-5 dreams for the next 12 months at a high level.  You will then have greater detail for the next 3 months and even more detail, including actions for the next week or month.  You will also have some dreams you have decided to park for another year.   

You will have a big list of dreams to pursue at some time in the future and built dreaming and reflection habits to support you going forward.  You will also have built anchors and support mechanisms that will support your success. 


Simply it is a plan for the next 12 months, with some pointers for the next few years.  To get to the Strategic Life Map you go through reflection, dreaming and design phases, to review and explore.  Finally, you secure the Strategic Life Map with support mechanisms and anchors, that will help increase your success.

So, what does this mean for you? 

Having a Strategic Life Map gives you enough flexibility to respond to life events, as well as clarity and direction and tangible actions. 

The easiest way to get started on your Strategic Life Map would be to join me on Design your Life on Purpose, in March.

You will get a Strategic Life Map for the next 12 months and beyond, as well as access to all the tools, templates and recordings.  The format includes: 

  • An initial 6-week group coaching program to get you across all the content with the ability to action in between sessions 

  • A Gallup Strengths assessment 

  • One on One coaching sessions all about you! 

  • 6-month program with 2 reflect and refine sessions (think accountability, but way more inspiring) 

  • Access my brain and the latest research and thinking 

Get your Strategic Life Map for 2025 and beyond. 



If you are ready to create a Strategic Life Map that suits YOU personally  

Is this the year that you start designing a life that suits you perfectly? 

The next cohort is due to start Friday 7 March. Head to the link below to sign up.

I would love to see what amazing possibilities you unearth that will help you have 14% greater life satisfaction, after 3 months. 

All the information is here, including the magical registration button.

How did ‘Spark’ (2024 contextual beacon) help me in 2024?

If you have been following me for a while you will know that every year, I choose a word that captures how I want to be in the following year. 

It is more than a word; it acts as my contextual beacon (hat tip to @DrJasonFox) guiding me in the year ahead.  It is designed to encourage me to embrace possibilities and opportunities as well as keep me focused on my dreams for the current year and beyond. 

I have been doing this practice as part of my yearly Strategic Life Mapping process, for the last 9 years, so not a new thing.  I lock away 2-3 hours to allow me to focus on this activity. Depending on your experience with this type of activity it could take longer.  Funnily enough, the process includes all the steps that are covered in Design Your Life on Purpose Quest - Reflection Revolution, Dream Quest, Directional Design and then Anchoring.

The Process

Here is a summary of the Strategic Life Mapping process: 

Reflection Revolution – taking time to reflect on the year that has been, what has gone well, what could I enhance, or start.  I generally use a went well/ do differently assessment, captured in a mind map   This year I also reflected against the Life Wheel and Perma V (expanded Life Wheel as part of Martin Seligman’s work) assessments.  For this assessment, I simply drew on the wheels with either a up or down arrow or a equals sign.  Up arrow represented this went well, as in “on the up”, the equals sign = was it was maintained, and the downward arrow was not as good as I would have hoped. 

Dream Quest – Then I looked at the areas – broad categories I wanted to focus on in 2025, basic brainstorm of the activities and where they fit into broad categories, also in a mind map.  I also used the Life Wheel and Perma V assessments to indicate what 2025 should be the focus on these areas, up, maintain or down. 

Directional Design – All this information is then plotted onto my Strategic Life Map.  Dreams the broad categories they belong to, why that dream is important to me and how I am going to achieve it.   

Anchoring – The final phase is about what I can do to ensure success of those dreams.  This includes determining how will I celebrate achieving that dream and what strengths I will use from my Gallup Strengths to help me succeed.  Critically, it is also about determining what is the contextual beacon that will guide me in the year ahead.  Throughout the steps above I capture the ‘words’ that come to be, as possible options, then I sit with it for a little while before THE word emerges as the one. 

The Result

So, was SPARK achieved in 2024? 

The answer is a resounding YES 

sparks for 2024 were: 

We sparked off a couple of experiments 

  • Life/Career Survey  

  • Love/Loathe weeks 

We sparked Dream Lives by delivering: 

We ensured our internal spark was kept lit through: 

  • A healthy exercise plan  

  • Afternoon Power Naps  

  • Working on my mental health 

We creatively sparked by: 

  • Picking more challenging knitting projects – bobble sleeves anyone 

  • Restyled clothing to be more wearable 

  • Continuous sewing projects 

  • Made a working prototype for my laundry hamper design

Read over 12 additional books, plus 5 from Business Book Club. Including these highlights: 

  • The Design of all Everyday Things – Don Norman 

  • The Third Space – Adam Fraser 

  • Quiet – Susan Cain 

  • Hidden Potential – Adam Grant 

  • Fearless – Trinny Woodall 

  • Sweet Dreams – Dylan Jones 

We collaboratively sparked by: 

Overall, 2024 has delivered in terms of its contextual Beacon – SPARK! 

If you want to know more about getting a Strategic Life Map – and your contextual beacon that will support, you let’s Unearth Possibilities together.  Waitlist is now open for 2025, DM your interest. 

You Are Ready

I thought I'd give you a look at four components to consider when you're thinking about your Design Your Life on Purpose Quest.

The first component (and this one happens quite a bit) is when people ask me “If I’m ready?” and I have two answers around that.  

  1. Sometimes massive life events happen, which means you literally need to put one foot in front of the other just make your way through it before you're kind of ready. However, for the people that aren't going through those sorts of things I say you need to do it just before you're ready. When you're ready you want to be able to action straight away. You want to be able to make movement, you want to be able to take action to seize opportunities.

  2. You're never actually really ready. It's one of those things that you need to just lean in a little bit to get all the stuff done and feel that little bit of uncomfortable-ness. Regardless of what you come up with in your Strategic Life Plan there will be things you can move. There'll be things that you can action and there'll be others that you might need to do some exploration around. So kind of ready = you're ready now.  

The second component I always think is interesting is luck.

You might have looked on social media where all these people are doing amazingly really cool things. Obviously, yes, you are getting a sanitized view of what the world might really be like for that particular person - you know - good old social media lens across it. However, besides the problematic things with social media and truth there is something attractive there. 

Luck is really about preparedness meeting opportunity. So if you prepare yourself then you'll find the opportunities will come to you. It's like that situation where you've just bought a new car and then all of a sudden you tend to see people with that same car.  So if you see lots of that same car it's because your attention has been drawn to it. You're focusing in that particular direction. The same thing happens when you design your life, because you've intentionally focused on some things you want to change in your life, or adjust, or move towards. Whatever it might be. All of a sudden you find that there's these opportunities that seem to come that align to that. So it's really kind of a cool thing. So luck opportunity meeting preparedness.  

The third component you might be considering is “Is IRL or is Virtual right for me?”.

The best way to answer that would be IRL is about you. You go in, you focus for the entire day. It is about making sure that at the end of it you walk out with a Strategic Plan.

You might need to tweak it and do some other bits and pieces, but basically it's a fully focused,  just like you've got blinkers on. This is what I'm going to concentrate on, and it's a whole day just focused on you (which I think is a luxury these days).  

If you're more of a percolation type of person that wants to take away and think about it then the Virtual six week program is much more suited for you.  You can then work through a few different modules and potentially take actions between sessions.


The fourth and last component I wanted to just help you consider is about seizing the present.

There's that saying that says ‘There's never been a better time’ and I know lots of you know companies use that as kind of like a catchphrase. It's a bit naf to be fair, but I want you to think about it this way.

Life isn't going to get less busy, there's not going to be less things you have to focus on. They’ll always be there . So you need to realize in a way that there really is never a better time. Because if you start now you'll look back in the future and you'll be like “Wow, look at all of the things that I've done!”.

I have a 3 month check-in as part of the program and I find that everyone is initially like “Oh, I've got nothing to say”. Then they talk about all the successes and all the changes that they've made and surprised at all the things they achieved.

So there's never a better time than right now.


