Hands up who wants an ‘AND’ career and not an ‘OR’ career?

Let’s explore the 6 reasons why having more than 1 career at the time can be ace.

Who says? 

Who says you cannot pursue 2 career paths simultaneously, having an ‘and’ rather than an ‘or’ in their careers? 

If they cannot pursue 2 career paths simultaneously, they have too either: 

  1. Squish it into a side hustle 

  2. Having to decide one way or the other 

In the work that I do with professionals, I am seeing people wanting to pursue two careers at once, rather than sequentially (#oldschool).  You can be a snail trainer and a hairdresser, a real estate agent and a professional knife thrower.  The people I work with are looking for the ‘and’ and no longer the ‘or’, when it comes to their career. 

This makes sense to me for a number of reasons (6 to be precise).   



What we expected was the “norm” was flipped on its head when we hit Covid 19.  You can be a productive member of an organisation and work from home.  What?  You can live in a location that is removed from the head office and still get a lot done.  No Way!   


If you are considering investigating a different career, the logical and safe bet is to do this while you are gainfully employed.  You do not throw away what you need to sustain your family and wellbeing, while you pursue something you are unsure about.  You can test the waters.  Yes, you can do this as a side hustle, but there will come a time when it needs to move into something more than nights and weekends, but will still require care and feeding.  Maintaining both is a great way to confirm it works.  Plus, there is this thing called rest.  I have learnt it is super important, so allow your employees to have hybrid careers, means they will bring the best of themselves to the office (actually work, as the office is hybrid now), rested and ready to go. 


Why can you not do both?  If you get value out of them both in different ways, why do we need to do one or the other.   It does not make sense to me.  I love working with corporates on large scale changes, they are complicated, tricky and super exciting.  But, I equally love working with individuals and small teams and business on helping them navigate and plan change to create a desirable future.  As long as both are aware of how they will be supported and when, why can I not do both? 


For an organisation, if you want fully formed humans to be working for you then, they come with ambitions and dreams that might not line up completely with you and your organisation. Why would you lose that talent? 


Pursuing something you are unsure of will require some creativity and problem-solving skills, stretching you.  I am pretty sure those skills are what every organisation, wants as well.  Creativity and innovation come from the edges and not the fully formed middle.  Bringing those skills back to an organisation will be invaluable for the individual and the organisation. 


Finally, future proofing.  If you look back at the history of business, there is always disruption.  A business or a whole industry will disappear, when something different comes along.  In recent memory; taxis disrupted by uber, hotels by Airbnb, music distribution companies by streaming services, retail by instagram & online shopping, credit card companies by afterpay, corporate office buildings by hybrid working.  A real democratisation is happening, so future proofing your career will help ensure you have a career, when your industry is disrupted. 

So, what does this mean for you? 

Just because everyone is going one way, you can choose to go an entirely different direction.  I want you to do the thing you have been avoiding, thinking it was not right or odd.  It is doable.  Ignore the naysayers and go do your thing. 

2 examples that are inspirational to me are Drew Barrymore and Reese Witherspoon, long term fan! 

Drew amazing actress, producer, production company and also creator of Flower Cosmetics, Homeware line and Hair tools, as well as Author, and wine maker.  Lots of ‘ands’ there! 

Reese amazing actress, producer, production company and book club curator. 

What AND could you add to your life? 

Let’s get you started on an AND career and not an OR career by designing a Strategic Life Map 


Yours Collaboratively,


Ready to Go?

Book in for your free 30 min session to explore possibilities!


Items just for you…. 

  1. Book in for a free 30 mins possibilities exploration 

  2. Read more books - join the free Incahoots Business Book Club 

  3. Create a Strategic Life Map, moving you from directionless to purposeful in your career/life (Design Your Life on Purpose

  4. Unleash your uniqueness by knowing your Clifton strengths 

Items for you and your team… 

  1. Book me as a Guest speaker 

  2. Work incahoots to design and deliver an outcome focused workshop 

  3. Strengthen your Strategy by aligning your team’s strengths to your strategy

Why following a “Do as I did” approach will not work and what to do instead?

I get a lot of inspiration from “stories” of how people have arrived at their success, but I use them as inspiration and not a formula.  

If you follow it as a formula you are likely to fail and here is why. 

You have all seen it where someone has written a book or started an podcast based on their success.  Good on them, I love reading them and seeing what inspiration or encouragement I can derive from them. 

But I stop there, they are not a formula for success and they cannot be and I will tell you why…. 

They are them and you are you.  I know that sounds super obvious, but it is critical to really understand the differences.  They have a different background, different skills, different resources and it was a different time.  The things that led them to success might not be transferrable to you, your skills, background, experiences resources and the time we are in today.  Therefore, it is unlikely to generate the same results. 

The second reason is that people will buy from you, not a carbon copy of someone else.  You want to add more “you” into what is it is that you are doing.  The people that you are following for inspiration have put their personality, emphasis and skills, and that is why they are successful. 

I have attended loads of courses, and watched people follow the formula laid out as if it was the only way, and everything they produced looked false, icky.  They also did not get the success that was promised.

Probably one of the most important reasons not to follow someone's experience is that you are pretty fabulous, just the way you are.  You might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but what an intolerably horrible world it would be, if we were all the same, Bleh!  

The final reason, is that they are looking at their successes through hindsight.  They know the decisions they made and what they lead to.  They look at the decisions to go east instead of south and know that it led them to here and then here.  However, you, my friend, will be sitting at a crossroad wondering which path is right for you.  The times will be different, the decisions different, so you cannot follow “the do as I do” or “do as I did” to be more accurate, as it is most likely not to work. 

You might be thinking so easy for you to say on the other side of a certain age.  You have built your reputation and skills, it is so easy for you to show you and everything you stand for.  Maybe you are right, but I had an occasion to read references from when I left school a number of years ago.  The person they describe is almost exactly like the person I am today.  Sure I have grown and matured and deepened some of the skills and fine-tuned others, but still fundamentally me.

Ok convinced Christina, using it as inspiration, but what do I do instead? 

If you do or do not know what you want to do, then here is what I advise. 

Take small, safe bets.   

There is no point buying a garage full of merch if no-one wants to buy it, or you do not have the infrastructure (website, markets etc) to support it.  Or purchasing everything you need to do X and realising that you actually do not enjoying doing X or with everything on your plate, it slips by the wayside. 

Taking small safe bets will help you understand if that is the path to continue to go down or not.  Go on a course or ask someone already doing it, what they love and what they hate about it. 

My advice therefore, is to use their lessons as inspiration, create a massive list of dreams and start exploring, follow your curiousity, unearth possibilities, dip your toe in. 


If you want to get an awesome kick start on whatever awesomeness you have in your brain, then join the upcoming Design Your Life on Purpose (DYLOP) program. 

Ready to Go?

Book in for your free 30 min session to explore possibilities!

Wanna work with me - here is how?

Items just for you…. 

  1. Book in for a free 30 mins possibilities exploration 

  2. Read more books - join the free Incahoots Business Book Club 

  3. Create a Strategic Life Map, moving you from directionless to purposeful in your career/life (Design Your Life on Purpose

  4. Unleash your uniqueness by knowing your Clifton strengths 

Items for you and your team… 

  1. Book me as a Guest speaker 

  2. Work incahoots to design and deliver an outcome focused workshop 

  3. Strengthen your Strategy by aligning your team’s strengths to your strategy

Who Says? You need to focus on deficits and not strengths

Who says? 

It might be my extreme positivity (I have been measured and I am 98% optimist and 99% happy), but I choose to look at the world from a strengths-based lens, rather than a deficit.

‘Existing wisdom’ is that we need to concentrate on what we do poorly and work on how we get better at it.  I have had many performance improvement discussions in my career, where they told me to focus on x, even if I am really crap at it.  Baffling! 

Thankfully, there is evidence that this will not generate high performance and frankly can lead people to believe there is something wrong with them.  Different people have different talents and these talents will show up in different ways.  If this was not the case we would not have different people performing different roles.  People are successful using the talents and skills they innately have.  That is why we have accountants and artists, boiler makers and ballet dancers, because we are not homogenous beings. 

My experience with strengths is relatively new, but fits very well with my view of the world.  The research and rigour applied by Cliftons/Gallup is an impressive way to evidence my world view. 

Gallup/Clifton’s (who measure everything that moves) research shows that people who know and use their Clifton Strengths are: 

  • more engaged at work 

  • more productive in their roles 

  • happier and healthier

However, my reason for loving it, is it helps people make sense of themselves in a way that allows them to apply their strengths regardless of their role.  It helps you appreciate how and when you succeed and how to repeat the circumstances that will make that happen more often.   