You're ready now even if you don't think you are. If you’ve got a life changing event, having a massive thing, then deal with that. But you are ready now or you're almost ready.  

Luck is preparedness meeting opportunity. To make the most of future opportunities you need to prepare now to be ready for them.

If you want to focus on yourself for an entire day then that is IRL. If you want to have a little bit more time for percolation then that is Virtual.

There's never been a better time than now. It's never been a better time for you to decide what you want to do with your unique skills, talents and capabilities to design that life that's going to be a great life for you.

I hope to see you soon!

DYLOP Virtual Workshop

Friday 6th September to 11th October, 6 week online program

The online version of DYLOP is delivered over 6 live coaching sessions, over 6 weeks. It covers all 4 modules, in the methodology, REFLECTION REVOLUTION, DREAM QUEST, DIRECTIONAL DESIGN, ANCHOR to get you well underway with your Strategic Life Map, including support mechanisms to use after. All tools and templates are provided for you as reference.

People choose this format because…

They like time to process information and percolate between sessions. The time also allows for actions to be taken between the sessions.

The DYLOP Virtual (online) Quest runs with numbers from 4-20 is a good size to create a intimate and safe space.

 DYLOP - IRL (In Real Life)

Saturday, 26th October (full day)

The 1 day workshop covers all the 4 modules in the methodology, REFLECTION REVOLUTION, DREAM QUEST, DIRECTIONAL DESIGN, ANCHOR to get you well underway with your Strategic Life Map, including support mechanisms to use after. All tools and templates are provided for you as reference.

The venue has been chosen to be inspirational and relaxing. Throughout the day nourishing and comforting food will sustain you.

People choose this format because….

They can focus on the outcome of a Strategic Life Map in the day. The one day is all about them and what they want.

The DYLOP in real life (IRL) Quest Workshop runs with numbers between 4-12 to create a intimate and safe space.



  • Reflection Revolution Preparation - Preparation before we start, reflecting on the last 12 months will prime you for change. Templates from the Reflection Revolution part of the Methodology will be shared prior to commencing.

  • 3 Month ‘Group’ Coaching - you will be surprised how much you and the group have achieved in 3 months, inspiration assured.

  • 3 Month ‘On on One’ Coaching - All about you! Focusing on you and what you need to progress your dreams

  • Invitation to attend DYLOP Coterie - Now you have graduated from DYLOP, you will be invited to the Alumni membership, where you will plan the next year, and progress your dream

one-on-one Coaching session

Customized for you and your pace - exactly what you need it to be.

Yours collaboratively, 


Christina MM 

Hidden Potential Adam Grant

It is no secret that the Incahoots Business Book Club are fans of Adam Grant.  We read “Think Again” in 2023 and are reading not one but two of his books this year, Hidden Potential and Originals (2024). 

January saw us complete the book Hidden Potential and here are my key lessons from this book.  As I will see him live (IRL baby) in Sydney on 22nd Feb, I thought it would be apt to share.  So, let’s do this… 

 Key Concepts

Absorptive capacity

I now have a term for being able to hear a new concept or idea, understand and digest it and then determine an immediate application for it.  This is exciting, as this is what I do with information all the time. 


This is when you are not ‘burnt out’ and not ‘bored out’ but somewhere in between.  I recognise this in myself often and this that this might be a stage of gathering resources to be able to take the next mountain.  I am also acutely aware when I start getting cross, I am about to take action. (Loving new terminology) 

Reinforces side hustles make you a better performer

This reinforces my learned experience.  I know that I am way better at my day job (Organisational Change) because I have a side hustle.  Side hustles get you uncomfortable and way out of your comfort zone that you need to work out how to solve which increases your creativity and problem solving.  I cannot imagine any organisation saying, ‘No thanks, we have enough creativity and problem solving here’. 

It is not where you start, but how far you go that matters

There are many constraints that are imposed or self-imposed that make doing what you dream to do difficult.  But there are also many ways to remove, go around or over those obstacles.  So, look back periodically and see how far you have come. Sure, there is a long way to go, but you have solved every problem to get you to this point now, YAY YOU! (Actually, reminding myself of this right now – as I have been thwarted by a few obstacles) 


Other fascinating items such as, the way the Finish school system creates opportunities for all and has the results to prove it, to wanting to add a degree of difficulty to life’s challenges to fully represent how far we have had to go to get where we are today, are covered as well. 

My biggest lesson, the real clanger come on the last few pages.  This is where Adam with the aid of a little cartoon exploded the imposter syndrome as a paradox. 

Imposter Syndrome

Where Imposter syndrome looks like: 

  • Others believe in you 

  • You don't believe in yourself 

  • Yet you believe yourself instead of them 

Essentially it is saying – imposter syndrome might the sign of hidden talent as the paradox: 

To sum it up, we all have Hidden Potential and there are ways to activate it in us all. 

With a call to arms that aligns to my work “the worst type of success is achieving other people’s goals. Don’t live someone else’s dream.” 


What does this mean for me? 

I think this means a few key things: 

Read/listen the book - If reading or listening is your thing, I would encourage you to have a look at this book to glean insights yourself.  Plus, there is a survey, with some fun questions that relate to Taylor Swift songs. 

Pursue you own dreams – if you are not sure what they are or just don't know how to activate them, that is where I come in.  Serendipitously, Design Your Life on Purpose Quests, delivered IRL and Virtual are coming up or we can customise the approach and the pace using Strengths Based Coaching.   

Remember the paradox – when you are stuck in the imposter syndrome spiral, flip and see it as an opportunity to explore a hidden talent. 

 DYLOP - IRL (In Real Life)

Saturday, 16th of March (full day)

The 1 day workshop covers all the 4 modules in the methodology, REFLECTION REVOLUTION, DREAM QUEST, DIRECTIONAL DESIGN, ANCHOR to get you well underway with your Strategic Life Map, including support mechanisms to use after. All tools and templates are provided for you as reference.

The venue has been chosen to be inspirational and relaxing. Throughout the day nourishing and comforting food will sustain you.

People choose this format because….

They can focus on the outcome of a Strategic Life Map in the day. The one day is all about them and what they want.

The DYLOP in real life (IRL) Quest Workshop runs with numbers between 4-12 to create a intimate and safe space.

DYLOP Virtual Workshop

11th of April to the 16th May, 6 week online program

The online version of DYLOP is delivered over 4 live coaching sessions, over 4 weeks. The first 3 sessions are 1.5 hours long and the last session 2 hours long. It covers all 4 modules, in the methodology, REFLECTION REVOLUTION, DREAM QUEST, DIRECTIONAL DESIGN, ANCHOR to get you well underway with your Strategic Life Map, including support mechanisms to use after. All tools and templates are provided for you as reference.

People choose this format because…

They like time to process information and percolate between sessions. The time also allows for actions to be taken between the sessions.

The DYLOP Virtual (online) Quest runs with numbers from 4-20 is a good size to create a intimate and safe space.



  • Reflection Revolution Preparation - Preparation before we start, reflecting on the last 12 months will prime you for change. Templates from the Reflection Revolution part of the Methodology will be shared prior to commencing.

  • 3 Month ‘Group’ Coaching - you will be surprised how much you and the group have achieved in 3 months, inspiration assured.

  • 3 Month ‘On on One’ Coaching - All about you! Focusing on you and what you need to progress your dreams

  • Invitation to attend DYLOP Coterie - Now you have graduated from DYLOP, you will be invited to the Alumni membership, where you will plan the next year, and progress your dream

one-on-one Coaching session

Customized for you and your pace - exactly what you need it to be.

Yours collaboratively, 


Christina MM 

Spark 2024

I do not have a word for the year, I have a Contextual Beacon (Puffs out chest, puts hands on hips and looks wistfully up to the left, while inspirational and uplifting music begins) 

Ok, technically I do have a single word that guides my intentions and actions for 2024, calling it a contextual beacon* gives it the gravitas it deserves. 

It is not so simple to just pick a word, serious thought and consideration needs to go into it to get the real value associated with it. 

*I first heard about when reading Dr Jason Fox’s fine books, read them all they will make you think. I was so inspired that I have been crafting one since 2016, that is how impactful it has been. 

 Contextual Beacon Process

The full process is here, which combines Jason’s wisdom and a few quirks from me. To summarise, it involves the following steps: 

  1. Reflection – reflect on the year that has been and what you want to be difference about the next year 

  2. Dream – determine what direction you are heading in the next year. This could be a combination of dreams that are massive or little dreams and even some maintenance activities like looking after your health and relationships 

  3. Get a shortlist - Now that you have a picture of what you are focusing on and what you want different to last year, brainstorm some ideas of what word captures the intent of the year ahead – hints are in the page link above 

  4. Review it – make sure the word has meaning, but not super obscure – like a character in your favourite novel, you want it to be easy to understand for you and others.   

    • Needs to feel right – you will get a sense that it is the right word, like a clunk – like something slipping exactly into place 

    • Embraces focus and opportunity grabbing 

    • What you want, not what you do not want, eg Boundaries is a negative focus, what is it you want instead – is it instead focusing on the things that light you up or self-care or choosing who or what gets to experience your energy – it should create a toward focus not an away focus 

  5. Make it visual

    • Choose a picture that helps encapsulate the meaning 

    • Put it in a place you see every day – pin board, desk, as wallpaper on phone, as crayons, as a necklace (let me know if you want this and I will share my person’s details) 

  6. Share it with trusted peeps – It is super powerful to get people who know you super well and have your back to give them the word and ask their help to keep you on track 

So, what is my contextual beacon for 2024.  The intent I have for 2024, is to create ripples of goodness in others and in myself, which means my word for 2024 is SPARK! 


You can access the free download here


If you attend the Design your life on Purpose quest – either in IRL or Virtual – this is one of the tokens, you leave the quest having achieved. It is so powerful; it is one of the 3 things that I think are critical to create a strategic life map. 

So, remember, it is not just one word for the year, but a guide and contextual beacon – give it the gravitas it deserves. 

DYLOP - IRL (In Real Life)

Saturday, 16th of March (full day)

The 1 day workshop covers all the 4 modules in the methodology, REFLECTION REVOLUTION, DREAM QUEST, DIRECTIONAL DESIGN, ANCHOR to get you well underway with your Strategic Life Map, including support mechanisms to use after. All tools and templates are provided for you as reference.

The venue has been chosen to be inspirational and relaxing. Throughout the day nourishing and comforting food will sustain you.

People choose this format because….

They can focus on the outcome of a Strategic Life Map in the day. The one day is all about them and what they want.

The DYLOP in real life (IRL) Quest Workshop runs with numbers between 4-12 to create a intimate and safe space.

DYLOP Virtual Workshop

11th of April to the 16th May, 6 week online program

The online version of DYLOP is delivered over 4 live coaching sessions, over 4 weeks. The first 3 sessions are 1.5 hours long and the last session 2 hours long. It covers all 4 modules, in the methodology, REFLECTION REVOLUTION, DREAM QUEST, DIRECTIONAL DESIGN, ANCHOR to get you well underway with your Strategic Life Map, including support mechanisms to use after. All tools and templates are provided for you as reference.

People choose this format because…

They like time to process information and percolate between sessions. The time also allows for actions to be taken between the sessions.

The DYLOP Virtual (online) Quest runs with numbers from 4-20 is a good size to create a intimate and safe space.


  • Reflection Revolution Preparation - Preparation before we start, reflecting on the last 12 months will prime you for change. Templates from the Reflection Revolution part of the Methodology will be shared prior to commencing.

  • 3 Month ‘Group’ Coaching - you will be surprised how much you and the group have achieved in 3 months, inspiration assured.

  • 3 Month ‘On on One’ Coaching - All about you! Focusing on you and what you need to progress your dreams

  • Invitation to attend DYLOP Coterie - Now you have graduated from DYLOP, you will be invited to the Alumni membership, where you will plan the next year, and progress your dream

one-on-one Coaching session

Customized for you and your pace - exactly what you need it to be.

Early Bird Special!

If you sign up before the 16th of February with the code ‘EBDYLOP’ you’ll also receive a special discount for the program.

Want to know more?

Click on this link to go to the DYLOP page to read more about it

Click on the link to a free 30 mins Unearth Possibilities

Yours Collaboratively,


Thanks for the validation HBR

Using your Strategic Thinking to Create the Life You Want? That's exactly what I do, which is nice to get it validated!

So to give you a little bit of context around this article in the Harvard Business Review. It's about using your Strategic Thinking skills that you'd use in an organisation to design your life. This is exactly what Design Your Life on Purpose seeks to achieve, where we craft a wholistic Strategic Life Map to answer the question - now what?

Strategic Thinking in Design Your Life on Purpose (DYLOP)

I agree with the HBR article in that everyone is unique, so you can decide what success looks like in your life.

I think focusing on you is infinitely more important than some of the stuff that we do in work. I know work creates a very real sense of well-being and contribution to society but we really need to put that same amount of attention to your life. One of favourite pieces of feedback that I've had from my program is that 'You can't decide your career direction until you've decided your life direction'.

Very true! - stuff I agree with

Another point of overlap that DYLOP has to the article is we've got a very similar approach the steps involved - even the name is uncannily similar! They call it ‘Strategise Your Life’, I say that you end up with a Strategic Life Map. They also agree that often it's triggered by a life event. The kids could go to uni, or you could have been made redundant. It can sometimes just be that never ending march of time where you start thinking ‘I really think I need to do something different than what I'm doing now’.

Umm! - Stuff I disagree with

Now with what I disagree with. In the beginning of the article it talks about taking just a few hours. I find that a little bit doubtful for a couple of reasons.

Firstly, if this is the first time you've done this then your brain's going to take a moment to get into this new frame of thinking. This is hard work and so it's going to take you a little moment to get there. I feel that there's some assumed pre-work happening here. Doing a yearly review of past activity or past results is needed to get foundations in place to make informed decisions.

Secondly, I disagree with the setting of Objectives and Key Results (OKR's). I understand the reasons why organisations put them in, I often find that they can feel a bit burdensome, especially when you're exploring different things that you want to do with your life. It can feel a bit too much like work and cause you to feel like you've got no separation between the two. From a neuroscience perspective having the OKR's can feel like we're constantly failing until we fulfil the success criteria, which can cause a downward spiral of our self-esteem and thinking patterns. My method still generates actions it's just in a very different way.

DYLOP - Constantly improving

What I really liked was there was some really nice builds mentioned in the article. Getting more explicit about having the end in mind, it's there in the DYLOP program but it's probably a little bit more subtle. I've come to the same conclusion myself to sort of ‘amp’ that up more recently.

I really like the models of measurement that they've got there as well the PERMA-V from Martin Seligman's work on Flourish, the SLA or the Strategic Life Areas - it's a whole lot like the life wheel with a lot more detail to it.

Most importantly -

this is what I am proud of!

I'm proud that I managed to come to the same conclusion as arguably some of the best consultant companies in the world (BCG - Boston Consulting Group). So yay brain!

I did this without a research team behind me, it's just me that worked all of this out.

It also took me around about 10 years, and it took BCG around about the same time. They ultimately reached the same premise that I had that - if you work strategically with corporates it's extremely translatable to mapping out those same practices to your personal life.

Yours Collaboratively, 


REady to go?

Book in for your free 30 min session to explore possibilities!


Items just for you…. 

  1. Book in for a free 30 mins possibilities exploration 

  2. Read more books - join the free Incahoots Business Book Club 

  3. Create a Strategic Life Map, moving you from directionless to purposeful in your career/life (Design Your Life on Purpose

  4. Unleash your uniqueness by knowing your Clifton strengths 

Items for you and your team… 

  1. Book me as a Guest speaker 

  2. Work incahoots to design and deliver an outcome focused workshop 

  3. Strengthen your Strategy by aligning your team’s strengths to your strategy

What's next for Incahoots Business Book Club

Thank you for those that could make the first for 2024 Incahoots Business Book club - where we reviewed Hidden Potential By Adam Grant.