It has helped me create the Design your Life on Purpose program, using my top 5 strengths: 


My infectious enthusiasm, helps people unearth what is possible and then believe it is possible 


Helps me create different plans and approaches to get to the outcomes, and help them quickly decide what is going to work best for them 


Helps paint a picture of what the future could be for them and helps me create a picture of what my future is 


Means I can quickly generate a bunch of ideas (quickly) that can help buffer against the roadblocks that can come up 


Building deep enduring relationships means I can design an experience that is uplifting and unique, I am their partner in this for the long haul 


The same strengths, in a very similar way show up in designing Incahoots, into a whole different business model.  Where I will spend time working with teams to Strengthen their Strategy, applying their collective strengths on their yearly strategy.  I work with the Managers to create a curated experience for the team.

So, what does this mean for you? 

Knowing your strengths will mean you have a more effective at designing your life on purpose - think of it as Strengthening your Strategic Life Map. 

Strength’s assessment and debrief (debrief – is essential to help understanding, connection and application) can fundamentally change the way you approach the dreams you have in place and will help you achieve them.

Ready to Go?

Book in for your free 30 min session to explore possibilities!

Wanna work with me - here is how?

Items just for you…. 

  1. Book in for a free 30 mins possibilities exploration 

  2. Read more books - join the free Incahoots Business Book Club 

  3. Create a Strategic Life Map, moving you from directionless to purposeful in your career/life (Design Your Life on Purpose

  4. Unleash your uniqueness by knowing your Clifton strengths 

Items for you and your team… 

  1. Book me as a Guest speaker 

  2. Work incahoots to design and deliver an outcome focused workshop 

  3. Strengthen your Strategy by aligning your team’s strengths to your strategy

Are you using these two super powers?

There are two super powers that I think are essential for life generally, but specifically for Designing Your Life on Purpose. 

They are reflection and dreaming. 

Or as I call them Reflection Revolution and Dream Quest, because apart from being way funner, talks more to the transformative power.

Why do you need both Reflection Revolution and Dream Quest? 

Each of them achieves different things, takes you to a different type of thinking, and has a different purpose associated with it.  Each has a different energy that it generates and you get different actions and outcomes depending which one you use. 

They achieve different things. 

Let talk about each in turn


Reflection Revolution is about looking into the past at things that might have happened.  Generally, you are looking for incremental improvements on things that have happened in the past.  For example, you might want to improve your sleep routine, by going to bed earlier. 

Reflection Revolution is also helpful to review or evaluate something.  You could be evaluating a situation that has happened, a mistake or an incident.  The structure allows you to look at what was good about the situation, as well as maybe what was not so good about it and work through what you would have done differently with your time again.  If you want to generate some change, it is very helpful to do a Reflection Revolution session as part of that process.  

Reflecting can make you feel a little bit uncomfortable with the status quo, so that you want to move.  It is designed to do exactly that make you feel uncomfortable so you make a change. 


Dream Quest is designed to be unbounded, unfiltered - just anything you could possibly ever think of.  It's meant to free your brain up to really explore what the future could be.  As a result of this freedom, its energy is very different. 

Because Dream Quest is future focused it means that you can look at things that could be or possibly might be.  The really important part about dreaming is that it provides direction, a future state to head towards. 

Be free and unbounded in your thinking, even the things that seem impossible.  Actually, especially the things that seem impossible, write them down and add them to your dreams list.  This is a case where the bigger the better - so go wild and capture every single thing that you have ever dreamed of. 

You could have some incremental improvements as a result of Reflection Revolution, but for what end, for what outcome.  Without dreaming you don't have a future state that you're heading towards.  That's the reason for doing the Dream Quest component of superpowers. 

The other thing to remember is it can be more than one dream.  You can and should have loads of dreams.  Some will be small dreams that will be able to be achieved in a very small amount of time and relatively quickly.  Some dreams require a longer build time for you to move towards step by step.  

This is a case of…


Reflection Revolution will help you learn from the past, determining what you will do differently and then Dream Quest gives your direction and activity that will move you toward this future state you have dreamed up. 

Reflection Revolution and Dream Quest achieve different outcomes, and you need both to be too able to Design Your Life on Purpose.

How to get better at the superpowers? 

Thanks Christina, I now understand the two superpowers of Reflection Revolution and Dream Quest, so how do I get better at them? 

Glad you asked, lets walk through some techniques to assist with you getting super at using Super Powers. 

Reflection Revolution can be used periodically and daily. 


Use it to reflect on the last month, quarter, year etc as to what has worked well and what you would do differently if you had your time again. 


Start or maintain a journal.  Reflect on the day, what was less than fabulous, and what are you super grateful for.  The cool thing is that by reflecting daily you will get better at the periodic reflection. 


  1. Be careful you don’t get too lost in the areas of improvement.  There absolutely will be things you are grateful for each time you reflect.  Don’t leave a reflection revolution session unless you have a minimum of 3 things to be grateful for 

  2. Use a paper journal to write your daily reflections.  It will minimise going over stuff in your mind and release it from your head.  I also recommend this for the periodic reflection as well.  I find act of writing it down is more impactful than typing it out. 

Dream Quest is best to do periodically and opportunistically 


Yearly or quarterly think about all the fabulous things you might want to add too you dreams list, answering questions, such as  

If you knew you could not fail, what would you do? 

If money education or age are inconsequential, what would you do? 


When a new dream emerges or you hear one from someone that you love add it to the dreams list. 

Here is where I go against my usual advice of writing down your dreams on paper.  I personally add them to a massive Evernote file, so I can add when inspiration strikes. 


So now you know more about the 2 superpowers of reflection revolution and dream quest and how to build them into your routines to build your expertise.  You are welcome.

So, what does this mean for you? 

The two super powers are especially important for Designing Your Life on Purpose, as they both provide critical input into your Strategic Life Map.  They allow you to unearth possibilities and explore what might be.

Start using the super powers and then unearth amazing possibilities of what your life could be.  I cannot wait to hear what quirkiness you will release on the world. 


Yours Collaboratively 


Ready to Go?

Book in for your free 30 min session to explore possibilities!

Wanna work with me - here is how?

Items just for you…. 

  1. Book in for a free 30 mins possibilities exploration 

  2. Read more books - join the free Incahoots Business Book Club 

  3. Create a Strategic Life Map, moving you from directionless to purposeful in your career/life (Design Your Life on Purpose

  4. Unleash your uniqueness by knowing your Clifton strengths 

Items for you and your team… 

  1. Book me as a Guest speaker 

  2. Work incahoots to design and deliver an outcome focused workshop 

  3. Strengthen your Strategy by aligning your team’s strengths to your strategy

Want a better 2023? Free Webinar

Can you believe how quickly the year has started? 

If 2023 is the year you want to be more purposeful in where you direct your energy, then I have your back baby! 

Join me for a FREE webinar on 16th February 2023 where I will cover how to make the most of this year. 

This program is perfect for people who…… 

  • Deferred their dreams for other super important stuff 

  • Reached a point in their life, where they are wondering – now what? 

  • Wondering what they really could be focusing on that will bring them closer to a life that suits them perfectly 

So how to get more of what you want?

For the last 7 years, intently and over 10 years overall, I have been uncovering on how to solve this.  You see, every year I design a Strategic Life Map – basically a plan for the next year, with some placeholders for the following years.  During that 7-10 years, I have invested my personal time and dollars on working out what are the best tools, templates, approaches I can use to get MORE in my life and to design a life that suits me perfectly.

The culmination of this uncovering has been the Design Your Life on Purpose program.  It combines all the tools and templates that work, with enough flexibility to suit different people and different needs.  This is not a “do as I have done” program, this is customised to you and your circumstances. 

You leave the program with a Strategic Life Map, that is personalised for your perfect life. You will also get plenty of strategies that will anchor your plan to make it much easier to be successful.  Allowing you to focus on the things you dream about, without sacrificing everything you are already focused on in life.

What is a Strategic Life Map?

Simply it is a plan for the next 12 months, with some pointers for the next few years.  To get to the Strategic Life Map you go through reflection and design phases, to review and explore. 

Finally, you secure the Strategic Life Map with support mechanisms and anchors, that will help increase your success. 

You get the following from the program: 

  1. An assessment of the last 12 months, positive and negative (it is never all bad) 

  2. A list of dreams and the mechanisms to keep dreaming for now and the future 

  3. A Strategic Life Map for the next 12 months 

  4. Tangible and actionable items to work on immediately, no manifesting here 

  5. Built individualised support mechanisms that will give you greater success in achieving your dreams 

  6. Tried and tested approaches – if it does not work, it is not there 

  7. Contextual beacon to guide you in the next 12 months 

  8. Follow up group and one on one coaching 

Yours Collaboratively,

Christina MM



Often life can happen, which causes us to defer our dreams until…..