Some things people loved and found interesting were; the Finish school education program, languishing (between burnout and bore out) and finally that learning style is not backed by scientific research!

The biggest impact for me was on the last page around the paradox of Imposter Syndrome!

  • Others believe in you

  • You don’t believe in you

  • Yet, You believe yourself above others

Boom - cue paradox!

Or as Adam states a sign of Hidden Potential (see what he did there).

The team rated it at 4.8/5 overall!

If you are curious, I would suggest adding it to your list

So What Is Next?

Next up for our reading pleasure is Quiet by Susan Cain.

Personally I love the cover all white and the text raised, I love the raised text. It already feels calm.

Better Together?

Now is the absolute best time to get involved in BBC, still 5 books to go to the end of the year.  If you missed talking about Adam Grant we have a bonus book, later in the year. Follow the link below to get all the details.

Next session for BBC 

When you sign up to BBC all sessions are automagically added to your calendar for the next date.

If you’re thinking about signing up our next session will on the following date.

Date: Tuesday 26 March 2024 

Time: 6-7pm ADST 

Remaining Books for 2024 

Last year we collectively voted on the books for 2024 and we’ve still got plenty of exciting titles to go! Now is the perfect time to join us, ready to join in on all the interesting dicussions.

Yours Collaboratively,

Christina MM

Chief Possibilities Encourager

Is 2024 your year?

You might be in one of two camps at this time of year:

You might be thinking ‘I'm struggling to get to the end of the year so I can't even think about 2024’.

You might also be thinking ‘I don't just want to have another 2023 - I want something completely different!’

Or you might be feeling both - life so confusing!

If you want to move from directionless to purposeful and make 2024 better in whatever way or shape that might look like then I’m excited to announce the following program dates for next year.

Contained within

  • an explanation of the DYLOP Quest and its adventurous components

  • dates for the DYLOP Quest and options for attending

  • details on how you can find out more

  • quick Vid from me explaining it all

    Read on my pretties!

DYLOP Virtual Workshop

11th of April to the 16th May, 6 week online program

The online version of DYLOP is delivered over 4 live coaching sessions, over 4 weeks. The first 3 sessions are 1.5 hours long and the last session 2 hours long. It covers all 4 modules, in the methodology, REFLECTION REVOLUTION, DREAM QUEST, DIRECTIONAL DESIGN, ANCHOR to get you well underway with your Strategic Life Map, including support mechanisms to use after. All tools and templates are provided for you as reference.

People choose this format because…

They like time to process information and percolate between sessions. The time also allows for actions to be taken between the sessions.

The DYLOP Virtual (online) Quest runs with numbers from 4-20 is a good size to create a intimate and safe space.


  • Reflection Revolution Preparation - Preparation before we start, reflecting on the last 12 months will prime you for change. Templates from the Reflection Revolution part of the Methodology will be shared prior to commencing.

  • 3 Month ‘Group’ Coaching - you will be surprised how much you and the group have achieved in 3 months, inspiration assured.

  • 3 Month ‘On on One’ Coaching - All about you! Focusing on you and what you need to progress your dreams

  • Invitation to attend DYLOP Coterie - Now you have graduated from DYLOP, you will be invited to the Alumni membership, where you will plan the next year, and progress your dream

one-on-one Coaching session

Customized for you and your pace - exactly what you need it to be.

What is Design Your Life on Purpose?

So you might be wondering ‘what is this design your life on purpose quest’ and what does that mean?

The Design Your Life on Purpose quest has been developed over 10 years using elements from my own research. The inspiration for the program came when I left a gig that was quite demoralizing and I knew I needed a shake-up.

I've tested it not only on myself but also on on coaching clients to make sure everything works perfectly. At the end of the program you'll end up crafting a strategic life map which will give you a guide for the next 12 months.

The 4 Adventures


This is about conducting a review of the last 12 months and looking at what has worked and what could do with a tweak.  Different templates generate different thinking.  Generally, this leaves people a little disturbed, ready to work out what to do next.

It is called a revolution, because reflection is something people do not spend a lot of time on, in the instant gratification world. However, reflecting will allow you to see past the now and immediate and determine if you see a trend, or help steer you in a different direction. You need to be really quiet to hear what your heart desires. This creates a kind of “As Is” view of your life right now.


Remember when you were a child and you were encouraged to dream, explore your mind and be really curious.  Slowly this skill gets overtaken by responsibility, standardised tests and trying to fit into society’s moulds.  But, how can you design a life that you truly desire, if you do not spend time in a dreaming state – otherwise what are you designing a life towards?

Dreamers are the ones that make the impossible, seem completely doable.  Your dreaming might not do that initially, but it will open your mind and unearth possibilities you can them explore further.  Dreaming allows you to preview an alternative future and is rather critical to designing your life.  The dream portion, starts to build that “To Be” version of your life.

Once we have a big juicy list of dreams to pursue we need to design an actual plan, a Strategic Life Map for the year ahead, in 2 stages.


You now know what is not so right about now, but know what you want to retain and you have a sense of where your dreams are. Then let’s get into action!  The designing stage is where the rubber hits the road, this is where you take the first 2 stages and literally map out what you will do in the coming year.  

 This is where you start to plot out the year ahead and what can happen when, catering for all the BIG’s that also happen in your life, birthdays, anniversaries etc.  Sounds simple?  It requires some decision making on what to focus on and what to defer to another year. We take into consideration the BIG’s that are also happening in people’s lives, e.g. milestone events, finishing a course, big or little birthdays (all birthdays are important, the number that makes them big or little, but always significant).

This is where the bulk of the Strategic Life Map takes shape.


We have a design now, so we are almost there.  Now we concentrate on what will set you up for success.  What are the support mechanisms you can put in place that will mean you are more likely to achieve your dreams?  What items will help anchor you to your strategic life map and help you make decisions and refocus, when life happens.

What processes and habits can you put in place to prevent slip ups or to assist with success?

Want to know more?

Click on this link to go to the DYLOP page to read more about it

Click on the link to a free 30 mins Unearth Possibilities

Yours Collaboratively,


Incahoots Business Book Club - 2023 favourites & reading list for 2024

The BBC was started with the goal of reading more interesting books each year while discussing them with friends. It's designed to be no pressure, and NOT another burden, in already cray, cray times.

In 2023 we had several very interesting reads.  Below are the two favourites ‘Think Again’ and ‘Power’ as voted by our members.

Presenting the Best in Show

Revealing the Books for 2024 

As a group we recently voted on the books for 2024 and the numbers are now in! Now is the perfect time to join us, ready to make a start on next year's list.

Better together

Now is the absolute best time to get involved in BBC, as new fresh year, with new fresh reads.  So, if you have a buddy who might be interested, direct them here and they can get in on the action. 

Yours Collaboratively,


Christina MM

Chief Possibilities Encourager

Who Says? I am too old

Age is not the barrier you might think it is, check out these more mature peeps, Ronni Kahn, Pete Murray, Jan Logan and Ita Buttrose.  These are just 4 people who did something “later” in life and have been very successful. 

Who says your crazy idea might not be exactly what the world needs?  Regardless of how young or old you are. 

 Today we look at 4 people that could have stopped, but in fact made a significant contribution “later” in life. 


Ronni Kahn is the founder of OZ Harvest (Australia’s largest Food rescue association) and started this at the age of 52.  I imagine her and all the people that they help (36,033,021 meals delivered in 2021) are glad she didn’t think she was too old.  She has changed an entire industry and in fact created a new one for food rescue and diverted 9,456,673 kgs from landfill. 