How to living your life intentionally - helps you design a life that suits you perfectly.

This webinar will run through the 4 stages of designing your life on purpose. Specifically, focusing on what support mechanisms you can put in place to ensure you increase your success of taking the opportunities that are right for you and avoiding the ones that are not right for you.

The best bit is that you will get the details on what it takes to live a life with intention, with immediately applicable actions.

HEARD Enough – sign me up to the program already! 

I always say to people that everything has a season and maybe yours in right now. So, if you are ready to go, so no need to attend webinar and then sign up! If you are ready you are ready, so click on the link below and sign up NOW!

If you are ready to create a Strategic Life Map that suits YOU personally 

Is this the year that you start designing a life that suits you perfectly? 

3 things that are better than a New Years Resolution

Welcome to a new sparkly, fresh and clean New Year – 2023!

We have big expectations for you 2023, after everyone has been travelling overseas after 2 years of being locked in your four walls.

I get super excited every New Year because I have process that means I head into the year with a Strategic Life Map for the year ahead and beyond.  I cannot wait to start to work on the things I am focussing on for 2023.

The New Year does begin with loads of people declaring promises to themselves or to others about what they are going to do differently this year.  Only to see them break them only a few weeks later.

Let me be clear, I am not casting dispersions on anyone trying to change their life.  Change is hard, man!  I am barracking for them to make a success of changes they want to make.  Congratulate yourself for the intention to work on improving yourself.  The intention is a great one and well done to you. 

Let’s look at how we can make this way better, by running through the 5 reasons why New Year’s Resolutions fail, and what to do instead.


Immediacy Effect

Often the New Year’s Resolutions have been made the morning after a night of indulging.  Change that people want to make is what is “front of mind” at the time, for example eat less food, drink less alcohol, get more sleep, do more movement.  The immediacy of them, means that they are more a reaction rather than a considered change.  A considered change generally has solid foundations arrived at after a period of reflecting and/or dreaming, with supporting strategies in place to assist make them an enduring change.

Not writing them down

Declaring the changes, you are going to make in the wee hours of the morning or the day after, is often not enough for them to be acted on.  To make them enduring you need to write them down.  You can record them any way you wish, vision boards, journal, or a life map (you get a Strategic Life Map from my course, Designing your Life, on Purpose)

A Harvard Business study revealed that 14% of people with goals are 10 times more successful than those without goals.  Astonishingly, the 3% that have written goals are 3 times more successful than the 14% with unwritten goals.

Yay you for having goals in the first place!  If you write them down you will be even more successful.  I have chosen to interpret this study as more successful in achieving the goals they set out to achieve, as opposed to some arbitrary rules of success.

Personally, I have found that when I have them recorded on my Strategic Life Map for each year, generates a galvanising effect.  I can get distracted with new shiny things all the time and having my dreams (BTW I call them dreams, much funner) written down, means I can check if the new shiny thing is something I want to swap for an existing dream or something I can defer to the next year or following year’s plans.

The other aspect of having them written means at the quarter and half year mark, it is much easier to reflect on progress and either adjust dreams or adjust tack.

Where does dreaming come in?

It is great to look at improvements, but they are only part of the picture.  What are you trying to improve or move towards?  Being really clear, on what you are striving towards will make heaps of difference.  Knowing what you overall focus towards the life that is perfect for you, will ensure that each year you are moving closer to that ideal.  This requires you to start thinking about all the wonderful dreams you have and then select which ones to focus on now.  As with point 1 you might find you have reflected on something and created a goal around it, and it might not lead you towards the life you want.  So, ensure that the goal is aligned towards your dreams.

One of my most favourite quotes is “If you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there.” – Lewis Carroll.  I find this a really powerful way to check in and make sure you are choosing the right path for you.

There is reflection and then there is REFLECTION

You might have taken a lot of care to be able to determine what the focus for your New Year will be and you might not have.  When I run Design your Life, On Purpose (DYLOP) workshops and retreats, the pre-requisite is REFLECTION REVOLUTION.  This is a pre-requisite because deep reflection is an essential tool in every day and has the power to radically change your direction.  Around 50 % of people who attend DYLOP think they know exactly where they need to focus, only to find with reflection and dreaming, that they change the direction.  The more you practice this skill the more you get better at it and being able to tap into the unuttered needs, buried deep within the stomach.

Support strategies

Not every dream will be successful on its first outing, you might falter at the first hurdle.  Building support strategies will help refocus your attention back to the dream.  Ensuring the dream is the right focus is really important, it centres you, giving an assurance.  Then you build in support mechanisms to increase your success.  Let’s explain this with an example; Let’s say your dream is to move more.  A support strategy might be to put your walking clothes and shoes in sight as soon as you wake up, so you trip over them on the way to the bathroom or every hour on the dot you stand up for 10 mins.  These strategies then will support your success.

Intention is super good, let’s just encourage it to be more enduring, by putting in the following to have more successful dreams.


The following are the strategies you can help to get more out of the New Year Resolution or at any stage in the year that you decide to focus on something different.  Before you start try these 4 things:


  1. Reflect on the last 12 months.  Before you set your plan for 2023, really reflect on the year that has been and what went well and what you would do differently.  Set aside at least 30 mins in a nice quiet place.  Before you rush headlong into all the things you need to improve, spend a reasonable chunk of time on what went well.

  2. Start a Dream Journal.  Choose a special journal that will only be for capturing dreams.  You can also brainstorm a load of dreams to get started.  Any and every dream, of something you have wanted to do or be, of every shape and size.

  3. Write the Reflection and Dreams down.  By recording the dreams and reflections increases your success and helps embed them in your noggin.  Written plans are more likely to be successful. 

  4. Determine what support strategies you need and put them in place.  Think through what has tripped you up in the past and what you can put in place to increase your chance of success this time.


To help embed the skills and habits, here are two things you can build into every day:

  1. Reflect Daily - Start journaling every day, reflecting on the day that has been and capturing a minimum of 3 things you are grateful for. 

  2. Dream on.  Every time you have a dream or idea, capture in your dream journal.  It could be you overhear something, and you want to do it too. 


There are a couple of ways I can help you start to get better plans for 2023 and beyond.

 Start exploring possibilities

If you are the type of person who is a little lost (aren’t we all sometimes) you might want to start off by having a massive list of possibilities, before committing to any.  This program is 3 weeks long and as it is conducted online is the perfect starting point.  It explores both Reflection Revolution and Dream Quest, so you can get a fabbo list of possibilities.  Click here to find out more

A Strategic Life Map is in your future

If you are ready to create a Strategic Life map for 2023 and beyond, then this is for you.  Delivered in a 4 week online and 1 day face to face versions, it will give you the structure and support mechanism to improve your success.  In fact, the program has generated a 14% increase in Life Satisfaction in just 3 months.  Click here to find out more

Not for now

Here is the list of all the program dates for 2023

Go forth my pretties and get the future that you deserve. Keep an eye out for free upcoming webinars.

Happy New Year!

Yours Collaboratively


Wanna work with me? - Here is how

Items just for you….

  1. Book in for possibilities exploration

  2. Join the free Incahoots Business Book Club to read more books

  3. Sign up to a wholistic wellbeing program creating a Strategic Life Map, designed to future proof (Design Your Life on Purpose)

Items for you and your team…

  1. Book me as a Guest speaker

  2. Work incahoots to design and deliver an outcome focused workshop

  3. Deliver a workshop on strengths and their application to strategy (Strengthen your Strategy)

Why New Year’s Resolutions fail?

Welcome to a new sparkly, fresh and clean New Year – 2023! 

We have big expectations for you 2023, after everyone has been travelling overseas after 2 years of being locked in your four walls.

I get super excited every New Year because I have process that means I head into the year with a Strategic Life Map for the year ahead and beyond.  I cannot wait to start to work on the things I am focussing on for 2023.

The New Year does begin with loads of people declaring promises to themselves or to others about what they are going to do differently this year.  Only to see them break them only a few weeks later.

Let me be clear, I am not casting dispersions on anyone trying to change their life.  Change is hard, man!  I am barracking for them to make a success of changes they want to make.  Congratulate yourself for the intention to work on improving yourself.  The intention is a great one and well done to you. 

Let’s look at how we can make this way better, by running through the 5 reasons why New Year’s Resolutions fail, and what to do instead.


Immediacy Effect

Often the New Year’s Resolutions have been made the morning after a night of indulging.  Change that people want to make is what is “front of mind” at the time, for example eat less food, drink less alcohol, get more sleep, do more movement.  The immediacy of them, means that they are more a reaction rather than a considered change.  A considered change generally has solid foundations arrived at after a period of reflecting and/or dreaming, with supporting strategies in place to assist make them an enduring change.