Pete Murray is a musician, and you might be thinking old, what the?  He became a serious musician into his thirties.  Shocking I know!  In an industry where if you haven’t had major success by mid to late 20s, you give up, this is unusual.  Pete only started learning guitar at 22, he didn't think he was too old, actually, he did.  He was convinced by other musos and has had 3 albums that have achieved Platinum status on the ARIA Charts (Australian Recording Industry Association) as a result.  

Jan Logan started her jewellery business at age 50.  She had her kids and decided she needed something else in her life (see this article about a country girl to design icon).  The designs are just divine and I often lust over them.  Thank goodness she didn't think she was too old. 

Finally, everyone’s favourite, Ita Buttrose.  A very formidable women, having worked in Magazines and Newspapers, when they were male chauvinistic bastions, Ita was invited and accepted the chair of the ABC at the age of 77.  She did not think she was too old. 


The above people ignored the people who said, “you are too old” and just went ahead and did it anyway.  The above are very public examples of the people who refused to let age be a barrier.  I am sure if you looked around you, you could find loads more.

So, what does this mean for you? 

Do not let age be a barrier to you.  I want you to do the thing you have been avoiding, thinking it was not right or odd.  You are not too old.  It is doable.  Ignore the naysayers and go do your thing.

Share your amazing thing and be amazed at what you can do, regardless of how old or young you are 


Yours Collaboratively, 



Book in for your free 30 min session to explore possibilities!


Items just for you…. 

  1. Book in for a free 30 mins possibilities exploration 

  2. Read more books - join the free Incahoots Business Book Club 

  3. Create a Strategic Life Map, moving you from directionless to purposeful in your career/life (Design Your Life on Purpose

  4. Unleash your uniqueness by knowing your Clifton strengths 

Items for you and your team… 

  1. Book me as a Guest speaker 

  2. Work incahoots to design and deliver an outcome focused workshop 

  3. Strengthen your Strategy by aligning your team’s strengths to your strategy

Who Says? You cannot turn waste into….

Who says?  

Design your Life on Purpose – who says series – is about looking at amazing crazy ideas. 

In this who says series we look at people who looked at waste and decided, it was not waste at all, but an incredibly valuable resource that could be used to create something beautiful. 

Let’s run through a couple of examples: 

Chop Value

There is the company in North America (Canada) that takes used chopsticks and converts them into products that can be used again and again.  Chopsticks are used once and then discarded, often within 30 mins.  They treat the chopsticks and smash them together to create chopping boards and other cool things.  They had to invent machinery to perform the functions they wanted and are the first circular economy business that has franchises



Takes old blankets and converts them into water bottle covers.  They have that lovely nostalgic feel and are cosy to boot.  A very simple way to repurpose, rather than discard. @chooktopia



Five Mile Radius

This company turns construction waste into bespoke Terrazzo benchtops and tables.  Based in Brisbane they are reinventing construction waste.


So, what does this mean for you?

Just because everyone is going one way, you can choose to go an entirely different direction.  I want you to do the thing you have been avoiding, thinking it was not right or odd.  It is doable.  Ignore the naysayers and go do your thing. 

I will be the cheerleader for your craziness.   

You can get started with just a little bit of time each week.  Even 1 hour a week will get you started.  At the very least you will understand if this is for you or not.


Book in for your free 30 min session to explore possibilities!


Items just for you…. 

  1. Book in for a free 30 mins possibilities exploration 

  2. Read more books - join the free Incahoots Business Book Club 

  3. Create a Strategic Life Map, moving you from directionless to purposeful in your career/life (Design Your Life on Purpose

  4. Unleash your uniqueness by knowing your Clifton strengths 

Items for you and your team… 

  1. Book me as a Guest speaker 

  2. Work incahoots to design and deliver an outcome focused workshop 

  3. Strengthen your Strategy by aligning your team’s strengths to your strategy

Who Says? You cannot design an entire supply chain to be responsible

Who says your crazy idea might not be exactly what the world needs?

Design your Life on Purpose – who says series – is about looking at what amazing crazy ideas have been done, so why not yours?

Today we look at Elk the Label – who designed their entire supply chain to be more ethically and environmentally responsible.

Elk has been around for a while & design cool and funky jewellery & bags.  I have an insane amount. 

On a routine visit to their suppliers, they were not happy with what was happening, from both a worker and environmental perspective.

So, they put in the work, a tonne of work, to design & change their entire supply chain process to be more ethically and environmentally responsible.  They could have just explained it away, ‘that is the way it happens in this country etc, it is a local cultural item and not within my ability to change’.  Thankfully, they did not do that, they knew it was not good enough and they rolled up their preverbal sleeves and started to get to fix it.

They ignored the people who said, it was just retail and could not be done and just went ahead and did it.

Here is a little video I recorded earlier.

So, what does this mean for you?

I want you to do the thing you have been avoiding, thinking it was not right or odd.  It is doable.  Ignore the naysayers and go do your thing.

I will be the cheerleader for your craziness.  

You can get started with just a little bit of time each week.  Even 1 hour a week will get you started.  At the very least you will understand if this is for you or not.  

To get your set up for that 1 hour a week – come along to the next Design your Life On Purpose workshop.  You will get a wholistic strategic life map, that will cater for your personal circumstances.  All the detail here.

Yours collaboratively,

Christina MM


Book in for your free 30 min session to explore possibilities!


Items just for you…. 

  1. Book in for a free 30 mins possibilities exploration 

  2. Read more books - join the free Incahoots Business Book Club 

  3. Create a Strategic Life Map, moving you from directionless to purposeful in your career/life (Design Your Life on Purpose

  4. Unleash your uniqueness by knowing your Clifton strengths 

Items for you and your team… 

  1. Book me as a Guest speaker 

  2. Work incahoots to design and deliver an outcome focused workshop 

  3. Strengthen your Strategy by aligning your team’s strengths to your strategy

How to not let a major life event define you?

Here is something about me I don’t often share with people. 

I have had breast cancer three times, if you include once in each breast and then the double mastectomy and reconstruction. 

I don’t share it, not because I am embarrassed or trying to avoid sympathy. I don't share because I think this is the least interesting thing about me.  I do not want to be defined by having breast cancer, or in fact any of my medical issues (Ankylosing Spondylitis). 

It is important not to diminish the journey that myself and others that have been through.  Mine was very treatable and I am very thankful for the great outcome I have had through my treatment.  It is not a trivial matter at all and can be extremely devastating for many people and their families.   

 When people find out, they generally ask two questions: 

  • Are you going to slow down now? 

  • Was this the inspiration for Design Your Life on Purpose? 

These are good, sensible questions.  The answer to both those question is no. 

The catalyst for Design Your Life on Purpose started well over 10 years ago, when I left a truly horrible gig and wondered if that was really what I wanted to do with my life.

For me, my cancer diagnosis made me want to accelerate my plans, not slow them down.  I felt a more compelling reason to get cracking.  Of course, this did not happen straight away, as I needed to heal and manage the normal day to day while going through treatment.

Firstly, and most importantly, if a major life event has happened to you, it is important take whatever time you need.  Take as long as you need and do what you need to get you through this time.  Overcoming a diagnosis like this is an incredible thing, as even hearing the word cancer, certainly throws you off balance.

If you already have a Strategic Life Map, then work out if there is anything you can do now or whether you need to defer everything.  There is no shame in deferring, as you have enough to deal with right now.  I find items such as planning or researching can be achieved in very small increments of time.  Having something to look forward to can also be helpful, even if the time when it occurs is not defined.

If you don’t have a Strategic Life Map, I encourage you to get acquainted with the 2 Superpowers of Reflection Revolution and Dream Quest (insert link).  Take it easy, as it might trigger unwanted feelings, especially if your prognosis is less favourable.  Recording how you are feeling day to day in a journal will help get those thoughts and feelings out of your head.  I also encourage you to write all the things you are grateful for, it could be as simple as clean sheets or grilled cheese on toast. 