Not writing them down

Declaring the changes, you are going to make in the wee hours of the morning or the day after, is often not enough for them to be acted on.  To make them enduring you need to write them down.  You can record them any way you wish, vision boards, journal, or a life map (you get a Strategic Life Map from my course, Designing your Life, on Purpose)

A Harvard Business study revealed that 14% of people with goals are 10 times more successful than those without goals.  Astonishingly, the 3% that have written goals are 3 times more successful than the 14% with unwritten goals.

Yay you for having goals in the first place!  If you write them down you will be even more successful.  I have chosen to interpret this study as more successful in achieving the goals they set out to achieve, as opposed to some arbitrary rules of success.

Personally, I have found that when I have them recorded on my Strategic Life Map for each year, generates a galvanising effect.  I can get distracted with new shiny things all the time and having my dreams (BTW I call them dreams, much funner) written down, means I can check if the new shiny thing is something I want to swap for an existing dream or something I can defer to the next year or following year’s plans.

The other aspect of having them written means at the quarter and half year mark, it is much easier to reflect on progress and either adjust dreams or adjust tack.

Where does dreaming come in?

It is great to look at improvements, but they are only part of the picture.  What are you trying to improve or move towards?  Being really clear, on what you are striving towards will make heaps of difference.  Knowing what you overall focus towards the life that is perfect for you, will ensure that each year you are moving closer to that ideal.  This requires you to start thinking about all the wonderful dreams you have and then select which ones to focus on now.  As with point 1 you might find you have reflected on something and created a goal around it, and it might not lead you towards the life you want.  So, ensure that the goal is aligned towards your dreams.

One of my most favourite quotes is “If you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there.” – Lewis Carroll.  I find this a really powerful way to check in and make sure you are choosing the right path for you.

There is reflection and then there is REFLECTION

You might have taken a lot of care to be able to determine what the focus for your New Year will be and you might not have.  When I run Design your Life, On Purpose (DYLOP) workshops and retreats, the pre-requisite is REFLECTION REVOLUTION.  This is a pre-requisite because deep reflection is an essential tool in every day and has the power to radically change your direction.  Around 50 % of people who attend DYLOP think they know exactly where they need to focus, only to find with reflection and dreaming, that they change the direction.  The more you practice this skill the more you get better at it and being able to tap into the unuttered needs, buried deep within the stomach.

Support strategies

Not every dream will be successful on its first outing, you might falter at the first hurdle.  Building support strategies will help refocus your attention back to the dream.  Ensuring the dream is the right focus is really important, it centres you, giving an assurance.  Then you build in support mechanisms to increase your success.  Let’s explain this with an example; Let’s say your dream is to move more.  A support strategy might be to put your walking clothes and shoes in sight as soon as you wake up, so you trip over them on the way to the bathroom or every hour on the dot you stand up for 10 mins.  These strategies then will support your success.

Intention is super good, let’s just encourage it to be more enduring, by putting in the following to have more successful dreams.



The following are the strategies you can help to get more out of the New Year Resolution or at any stage in the year that you decide to focus on something different.  Before you start try these 4 things:


  1. Reflect on the last 12 months.  Before you set your plan for 2023, really reflect on the year that has been and what went well and what you would do differently.  Set aside at least 30 mins in a nice quiet place.  Before you rush headlong into all the things you need to improve, spend a reasonable chunk of time on what went well.

  2. Start a Dream Journal.  Choose a special journal that will only be for capturing dreams.  You can also brainstorm a load of dreams to get started.  Any and every dream, of something you have wanted to do or be, of every shape and size.

  3. Write the Reflection and Dreams down.  By recording the dreams and reflections increases your success and helps embed them in your noggin.  Written plans are more likely to be successful. 

  4. Determine what support strategies you need and put them in place.  Think through what has tripped you up in the past and what you can put in place to increase your chance of success this time.


To help embed the skills and habits, here are two things you can build into every day:

  1. Reflect Daily - Start journaling every day, reflecting on the day that has been and capturing a minimum of 3 things you are grateful for. 

  2. Dream on.  Every time you have a dream or idea, capture in your dream journal.  It could be you overhear something, and you want to do it too. 


There are a couple of ways I can help you start to get better plans for 2023 and beyond.

 Start exploring possibilities

If you are the type of person who is a little lost (aren’t we all sometimes) you might want to start off by having a massive list of possibilities, before committing to any.  This program is 3 weeks long and as it is conducted online is the perfect starting point.  It explores both Reflection Revolution and Dream Quest, so you can get a fabbo list of possibilities.  Click here to find out more

A Strategic Life Map is in your future

If you are ready to create a Strategic Life map for 2023 and beyond, then this is for you.  Delivered in a 4 week online and 1 day face to face versions, it will give you the structure and support mechanism to improve your success.  In fact, the program has generated a 14% increase in Life Satisfaction in just 3 months.  Click here to find out more

Not for now

Here is the list of all the program dates for 2023

Go forth my pretties and get the future that you deserve. Keep an eye out for free upcoming webinars.

Happy New Year!

Yours Collaboratively


Wanna work with me? - Here is how

Items just for you….

  1. Book in for possibilities exploration

  2. Join the free Incahoots Business Book Club to read more books

  3. Sign up to a wholistic wellbeing program creating a Strategic Life Map, designed to future proof (Design Your Life on Purpose)

Items for you and your team…

  1. Book me as a Guest speaker

  2. Work incahoots to design and deliver an outcome focused workshop

  3. Deliver a workshop on strengths and their application to strategy (Strengthen your Strategy)

Why add a creative element in DYLOP Collab (Alumni workshop)?

The DYLOP Collab* program, introduces an element of creativity, and it is designed that way on purpose – want to know why? 

You might be surprised to know that DYLOP is more than a one-off event, you create a Strategic Life Map every year, for the year ahead and beyond.  Any organisation worth their salt would not set a strategic agenda and never check in on it or adjust it to be relevant for today, with an eye to tomorrow.  Once you have completed the initial course, you are invited to attend the DYLOP Collab – exclusively for Graduates. 

*DYLOP Collab – only for graduates of the DYLOP Program, as the foundations are already established, so we can go deeper in less time. 

Why am I telling you this? 

I am telling you this because I want to explain why there is a creative element built into the DYLOP Collab program. 

Firstly, due to the fact you have used the templates before, we can go faster.  They are familiar with the structure overall and are no longer learning to use the templates.  Surprisingly, when using the same templates, they also go deeper.  The conversation is at another level entirely. 

Once you have reflected on the year that was and dreamt of what is to come in your future having a creative break does 2 main things. 

Gives you intuition/brain processing time 

Not every insight comes fully loaded and prepared and precisely the right time it is needed.  Giving the brain/intuition time to process/ponder/percolate, can mean that you change or adjust the plan ahead.  It can also mean you are surer of it.  Both outcomes are invaluable 

It allows you to experience failure, therefore be braver

The time that we use to be creative, has been doing activities that people have never tried before, watercolours, polymer clay jewellery making, creating resin moulds.   

Most, if not all the participants, including me might have zero experience in how this will work, does work.  So, what we “create” will be experimental to be generous and oft times might be an outright failure.  Taking the time to explore and create and possibly fail, means that when we come back and look at our Strategic Life Map for the next year and beyond, we just might be a little braver. 

Here is a picture of the resin creations, this time around. 

If you are looking at 2023, just around the corner and wondering how you can create a better tomorrow for yourself, have a look through the following upcoming programs. 

Right now, you can still make a deposit on your 2023 self and snag a discount on the DYOP program.  So, you too can be an alumni and get your creative on. 


Yours Collaboratively 



Items just for you….

  1. Book in for possibilities exploration

  2. Join the free Incahoots Business Book Club to read more books

  3. Sign up to a wholistic wellbeing program creating a Strategic Life Map, designed to future proof (Design Your Life on Purpose)

Items for you and your team…

  1. Book me as a Guest speaker

  2. Work incahoots to design and deliver an outcome focused workshop

  3. Deliver a workshop on strengths and their application to strategy (Strengthen your Strategy

Are you using these two super powers?

There are two super powers that I think are essential for life generally, but specifically for Designing Your Life on Purpose. 

They are reflection and dreaming. 

Or as I call them Reflection Revolution and Dream Quest, because apart from being way funner, talks more to the transformative power.

Why do you need both Reflection Revolution and Dream Quest? 

Each of them achieves different things, takes you to a different type of thinking, and has a different purpose associated with it.  Each has a different energy that it generates and you get different actions and outcomes depending which one you use. 

They achieve different things. 