When you are ready and back on the road to recovery.  Take some time to reflect on your past life and what areas for improvement you might make with Reflection Revolution.  Then start to explore what your life could be through Dream Quest.  Both steps are essential for you to create a Strategic Life Map and to Design your Life on Purpose. 

Once you know where you are heading, you can start by taking small safe bets.  Each step will inform the next one and open up plenty of possibilities for you.  Be kind to yourself along the way, as no-one needs the ‘critical hag’ (or whatever you call that inner critic) at a time like this. 


I must admit this has been one of the hardest posts to write.  I am very conscious of not wanting to make people feel their circumstances are insignificant compared to my personal experience.  Balancing with the fact that even something as super scary as cancer, can help drive you forward to a future of your heart’s desire.   

My intention is to offer advice and encouragement, without judgement.  I hope that was achieved.  I have felt compelled to write this for a while and am glad to be able to talk about it.   

My last treatment was in 2017.  I am hanging out for the 5 year mark to be given the final all clear.  I am hesitant to say that because the last time I got to 4 years, they found another lump, hence bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction. 

The major life event does not have to be a negative one, having a baby, one of the most joyful moments in life, is life changing.  (There you go unrelenting sense of positivity)

So, why am I telling you this?

Regardless of what is happening in your life, the choice if yours.  The choice as to what attitude to adopt, the choice as to what action to take, the choice to decide if this defines you or does not. 

Good and bad things happen every day.  You are in the driver’s seat of your life, and you can decide what it will mean for you, or whether it means something or not.

If the time is right for you, I encourage you to come to my program - Design Your Life on Purpose – where you can create a Strategic Life Map, that suits you and your circumstances.


Yours Collaboratively, 



Book in for your free 30 min session to explore possibilities!


Items just for you…. 

  1. Book in for a free 30 mins possibilities exploration 

  2. Read more books - join the free Incahoots Business Book Club 

  3. Create a Strategic Life Map, moving you from directionless to purposeful in your career/life (Design Your Life on Purpose

  4. Unleash your uniqueness by knowing your Clifton strengths 

Items for you and your team… 

  1. Book me as a Guest speaker 

  2. Work incahoots to design and deliver an outcome focused workshop 

  3. Strengthen your Strategy by aligning your team’s strengths to your strategy

What is unique about DYLOP?

What is different? 

Unique is one of those loaded words to use to describe yourself or your course.  On the one hand you cannot say you are entirely unique, as you have built your material on the back of other people’s hard work, as these fine artists say. 


Steal Like an Artist” - Austin Kleon and many artists before him say

The only art I study is stuff I can steal from” - David Bowie

Art is theft” - Pablo Picasso 


Then on the other hand your unique combination of genes, life experience, your upbringing and natural skills, means you and the DYLOP course will be unique.  Below are 3 reasons that will help add substance to this existentialism.

What is indeed unique about Design Your Life on Purpose (DYLOP)? 

  • It combines Organisational Change Management (OCM) with Personal Coaching 

  • It is wholistic – treating you as a whole human being with responsibilities and everything 

  • It has been developed over 7 years and way over $77,000 has been invested, so you do not need to  


Combines Organisational Change Management and Personal Coaching 

DYLOP combines two areas of knowledge and expertise Organisational Change Management (OCM) and Personal Coaching.   

Organisational Change Management (OCM) is the ability to move an organisation from current situation to future desired situation.  It can be a part of the organisation or the whole organisation.  It is super fun and challenging at times, but you learn a lot about people and their reaction to change. 

There are skills, techniques and strategies that you use to help people move through change.  Changed viewed at 50,000 feet assumes that you are moving the whole organisation as one, when in fact each person needs to choose to change.  So, you need to appeal to the masses and to each individual at the same time. 

I have been doing OCM for some time (over 20 years), in different organisations, industries and types of change, e.g system, cultural, process, compliance change.  Applying the same skills and techniques and strategies, adapted for each organisation and its unique needs.  That translates to an understanding of change as it applies to different industries, different work cultures, different demographics and basically every version of humans you can think of.  That is some deep knowledge. Here are some stats to really talk to the magnitude: 

  • 22 Organisations 

  • 37 Projects/Programs 

  • 3,600 Workshop attendees 

  • 75,000 People impacted by the implemented changes 

  • Development of 105 Organisational Change Management strategies 


Personal Coaching is where you work with people one on one to help them create change towards a desired future aspect of their life state.  Inevitably in every organisational change, you will also need to do personal coaching, from how to sell the change people, who are passively or actively resisting. 

I love collaborating with individuals who want to do something different, whatever that different is. 

Some of my techniques and strategies are different to Organisational Change Management and some the same.  Early on in my Org Change Career, I realised that coaching skills would help me be better and I would be a better coach, as a result of my organisational change management skills. 

Both organisational and individual change draws on aspects of positive psychology, Neuroscience, personal productivity, strategy, human centred design, facilitation, project management and governance and a host of other fields and skills.  Pulling together the right combination for an organisation or this individual is what makes it super fun. 


It is Wholistic

DYLOP is a wholistic approach to your life, treating you as whole human being.  Your family or personal circumstances will absolutely affect where you can place your energy and time.   

This is not just about a new career it needs to be deeper than that.  So, it works with where you are and what you have right now.  Once the course is complete, even 1 hour a week will continue to move you forward towards your dreams.  It does not matter if you are working full time, part time, just getting by or in your dream job, it suits all.

My Investment – so you do not have to

I cannot remember a time when I was not looking at ways to improve.  It started to crystallise when I started working in organisations.  I now know that what I attributed to constructive discontent is actually an inherent talent called “maximiser” (see more about strengths at Clifton’s Strength Assessment).  I am always looking at ways to be a better human, and to get more from this life, a burning desire to leave a legacy. 

Over the last 10 years alone – when I started working on DYLOP in earnest (not that is was called that at the time) – I have invested well over $9,500 per year (or around $77,000 and counting).   


Why am I telling you this?

I am telling you this, so you do not have to invest as much.  I have distilled what is good and jettisoned what does not work.   

If I have a technique or knowledge that might help someone, I share it.  Sharing works best when it is relevant and applicable to the person at that time.  When it is adapted to suit a person or an organisation, then it becomes a collaboration, creatively solving problems to create a desired future state.  That is why my company is called Incahoots – I work “in-cahoots” with you and/or your organisation for a better tomorrow


The culmination of this investment, hit me in 2020, when I was asked to share my yearly planning process with friends.  My Word for 2020 was Forge – it was about making this work enduring, when DYLOP was forged.   

2 years in, we have a greatly improved process and modules that set up and support people to create a Strategic Life Map for the next year and beyond. 


Bottom Line is… I know CHANGE. I know how to plan for change, how to start change, how to adjust change in progress, how to track change and how to embed change.   

When you attend a DYLOP program you will be gaining the collective wisdom, that has been condensed and distilled from over 20 years of experience, from both Organisational Change Management and Personal Coaching.  You are getting the research, and investment to designing your desired future state.  You are getting a wholistic approach that is focused uniquely, on you, your personal Strategic Life Map that suits you and no one else. 


Yours Collaboratively, 



Book in for your free 30 min session to explore possibilities!


Items just for you…. 

  1. Book in for a free 30 mins possibilities exploration 

  2. Read more books - join the free Incahoots Business Book Club 

  3. Create a Strategic Life Map, moving you from directionless to purposeful in your career/life (Design Your Life on Purpose

  4. Unleash your uniqueness by knowing your Clifton strengths 

Items for you and your team… 

  1. Book me as a Guest speaker 

  2. Work incahoots to design and deliver an outcome focused workshop 

  3. Strengthen your Strategy by aligning your team’s strengths to your strategy

When is the best time to “Create your Fate”?

I remember a number of years ago working with someone that would deliver the most engaging and entertaining project management courses.  They would be multi day and off site in sunny Queensland (oh what fun – those were the days).