Let talk about each in turn


Reflection Revolution is about looking into the past at things that might have happened.  Generally, you are looking for incremental improvements on things that have happened in the past.  For example, you might want to improve your sleep routine, by going to bed earlier. 

Reflection Revolution is also helpful to review or evaluate something.  You could be evaluating a situation that has happened, a mistake or an incident.  The structure allows you to look at what was good about the situation, as well as maybe what was not so good about it and work through what you would have done differently with your time again.  If you want to generate some change, it is very helpful to do a Reflection Revolution session as part of that process.  

Reflecting can make you feel a little bit uncomfortable with the status quo, so that you want to move.  It is designed to do exactly that make you feel uncomfortable so you make a change. 


Dream Quest is designed to be unbounded, unfiltered - just anything you could possibly ever think of.  It's meant to free your brain up to really explore what the future could be.  As a result of this freedom, its energy is very different. 

Because Dream Quest is future focused it means that you can look at things that could be or possibly might be.  The really important part about dreaming is that it provides direction, a future state to head towards. 

Be free and unbounded in your thinking, even the things that seem impossible.  Actually, especially the things that seem impossible, write them down and add them to your dreams list.  This is a case where the bigger the better - so go wild and capture every single thing that you have ever dreamed of. 

You could have some incremental improvements as a result of Reflection Revolution, but for what end, for what outcome.  Without dreaming you don't have a future state that you're heading towards.  That's the reason for doing the Dream Quest component of superpowers. 

The other thing to remember is it can be more than one dream.  You can and should have loads of dreams.  Some will be small dreams that will be able to be achieved in a very small amount of time and relatively quickly.  Some dreams require a longer build time for you to move towards step by step.  

This is a case of…


Reflection Revolution will help you learn from the past, determining what you will do differently and then Dream Quest gives your direction and activity that will move you toward this future state you have dreamed up. 

Reflection Revolution and Dream Quest achieve different outcomes, and you need both to be too able to Design Your Life on Purpose.

How to get better at the superpowers? 

Thanks Christina, I now understand the two superpowers of Reflection Revolution and Dream Quest, so how do I get better at them? 

Glad you asked, lets walk through some techniques to assist with you getting super at using Super Powers. 

Reflection Revolution can be used periodically and daily. 


Use it to reflect on the last month, quarter, year etc as to what has worked well and what you would do differently if you had your time again. 


Start or maintain a journal.  Reflect on the day, what was less than fabulous, and what are you super grateful for.  The cool thing is that by reflecting daily you will get better at the periodic reflection. 


  1. Be careful you don’t get too lost in the areas of improvement.  There absolutely will be things you are grateful for each time you reflect.  Don’t leave a reflection revolution session unless you have a minimum of 3 things to be grateful for 

  2. Use a paper journal to write your daily reflections.  It will minimise going over stuff in your mind and release it from your head.  I also recommend this for the periodic reflection as well.  I find act of writing it down is more impactful than typing it out. 

Dream Quest is best to do periodically and opportunistically 


Yearly or quarterly think about all the fabulous things you might want to add too you dreams list, answering questions, such as  

If you knew you could not fail, what would you do? 

If money education or age are inconsequential, what would you do? 


When a new dream emerges or you hear one from someone that you love add it to the dreams list. 

Here is where I go against my usual advice of writing down your dreams on paper.  I personally add them to a massive Evernote file, so I can add when inspiration strikes. 


So now you know more about the 2 superpowers of reflection revolution and dream quest and how to build them into your routines to build your expertise.  You are welcome 

So, what does this mean for you? 

The two super powers are especially important for Designing Your Life on Purpose, as they both provide critical input into your Strategic Life Map.  They allow you to unearth possibilities and explore what might be.  

Start using the super powers and then unearth amazing possibilities of what your life could be.  I cannot wait to hear what quirkiness you will release on the world. 


Yours Collaboratively 


Wanna work with me - here is how?

Items just for you….

  1. Book in for possibilities exploration

  2. Join the free Incahoots Business Book Club to read more books

  3. Sign up to a wholistic wellbeing program creating a Strategic Life Map, designed to future proof (Design Your Life on Purpose)

Items for you and your team…

  1. Book me as a Guest speaker

  2. Work incahoots to design and deliver an outcome focused workshop

  3. Deliver a workshop on strengths and their application to strategy (Strengthen your Strategy

Who Says? I am too old

Age is not the barrier you might think it is, check out these more mature peeps, Ronni Kahn, Pete Murray, Jan Logan and Ita Buttrose.  These are just 4 people who did something “later” in life and have been very successful. 

Who says your crazy idea might not be exactly what the world needs?  Regardless of how young or old you are. 

Today we look at 4 people that could have stopped, but in fact made a significant contribution “later” in life. 

Ronni Kahn is the founder of OZ Harvest (Australia’s largest Food rescue association) and started this at the age of 52.  I imagine her and all the people that they help (36,033,021 meals delivered in 2021) are glad she didn’t think she was too old.  She has changed an entire industry and in fact created a new one for food rescue and diverted 9,456,673 kgs from landfill. 

Pete Murray is a musician, and you might be thinking old, what the?  He became a serious musician into his thirties.  Shocking I know!  In an industry where if you haven’t had major success by mid to late 20s, you give up, this is unusual.  Pete only started learning guitar at 22, he didn't think he was too old, actually, he did.  He was convinced by other musos and has had 3 albums that have achieved Platinum status on the ARIA Charts (Australian Recording Industry Association) as a result.  

Jan Logan started her jewellery business at age 50.  She had her kids and decided she needed something else in her life (see this article about a country girl to design icon).  The designs are just divine and I often lust over them.  Thank goodness she didn't think she was too old. 

Finally, everyone’s favourite, Ita Buttrose.  A very formidable women, having worked in Magazines and Newspapers, when they were male chauvinistic bastions, Ita was invited and accepted the chair of the ABC at the age of 77.  She did not think she was too old. 


The above people ignored the people who said, “you are too old” and just went ahead and did it anyway.  The above are very public examples of the people who refused to let age be a barrier.  I am sure if you looked around you, you could find loads more.

So, what does this mean for you? 

Do not let age be a barrier to you.  I want you to do the thing you have been avoiding, thinking it was not right or odd.  You are not too old.  It is doable.  Ignore the naysayers and go do your thing.


Share your amazing thing and be amazed at what you can do, regardless of how old or young you are 


Yours Collaboratively, 



If you are ready to create a Strategic Life Map that suits YOU personally  

Is this the year that you start designing a life that suits you perfectly? 

Head to the link below to choose the preference that works best for you, 1 day workshop on Saturday the 5th November or 4 weeks online, starting 27th October. Both options give you a Strategic Life Map for next 12 months and beyond. I would love to see what amazing possibilities you unearth that will help you have 14% greater life satisfaction, after 3 months. 

All the information is here, including the magical registration button.

How to not let a major life event define you?

Here is something about me I don’t often share with people. 

I have had breast cancer three times, if you include once in each breast and then the double mastectomy and reconstruction. 


I don’t share it, not because I am embarrassed or trying to avoid sympathy. I don't share because I think this is the least interesting thing about me.  I do not want to be defined by having breast cancer, or in fact any of my medical issues (Ankylosing Spondylitis). 

It is important not to diminish the journey that myself and others that have been through.  Mine was very treatable and I am very thankful for the great outcome I have had through my treatment.  It is not a trivial matter at all and can be extremely devastating for many people and their families.   

When people find out, they generally ask two questions: 

  • Are you going to slow down now? 

  • Was this the inspiration for Design Your Life on Purpose? 

These are good, sensible questions.  The answer to both those question is no. 

The catalyst for Design Your Life on Purpose started well over 10 years ago, when I left a truly horrible gig and wondered if that was really what I wanted to do with my life.

For me, my cancer diagnosis made me want to accelerate my plans, not slow them down.  I felt a more compelling reason to get cracking.  Of course, this did not happen straight away, as I needed to heal and manage the normal day to day while going through treatment.

Firstly, and most importantly, if a major life event has happened to you, it is important take whatever time you need.  Take as long as you need and do what you need to get you through this time.  Overcoming a diagnosis like this is an incredible thing, as even hearing the word cancer, certainly throws you off balance.

If you already have a Strategic Life Map, then work out if there is anything you can do now or whether you need to defer everything.  There is no shame in deferring, as you have enough to deal with right now.  I find items such as planning or researching can be achieved in very small increments of time.  Having something to look forward to can also be helpful, even if the time when it occurs is not defined.

If you don’t have a Strategic Life Map, I encourage you to get acquainted with the 2 Superpowers of Reflection Revolution and Dream Quest (insert link).  Take it easy, as it might trigger unwanted feelings, especially if your prognosis is less favourable.  Recording how you are feeling day to day in a journal will help get those thoughts and feelings out of your head.  I also encourage you to write all the things you are grateful for, it could be as simple as clean sheets or grilled cheese on toast. 