Rob had this uncanny ability to include to use movies like Indiana Jones and a whole heap of cool movie references and relate them to Project Management.  I admired the heck out of that skill.

I am pleased to inform you lovely peeps, I have officially been given the gift to do the same as Rob.  I wonder if it is when you land on “THE ONE”.  Not as a romantic partner, but the one business idea that you just seem to connect to, which seems to then connect to literally everything you can think of. 

I was listening to Frankie Goes to Hollywood (yes, I am that young and have wonderful taste in music – thanks) and one of the lyrics was “Everybody Create your Fate”, from the song The Only Star in Heaven.  When I made the connection to Design Your Life on Purpose I was stoked and could not wait to share my wisdom with you. 

Is there a point to this nostalgia, Christina?

Yes, yes there is.  You might be wondering if there is a better time to “create your fate”.  Should it be a calendar year thing, financial year thing or some other milestone that gives you the ultimate “creating your fate” buzz. 

The answer is….. more complicated than a simple reductive answer. 


While I do harp on about starting NOW, as even the smallest step will reveal so much for you to decide next and subsequent steps.  Even if, and often especially, if it is a misstep.  Missteps can be amazing ways to learn more and what direction to take next. 

What you need to do is decide when is right for YOU. 

To aid you on your quest, here are two options: 

  1. Have a look at the questions below and see if you see change in your future 

  2. Reflect on where you are now and whether now is the right time to “create your fate or later.

    If you projected forward to 12 months from now and you were in exactly the same situation, how would you feel? What about the next 6 months? 

Are there major life decisions that have to dealt with in the short term – 3-6 months? Things like a major health issue, domestic issues, or mental health issues.

Are you in a place to be able to make changes to your life, even small ones to move you closer to the life you want? 

Are you ‘over’ where you are now and want to change it?  Even if you do not know what those changes are? 

Are you ready to start investing in yourself and what you want from life, rather than doing for everyone else? 

 Are you the person who laments not taking action on something, when you could? 


Change does not happen, when all the planets align or when everything is put into just the perfect place, ready for you to accept. 

I think you should make the move just before you are ready or when you are ready.  I believe that you will know when that time is for you. 

I have one client who had a terrible time a few years ago, stuck in Australia during Covid and her Dad passed away in India.  She was keen to go on my course, but was not ready, with everything else she was dealing with.  She honoured her situation and what she needed to do.   

I have another client who attended my course, literally 1 week, after giving birth. 

You will know when is the right time for you to “Create your Fate”.  Don't let some silly date in some calendar decide when it is right for you – you will know.   

When you do decide I hope I get the pleasure of guiding you on that journey.

Yours Collaboratively,

Christina MM


Book in for your free 30 min session to explore possibilities!


Items just for you…. 

  1. Book in for a free 30 mins possibilities exploration 

  2. Read more books - join the free Incahoots Business Book Club 

  3. Create a Strategic Life Map, moving you from directionless to purposeful in your career/life (Design Your Life on Purpose

  4. Unleash your uniqueness by knowing your Clifton strengths 

Items for you and your team… 

  1. Book me as a Guest speaker 

  2. Work incahoots to design and deliver an outcome focused workshop 

  3. Strengthen your Strategy by aligning your team’s strengths to your strategy

When is the right time to plan?

When you are ready or need to. 

I know that seems like the most flippant answer in the world, but it is very true.

The normal; calendar year has markers that seem to indicate that NOW is the right time to plan your Strategic Life Map or strategy (if a Corporate) 

Personally, I plan my Strategic Life Map for the next 12 months and beyond in November.  I have found with Christmas and my birthday in early January, if I do not have my plan sorted, it is like around Feb/March before I really start.  I have learnt over the last 7 years of creating my Strategic Life Map, that it is the best time for me. 

The other Gregorian calendar markers: 

  • Brand Spanking New Year 

  • Each Quarter 

  • Beginning or end of each Month 

But you can literally start on a Weds in the middle of May.   

For my Corporate clients the best time to plan could be…. 

  • When you have your full team on board or new team members 

  • With an acquisition or merger 

  • Post a crisis or to plan a change in direction. 


Planning myth busters 


Ok, this one I find a little odd (raise the one eyebrow odd), because it is a plan, not a tattoo.  You can change your mind, if this is not what you want to do once you have more information.  Literally a plan, not concrete and can change. 

Once you have clarity about what you are doing, it’s much easier to rally troops, and assistance if you know what you are focusing on.  If you are really worried that you will get stuck on a plan, that is not working.  Set some time to review, whether it is working or not 1 month in. 


If you want to sure, and some plans do require much more focus and detail to track progress.  But your plan does not need to be especially detailed.  It can have a focus per quarter or month.  It can even have a for the next month I am going to do X and then evaluate what to do next – stage gate it, simple. 

My Strategic Life Map is a drawing I create of my focus areas, a mindmap and then 12 boxes drawn with where my focus will be over the year. 



Have you ever looked a purchasing something and then you see if it everywhere?  Think before the internet seemed to track your eyeballs and thoughts and represented you with advertising.  Think of the example of looking at buying a new car and all of a sudden you see them everywhere. 

This is called Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon or Frequency Illusion or Bias, the same thing happens when you create a plan.  You have said to your brain, this is where I am focusing and low and behold you start to see all these opportunities that you did not see before, like magic. 


I find planning calming for when I feel overwhelmed by what is coming up or what I want to get done.  By visually displaying it, it is much easier for me to make decisions and what I can and more importantly cannot fit in.  I have precious little time (like we all do) and I want to make sure that time is focused on what I want out of this glorious life. 

I hope I have convinced you that planning is a helpful thing to have in your life and that having your own Strategic Life Map or Strategic Plan is a worthwhile exercise. 

Come along to my next Design Your Life on Purpose program to get your very own Strategic Life Map. 


Yours Collaboratively 



Book in for your free 30 min session to explore possibilities!


Items just for you…. 

  1. Book in for a free 30 mins possibilities exploration 

  2. Read more books - join the free Incahoots Business Book Club 

  3. Create a Strategic Life Map, moving you from directionless to purposeful in your career/life (Design Your Life on Purpose

  4. Unleash your uniqueness by knowing your Clifton strengths 

Items for you and your team… 

  1. Book me as a Guest speaker 

  2. Work incahoots to design and deliver an outcome focused workshop 

  3. Strengthen your Strategy by aligning your team’s strengths to your strategy

Why Hindsight is 20/20 and how the real world works?

Like anyone, I get really inspired by people’s “this is how I made it stories”.  I find them really interesting and engaging to watch the hero move away from zero and toward success they can be proud of.

The trick though, is it is not a “recipe” or a “formula”. Their personalities, technology, worlds view and situation will all be very different to yours so you cannot follow it step by step and get the same results.

The interesting thing, if we ask them to predict their next 6 steps in their career and business, I bet they would struggle to tell you the first one or two.  I am not being critical, as I would struggle as well.  

When you look backwards, you can see the connections, the steps that led from this to that.  The reason there is a saying about hindsight having 20/20 vision is because it all seems clear and logical when you look back.  The decisions have already been made and connections and steps on the path are very clear.  However, when they were standing at a cross road and deciding to go one way or another, they could not see what one way would produce and what it would not.

So, what do you do instead?

What you do is take one step forward, using a Strategic Life Map you have designed that suits you and your circumstances.  Think of it like entering a car park with environmentally friendly lighting.  You take your first step forward and some lights come on, you take another step and more lights come on.  Change direction and a different set of lights comes on. Designing your life is exactly like that.  You take one step forward in the area/s you want to work on and another step will be revealed.

What are you talking about?

Let me demonstrate with my story.  I left a particularly horrid change gig and spent the best part of 3 months staring at the television, trying to process my thoughts.  The hilarious part is that it was a poisonous organisation and I should have left after 6 months not 2 years later.  In fact, they did me a favour, not that I knew it at the time.

It was funnily enough then that the Design your Life on Journey started, but I only realised that recently when I drew my “how did I get here” journey.