When you are ready and back on the road to recovery.  Take some time to reflect on your past life and what areas for improvement you might make with Reflection Revolution.  Then start to explore what your life could be through Dream Quest.  Both steps are essential for you to create a Strategic Life Map and to Design your Life on Purpose. 

Once you know where you are heading, you can start by taking small safe bets.  Each step will inform the next one and open up plenty of possibilities for you.  Be kind to yourself along the way, as no-one needs the ‘critical hag’ (or whatever you call that inner critic) at a time like this. 


I must admit this has been one of the hardest posts to write.  I am very conscious of not wanting to make people feel their circumstances are insignificant compared to my personal experience.  Balancing with the fact that even something as super scary as cancer, can help drive you forward to a future of your heart’s desire.   

My intention is to offer advice and encouragement, without judgement.  I hope that was achieved.  I have felt compelled to write this for a while and am glad to be able to talk about it.   

My last treatment was in 2017.  I am hanging out for the 5 year mark to be given the final all clear.  I am hesitant to say that because the last time I got to 4 years, they found another lump, hence bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction. 

The major life event does not have to be a negative one, having a baby, one of the most joyful moments in life, is life changing.  (There you go unrelenting sense of positivity)

So, why am I telling you this?

Regardless of what is happening in your life, the choice if yours.  The choice as to what attitude to adopt, the choice as to what action to take, the choice to decide if this defines you or does not. 

Good and bad things happen every day.  You are in the driver’s seat of your life, and you can decide what it will mean for you, or whether it means something or not. 

Here is what you need to know about Design Your Life Program: 

  • Workshop part of program on Saturday 5th November, or 4 week online program from Thursday 27th October

  • Program is limited to 12 people to ensure personalised attention 

  • The work is individual, it focuses on YOU and what you want from your life 

  • It is wholistic – treating you as a whole human being with responsibilities 

  • Delivered by someone who knows CHANGE.  Over 25+ year’s experience in Organisational Change Management (OCM) with Personal Coaching 


If the time is right for you, I encourage you to come to my program - Design Your Life on Purpose – where you can create a Strategic Life Map, that suits you and your circumstances.


Yours Collaboratively, 



If you are ready to create a Strategic Life Map that suits YOU personally  

Is this the year that you start designing a life that suits you perfectly? 

Head to the link below to choose the preference that works best for you, 1 day workshop on Saturday the 5th November or 4 weeks online, starting 27th October. Both options give you a Strategic Life Map for next 12 months and beyond. I would love to see what amazing possibilities you unearth that will help you have 14% greater life satisfaction, after 3 months. 

All the information is here, including the magical registration button.

When is the right time to plan?

When you are ready or need to. 

I know that seems like the most flippant answer in the world, but it is very true.

The normal; calendar year has markers that seem to indicate that NOW is the right time to plan your Strategic Life Map or strategy (if a Corporate) 

Personally, I plan my Strategic Life Map for the next 12 months and beyond in November.  I have found with Christmas and my birthday in early January, if I do not have my plan sorted, it is like around Feb/March before I really start.  I have learnt over the last 7 years of creating my Strategic Life Map, that it is the best time for me. 

The other Gregorian calendar markers: 

  • Brand Spanking New Year 

  • Each Quarter 

  • Beginning or end of each Month 

But you can literally start on a Weds in the middle of May.   


For my Corporate clients the best time to plan could be…. 

  • When you have your full team on board or new team members 

  • With an acquisition or merger 

  • Post a crisis or to plan a change in direction. 


Planning myth busters 

The world is changing so fast, so no point planning 

Ok, this one I find a little odd (raise the one eyebrow odd), because it is a plan, not a tattoo.  You can change your mind, if this is not what you want to do once you have more information.  Literally a plan, not concrete and can change. 

Once you have clarity about what you are doing, it’s much easier to rally troops, and assistance if you know what you are focusing on.  If you are really worried that you will get stuck on a plan, that is not working.  Set some time to review, whether it is working or not 1 month in. 

Argh, then I have to update project plan/spreadsheet 

If you want to sure, and some plans do require much more focus and detail to track progress.  But your plan does not need to be especially detailed.  It can have a focus per quarter or month.  It can even have a for the next month I am going to do X and then evaluate what to do next – stage gate it, simple. 

My Strategic Life Map is a drawing I create of my focus areas, a mindmap and then 12 boxes drawn with where my focus will be over the year. 


What you miss out on by not planning 

Have you ever looked a purchasing something and then you see if it everywhere?  Think before the internet seemed to track your eyeballs and thoughts and represented you with advertising.  Think of the example of looking at buying a new car and all of a sudden you see them everywhere. 

This is called Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon or Frequency Illusion or Bias, the same thing happens when you create a plan.  You have said to your brain, this is where I am focusing and low and behold you start to see all these opportunities that you did not see before, like magic. 


I find planning calming for when I feel overwhelmed by what is coming up or what I want to get done.  By visually displaying it, it is much easier for me to make decisions and what I can and more importantly cannot fit in.  I have precious little time (like we all do) and I want to make sure that time is focused on what I want out of this glorious life. 

I hope I have convinced you that planning is a helpful thing to have in your life and that having your own Strategic Life Map or Strategic Plan is a worthwhile exercise. 

Come along to my next Design Your Life on Purpose program to get your very own Strategic Life Map. 



Yours Collaboratively 



If you are ready to create a Strategic Life Map that suits YOU personally  

Is this the year that you start designing a life that suits you perfectly? 

Head to the link below to choose the preference that works best for you, 1 day workshop on Saturday Saturday the 5th November or 4 weeks online, starting 27th October. Both options give you a Strategic Life Map for next 12 months and beyond. I would love to see what amazing possibilities you unearth that will help you have 14% greater life satisfaction, after 3 months. 

All the information is here, including the magical registration button.

But somebody is already doing my thing?

It can be tempting to not even start, because someone is already doing what you want to do. I get it! It is super scary to try and create something from nothing, especially if you look out there and see someone doing something very similar. It can be very soul destroying and throw you in a spin.

However, they are not you

They have not grown up with the same experience, same life lens as you have, and I bet you would do it very differently. 

If this was not the case, there would not exist computers made by, Dell, HP, Lenovo, Apple and probably loads of others.  They did not look out there and go, oh x is doing it, so I may as well not.  They knew what they would do it differently. 

That may be a hard to imagine example, so let me get personal.

In Australia there is a very famous stationery provider (Kikki K) who created a course called Live your Dream Life.  I must admit when she recently started promoting her course, I felt shattered.  She was offering something very similar to what I do.  I am a big fan of Kristina and Kikki K loyal VIP shopper.  I felt like the wind was kicked from my lunges and the rug pulled up from underneath me. 

Kristina’s Dream Life course is good, having recently attended.  I am genuinely interested in improving myself and if this course offers that opportunity, I will grab it with both hands.  

Even though Kristina is fabulous, she is not me.  Kristina does not have over 25+ years of experience in Organisational Change Management (OCM) and Personal Coaching.  She has not deliberately tested her approach for change with over 22 different organisations.  We both have different delivery methods, content, and approaches. 

All art is theft! Pablo Picasso 

Or as Austin Kleon says – “Steal Like an Artist”

This is not being disrespectful of artists.  Austin claims, and I agree, that the work of artists is built on the work of others.  Artists take what is already good and reinterpret it or dial up elements.   

Art is not the only field where work is advanced from the back of others, Science is another great example.  Scientific advances are on the back of breakthroughs from others or solving a problem a different way.   

A lot of things needed to be in place for Uber and AirBnB to be able to source drivers or hosts and passengers and guests, they built that off other things that already existed. 

You will never know if you do not try 

You never know unless you try.  Unless you have some amazing prediction skills you have been keeping under wraps, you will not know unless you give it a go.  Once you take the first few steps, you start to see more options and possibilities.  You will see ways to differentiate yourself or a pivot that is more you. 

Small safe bets will inform your next steps and you will learn so much by doing. 


Fun fact there are over 66,000 thousand Hairdressers registered in Australia 2008-2022 (Australian Bureau of Statistics).  If it was just about cutting hair, then we probably do not need that many, but each will be different.  I have travelled great distances to see my hairdresser.  Not anyone can cut my hair, your thing will be the same, people will rely on your uniqueness and differentiation.  Your offering is just as valid and compelling. 

So, say to yourself – “Self - keep going - you got this!”

So, what does this mean for you? 

Your thing will never be exactly the same as someone else, it can’t.  So, give yourself permission to unearth possibilities and explore what might be with your little area of quirkiness and expertise. 