I started a side hustle called Yellow & Co (design business eg t-shirts) when I was at the above horrid gig.  It was a chance to indulge my love of merch, which I learnt a stack out of as part of the process, and still design t-shirts, jewellery in my design book.

Side Hustle number 2 - Ideas Coach.

I am very good at generating ideas and helping people see differently about circumstances and next steps, - so Ideas Coach made sense.  There were fabulous elements to this as well, including my Idea Café, Like eHarmony for entrepreneurs and services that can help them.  It almost became a Vivid workshop, except I did not have any executional evidence to back my fabulous idea. I still learnt a lot and apply some of the principle I established for Design your Life.

A course here and there meant that I niched to Musicians and you know what, I authored a book – Working Your Mojo for Musicians.  While the few musicians I worked with loved it, it was not the right market for me, despite the fact I am also obsessed with music.

So where to from here…

A few more courses and navel gazing.

You know what I am exceptional at - Change.  Every year for 7-10 years I create a Strategic Life Map of what I am going to focus on personally, and professionally.  I have created tools and templates and processes that I know work, because I have tried them on myself, and people I coached or worked with in Corporate gigs, over and over.

But Design your Life is more than a plan, it is a curated experience.  If I had not done Yellow and Co, I would not know how to get the best merch, If I had not started Ideas Coach, I would not have experience at generating ideas at pace and volume.  If I had not of written a book for the wrong audience, with some right content, I would not have worked out how to do Design your Life.

Looking back all the steps are connected and make sense, when I started on each path, there was no connection and no grand plan, just a Strategic Life Map for the next year and what I was keen to explore. 

So, what does this mean for you?

Save yourself the time of following the “do it my way” mantra.  Use it for inspiration sure, but decide what you want your perfect life to be.  Don't waste time doing all the crazy research I did, as I have done it for you.  Let me guide you on a wholistic Strategic Life Map that suits you and only you perfectly.

Yours Collaboratively,

Christina MM


Book in for your free 30 min session to explore possibilities!


Items just for you…. 

  1. Book in for a free 30 mins possibilities exploration 

  2. Read more books - join the free Incahoots Business Book Club 

  3. Create a Strategic Life Map, moving you from directionless to purposeful in your career/life (Design Your Life on Purpose

  4. Unleash your uniqueness by knowing your Clifton strengths 

Items for you and your team… 

  1. Book me as a Guest speaker 

  2. Work incahoots to design and deliver an outcome focused workshop 

  3. Strengthen your Strategy by aligning your team’s strengths to your strategy

Design on Your life on purpose program March intake

Is 2023 your year? 

The Design Your Life on Purpose program is starting it’s next intake!

Two different delivery options are on offer both starting in March, a 1 day workshop or a 4 week online version. While anytime is the right time to start designing your life, earlier in the year feels like the right time for many and is the best way to make the most of 2023 calendar year.

Each program has a limit of 6 people, so I can customise the delivery to give the greatest attention to your needs.

I am very proud of the Design Your Life on Purpose program and the way it is uniquely curated and individualised for any circumstances or individual. To find out more details click the button below!

Yours Collaboratively, 



Items just for you…. 

  1. Book in for a free 30 mins possibilities exploration 

  2. Read more books - join the free Incahoots Business Book Club 

  3. Create a Strategic Life Map, moving you from directionless to purposeful in your career/life (Design Your Life on Purpose

  4. Unleash your uniqueness by knowing your Clifton strengths 

Items for you and your team… 

  1. Book me as a Guest speaker 

  2. Work incahoots to design and deliver an outcome focused workshop 

  3. Strengthen your Strategy by aligning your team’s strengths to your strategy

Origins - How did this start?

This could be called – How did I get here? Or way funner – Origins – like X Files Origins. 

The how did I get here – relates to the Designing Your Life On Purpose course.   

It all began way back when, I left a really horrible gig with a horrible client.  I felt it kind of eroding my self-esteem, even my sense of self-worth, I'm sure many people can relate.  I just I wasn't the same person when I was on that gig and I really needed to take the time to sort through my thinking of what it is that I actually wanted to do.  


Was I even good at this?  Was this the sort of stuff that I wanted to do?   

To investigate what I should do, the real analysis, I looked around to see what was out on the market.   That would help me answer the question - What could I possibly do? What course could I take? What activity could I do?  There was kind of nothing there.  There's a few more things now, but back then, 7 or so years ago, there was nothing to solve my specific problem.  

So, I started experimenting. I said to myself – self – let’s take charge and start trying a few different things to see if you can sort this out yourself.   To see if I could determine what, how and where I want my life to go.  I gleaned little activities from all sorts of different places.   They came from a book, a conference, from something I overheard, it could come from a story or an article in a magazine.  I was not quite sure what I was looking for, so all the pieces of information were helpful.    There was definitely no “do this and you will design your life better”. It was more like a random concept and I would go – self what is the application of this theory – where do you think it could apply? 


Some of them worked and some of them didn't.   Luckily I was experimenting on myself, so no animals, children, or fully fledged adults was harmed in the making of the program.  It was me trying things out.  Throughout I realised that some things were really helpful and some things were so not helpful.  The things were not helpful got jettisoned, flicked away.  The things that were helpful started to create a framework, a process about how you do this. 

Then as my education, my self-learning evolved, I realised that I was getting clearer and clearer about what that framework was and each year I was getting better and better at actually getting what I wanted out of life - heading towards the things that I want to focus on.  

I kept investing in myself looking for ways, methods and techniques.   One course that was helpful, with loads of really helpful information – in fact because of that course I become an author. Not a bad outcome. 


The book I wrote was called (is called – you can still get it, I have a few, so let me know). The book is called Working Your Mojo, entrepreneurial thinking for musicians.  

I tell people that the book was an abject failure, and it is.  Totally wrong audience and not the book I should have written. 

I learnt stacks through that process and many elements of the book are part of Design your Life on Purpose, plus I'm an author now, so that's nothing to sneeze at, Yay me!   

Fast forward and what worked on myself, I also started using when coaching people or in my Organisational Change Management practice.  Then some girlfriends suggested that thing you do every year and plan out your next year, to do all these amazing things, can I get that too. 

This was a real “Hang on a second” moment – this thing that I have been doing year after year to create a better life for me, other people like me might want that too – is this THE ONE (the one business idea I have been searching for through my whole life of unrelenting standards)  

Who knows – but I love it and I know it really helps people, as it already had when I share aspects of it. 


Ok challenge accepted universe – let’s see what this would look like if you guided people on designing their lives.   So I then started working out how that might look like and what would work with what to create a program. 

Of course, I decided to do this in 2020 when we were all in lockdown we didn't know what Coronavirus 19 was going to do to us.  I am glad go started because while it didn't turn out exactly as I wanted, was going to do it in May and we're all in lockdown in Australia at that time.  What I ended up doing was taking that time to do like a little mini pilot and finding out how that could work.  

That pilot is part of the design your life program - called Reflection Revolution.   I learned so much from taking that step and then the next step. 

So now I'm running the Design Your Life On Purpose Course and other programs, plus program for corporates.   It is actually working out exactly as I planned.   So literally I'm Designing My Life and showing people how to design their lives, Yay! 


I love it when a plan comes together.

Yours Collaboratively

Christina MM

Chief Possibilities Encourager


Book in for your free 30 min session to explore possibilities!


Items just for you…. 

  1. Book in for a free 30 mins possibilities exploration 

  2. Read more books - join the free Incahoots Business Book Club 

  3. Create a Strategic Life Map, moving you from directionless to purposeful in your career/life (Design Your Life on Purpose

  4. Unleash your uniqueness by knowing your Clifton strengths 

Items for you and your team… 

  1. Book me as a Guest speaker 

  2. Work incahoots to design and deliver an outcome focused workshop 

  3. Strengthen your Strategy by aligning your team’s strengths to your strategy