The quickest and easiest way to get started on your Strategic Life Map would be to attend my program.


  • Program is delivered in either 1 day workshop on Sat 5th November or 4 weeks online starting Thursday 27th October

  • Program is limited to 12 people to ensure personalised attention 

  • The work is individual, it focuses on YOU and what you want from your life 

  • It is wholistic – treating you as a whole human being with responsibilities 

  • Delivered by someone who knows CHANGE.  Over 25+ year’s experience in Organisational Change Management (OCM) with Personal Coaching 

Look to what others are doing to understand what makes you different, but do not let it derail you.  You are unique and you deserve to share this with the world.

Yours Collaboratively

Christina MM


If you are ready to create a Strategic Life Map that suits YOU personally  

Is this the year that you start designing a life that suits you perfectly? 

Head to the link below to choose the preference that works best for you, 1 day workshop on Saturday Saturday the 5th November or 4 weeks online, starting 27th October. Both options give you a Strategic Life Map for next 12 months and beyond. I would love to see what amazing possibilities you unearth that will help you have 14% greater life satisfaction, after 3 months. 

All the information is here, including the magical registration button.

Who Says? You need to focus on Deficits and not Strengths

Who says? 

It might be my extreme positivity (I have been measured and I am 98% optimist and 99% happy), but I choose to look at the world from a strengths-based lens, rather than a deficit.

‘Existing wisdom’ is that we need to concentrate on what we do poorly and work on how we get better at it.  I have had many performance improvement discussions in my career, where they told me to focus on x, even if I am really crap at it.  Baffling! 

Thankfully, there is evidence that this will not generate high performance and frankly can lead people to believe there is something wrong with them.  Different people have different talents and these talents will show up in different ways.  If this was not the case we would not have different people performing different roles.  People are successful using the talents and skills they innately have.  That is why we have accountants and artists, boiler makers and ballet dancers, because we are not homogenous beings. 

 My experience with strengths is relatively new, but fits very well with my view of the world.  The research and rigour applied by Cliftons/Gallup is an impressive way to evidence my world view. 

Gallup/Clifton’s (who measure everything that moves) research shows that people who know and use their Clifton Strengths are: 

  • more engaged at work 

  • more productive in their roles 

  • happier and healthier

However, my reason for loving it, is it helps people make sense of themselves in a way that allows them to apply their strengths regardless of their role.  It helps you appreciate how and when you succeed and how to repeat the circumstances that will make that happen more often.   

It has helped me create the Design your Life on Purpose program, using my top 5 strengths: 


My infectious enthusiasm, helps people unearth what is possible and then believe it is possible 


Helps me create different plans and approaches to get to the outcomes, and help them quickly decide what is going to work best for them 


Helps paint a picture of what the future could be for them and helps me create a picture of what my future is 


Means I can quickly generate a bunch of ideas (quickly) that can help buffer against the roadblocks that can come up 


Building deep enduring relationships means I can design an experience that is uplifting and unique, I am their partner in this for the long haul 


The same strengths, in a very similar way show up in designing Incahoots, into a whole different business model.  Where I will spend time working with teams to Strengthen their Strategy, applying their collective strengths on their yearly strategy.  I work with the Managers to create a curated experience for the team. 


Often life can happen, which causes us to defer our dreams until…..  

Add COVID 19 into the mix and people often wonder whether the life they were barrelling towards was really the one they wanted.  

Want a better 2023? - helps you design a life that suits you perfectly.  

This webinar will run through the 4 modules of designing your life on purpose.  Specifically, focusing on what support mechanisms you can put in place to ensure you increase your success of taking the opportunities that are right for you and avoiding the ones that are not right for you.  

The best bit is that you will get the details on what it takes to live a life with intention, with immediately applicable actions.  If you have ever wondered whether the investment of time and money is worth it, then this is the best way to test the water.


If you are ready to create a Strategic Life Map that suits YOU personally  

Is this the year that you start designing a life that suits you perfectly? 

Head to the link below to choose the preference that works best for you, 1 day workshop on Saturday Saturday the 5th November or 4 weeks online starting 27th October. Both options give you a Strategic Life Map for next 12 months and beyond. I would love to see what amazing possibilities you unearth that will help you have 14% greater life satisfaction, after 3 months. 

All the information is here, including the magical registration button.

Finally, something all about You!


Add COVID 19 into the mix and people often wonder whether the life they were barrelling towards was really the one they wanted. 


Design your Life on Purpose (DYLOP) is designed to help you unearth possibilities and design a life that suits you perfectly.  Note the YOU!  This is all about YOU and no-one else, not your bestie, sister, uncle, dog walker, this is all about focusing and intentionally designing a Strategic Life Map that suit YOU perfectly. 

Design your Life on Purpose is being held with 2 delivery options, 1 day workshop on Saturday 5th November, or 4 week online course starting 27th October, all the details about the what is covered you could ask for are below. 

Who attends?

It is perfectly suited to professionals who either: 

  1. Know Exactly – These pathfinders (collective noun for people designing their lives) know exactly what they want to do, but are unsure how to do it or have some blocks to overcome. 

  2. No Idea - These pathfinders are completely unsure what they want to design their life around, or might know what they do not want, but definitely not what they want to do. 


The results vary for different people, which makes sense, because each person’s focus will be different.  Here is an example of one such pathfinder. 

Sara arrived at the DYLOP (Design your Life on Purpose) course in a very bad place.  Sara has recently gone through a separation, during COVID 19 lockdown and was working on an impossible gig, that was absorbing all of her time.  She was flat and drained, in fact she spent the first 30 mins of DYLOP, crying.  She knew something had to change and I was honoured that Sara trusted me to guide her. 

Sara did not get any blinding flashes on completing the 1-day workshop.  What happened, with the exercises and activities is that a long-denied dream was surfacing.  Sara has always wanted to be a Doctor, but her science degree from another country was over 10 years ago and she was unable to use it for post graduate studies, so she started working in business to support her family.  Sara knew she now had options on what she could do with her life.  Sara investigated what options were available to her and has since started a bridging science course at the university of her choice, in Feb 2022.  Sara had already agreed with her employer to go part time and had been reading biology and science text books to get her brain in gear.   

Ready to go! 

Are you ready to create a story of your own similar or very different to Sara.  It is your story after all, so should reflect you perfectly. 

The results people get are incredible and I am very excited to see what possibilities you will unearth that suit you perfectly. 


  • The work is individual, it focuses on YOU and what you want from your life 

  • It is wholistic – treating you as a whole human being with responsibilities 

  • Delivered by someone who knows CHANGE (me).  Over 25+ years’ experience in Organisational Change Management (OCM) with Personal Coaching 

 Find out more with a FREE Webinar 

Handily, I have a webinar you can attend to find out more about the program and give you a taste of some of the material.  I will walk you through all 4 modules and you even get time to get stuck in and start the work of Designing Your Life.

Yours Collaboratively

Christina MM


Often life can happen, which causes us to defer our dreams until…..  

Add COVID 19 into the mix and people often wonder whether the life they were barrelling towards was really the one they wanted.  

Want a better 2023? - helps you design a life that suits you perfectly.  

This webinar will run through the 4 modules of designing your life on purpose.  Specifically, focusing on what support mechanisms you can put in place to ensure you increase your success of taking the opportunities that are right for you and avoiding the ones that are not right for you.  

The best bit is that you will get the details on what it takes to live a life with intention, with immediately applicable actions.  If you have ever wondered whether the investment of time and money is worth it, then this is the best way to test the water.


If you are ready to create a Strategic Life Map that suits YOU personally  

Is this the year that you start designing a life that suits you perfectly? 

Head to the link below to choose the preference that works best for you, 1 day workshop on Saturday Saturday the 5th November or 4 weeks online, starting 27th October. Both options give you a Strategic Life Map for next 12 months and beyond. I would love to see what amazing possibilities you unearth that will help you have 14% greater life satisfaction, after 3 months. 

All the information is here, including the magical registration button.

What exactly is a Strategic Life Map?

My mind has a habit of running forward, part of the combination of futuristic and strategic strengths (see Clifton’s Strengths).  As a result of this, I sometimes forget to let people know some of the fundamentals of my thinking. 


I thought it was time I explained, what exactly is a Strategic Life Map!

It creates direction & therefore clarity 

The purpose behind a Strategic Life Map is to provide general direction.  It provides you with an outcome, an intention, a destination to arrive at, hopefully.  I say hopefully not to be flippant or to discourage you, but as a reminder that you might not end up where you originally intended.  Decisions create diversions on the path, you might get back to the destination or completely recalibrate where you are heading.  Often where you end up is way better than predicted, which has been my experience. 

By deciding on the direction, some things will fall away.   


If I said we are going to travel somewhere for a few nights, you would want to know where.  Knowing where we are going would allow you to pack appropriately. 

Isn't life exciting!!! 


The path will be different 

Even if you are heading in exactly the same direction as someone else, your path will be different.  The decisions you make, the turns you choose to take or not take will turn different lights on, open up different options. 

Let’s say you decided to teach people how to train snails.  Deciding if you train online or face to face, is a choice that will open up other options and possibilities. 

The same will be for your Strategic Life Map.  Each decision you make, will still get you towards your destination, but via a different route. 

Each of these decisions will mean that you will arrive at a different place, the same direction and outcome but handled very differently. 


I like to think of this as going into a building with movement sensor lights.  You take one step and some lights come on.  You can then see what options are available to you.  Take another step in a different direction and different lights come on, with different options. 

 It is not a turn by turn 

Often it adds more clarity to explain what something is not.   

A Strategic Life Map is not a turn by turn process for your next 12 months.  It cannot be.  Loads will happen during the year that is unpredictable, in both a good and a bad way. 

Curve balls will be thrown at you, that is life, and you will need to learn how you can still move in the direction despite the obstacles, or even to change the approach entirely. 

But good things will also happen that will reveal your next step.  By not being a turn by turn, it will give you the chance to change direction, when you unearth something that you did not know and that will lead to other possibilities. 



You can change your mind 

Having a strategic life map can provide the clarity and direction you might need.  However, you can change your mind at any time.  As you go exploring you might decide that it is not right or not right now.  So, you can change direction.  At least you will have tried something and now know, it is not for you. 


This happened to Vanessa.  She was keen to add coaching to her quiver.  She had mad skills that she wanted to translate into coaching.  She did everything right, put all the elements in place and got great outcomes for her clients.  However, she could earn more doing recruiting, which she really loved, whereas getting coaching clients was a lot of hard work.  Knowing that, she can now decide what she wants to do next. 


Practically speaking 

You will receive an A3 paper that will map out your 3-5 dreams for the next 12 months at a high level.  You will then have greater detail for the next 3 months and even more detail, including actions for the next week or month.  You will also have some dreams you have decided to park for another year.   

You will have a big list of dreams to pursue at some time in the future and built dreaming and reflection habits to support you going forward.  You will also have built anchors and support mechanisms that will support your success. 


Simply it is a plan for the next 12 months, with some pointers for the next few years.  To get to the Strategic Life Map you go through reflection, dreaming and design phases, to review and explore.  Finally, you secure the Strategic Life Map with support mechanisms and anchors, that will help increase your success. 

So, what does this mean for you? 

Having a Strategic Life Map gives you enough flexibility to respond to life events, as well as clarity and direction and tangible actions. 

The easiest way to get started on your Strategic Life Map would be to join me on Design your Life on Purpose, in October and November, depending on your delivery preference. 


You get the following from the program: 

  1. An assessment of the last 12 months, positive and negative (it is never all bad) 

  2. A list of dreams and the mechanisms to keep dreaming for now and the future 

  3. A Strategic Life Map for the next 12 months 

  4. Tangible and actionable items to work on immediately, no manifesting here 

  5. Built individualised support mechanisms that will give you greater success in achieving your dreams 

  6. Contextual beacon to guide you in the next 12 months 


Get your Strategic Life Map for 2023 and beyond. 


Yours Collaboratively 



Often life can happen, which causes us to defer our dreams until…..  

Add COVID 19 into the mix and people often wonder whether the life they were barrelling towards was really the one they wanted.  

Want a better 2023? - helps you design a life that suits you perfectly.  

This webinar will run through the 4 modules of designing your life on purpose.  Specifically, focusing on what support mechanisms you can put in place to ensure you increase your success of taking the opportunities that are right for you and avoiding the ones that are not right for you.  

The best bit is that you will get the details on what it takes to live a life with intention, with immediately applicable actions.  If you have ever wondered whether the investment of time and money is worth it, then this is the best way to test the water.


If you are ready to create a Strategic Life Map that suits YOU personally  

Is this the year that you start designing a life that suits you perfectly? 

Head to the link below to choose the preference that works best for you, 1 day workshop on Saturday Saturday the 5th November or 4 weeks online. Both options give you a Strategic Life Map for next 12 months and beyond. I would love to see what amazing possibilities you unearth that will help you have 14% greater life satisfaction, after 3 months. 

All the information is here, including the magical registration button.

Hands up who wants an ‘AND’ career and not an ‘OR’ career

Let’s explore the 6 reasons why having more than 1 career at the time can be ace.

Who says? 

Who says you cannot pursue 2 career paths simultaneously, having an ‘and’ rather than an ‘or’ in their careers? 

If they cannot pursue 2 career paths simultaneously, they have too either: 

  1. Squish it into a side hustle 

  2. Having to decide one way or the other 

In the work that I do with professionals, I am seeing people wanting to pursue two careers at once, rather than sequentially (#oldschool).  You can be a snail trainer and a hairdresser, a real estate agent and a professional knife thrower.  The people I work with are looking for the ‘and’ and no longer the ‘or’, when it comes to their career. 

This makes sense to me for a number of reasons (6 to be precise).   


What is normal really? 

What we expected was the “norm” was flipped on its head when we hit Covid 19.  You can be a productive member of an organisation and work from home.  What?  You can live in a location that is removed from the head office and still get a lot done.  No Way!   

Explore safely 

If you are considering investigating a different career, the logical and safe bet is to do this while you are gainfully employed.  You do not throw away what you need to sustain your family and wellbeing, while you pursue something you are unsure about.  You can test the waters.  Yes, you can do this as a side hustle, but there will come a time when it needs to move into something more than nights and weekends, but will still require care and feeding.  Maintaining both is a great way to confirm it works.  Plus, there is this thing called rest.  I have learnt it is super important, so allow your employees to have hybrid careers, means they will bring the best of themselves to the office (actually work, as the office is hybrid now), rested and ready to go. 

Different gigs satisfy different needs

Why can you not do both?  If you get value out of them both in different ways, why do we need to do one or the other.   It does not make sense to me.  I love working with corporates on large scale changes, they are complicated, tricky and super exciting.  But, I equally love working with individuals and small teams and business on helping them navigate and plan change to create a desirable future.  As long as both are aware of how they will be supported and when, why can I not do both? 

Fully formed humans, with ambitions and dreams are good for organisations 

For an organisation, if you want fully formed humans to be working for you then, they come with ambitions and dreams that might not line up completely with you and your organisation. Why would you lose that talent? 

Build skills in creativity and problem solving 

Pursuing something you are unsure of will require some creativity and problem-solving skills, stretching you.  I am pretty sure those skills are what every organisation, wants as well.  Creativity and innovation come from the edges and not the fully formed middle.  Bringing those skills back to an organisation will be invaluable for the individual and the organisation. 

Future Proofing 

Finally, future proofing.  If you look back at the history of business, there is always disruption.  A business or a whole industry will disappear, when something different comes along.  In recent memory; taxis disrupted by uber, hotels by Airbnb, music distribution companies by streaming services, retail by instagram & online shopping, credit card companies by afterpay, corporate office buildings by hybrid working.  A real democratisation is happening, so future proofing your career will help ensure you have a career, when your industry is disrupted. 


So, what does this mean for you? 

Just because everyone is going one way, you can choose to go an entirely different direction.  I want you to do the thing you have been avoiding, thinking it was not right or odd.  It is doable.  Ignore the naysayers and go do your thing. 

2 examples that are inspirational to me are Drew Barrymore and Reese Witherspoon, long term fan! 

Drew amazing actress, producer, production company and also creator of Flower Cosmetics, Homeware line and Hair tools, as well as Author, and wine maker.  Lots of ‘ands’ there! 

Reese amazing actress, producer, production company and book club curator. 


What AND could you add to your life? 

Let’s get you started on an AND career and not an OR career by designing a Strategic Life Map 


Yours Collaboratively,



Often life can happen, which causes us to defer our dreams until…..  

Add COVID 19 into the mix and people often wonder whether the life they were barrelling towards was really the one they wanted.  

Want a better 2023? - helps you design a life that suits you perfectly.  

This webinar will run through the 4 modules of designing your life on purpose.  Specifically, focusing on what support mechanisms you can put in place to ensure you increase your success of taking the opportunities that are right for you and avoiding the ones that are not right for you.  

The best bit is that you will get the details on what it takes to live a life with intention, with immediately applicable actions.  If you have ever wondered whether the investment of time and money is worth it, then this is the best way to test the water.


If you are ready to create a Strategic Life Map that suits YOU personally  

Is this the year that you start designing a life that suits you perfectly? 

Head to the link below to choose the preference that works best for you, 1 day workshop on Saturday Saturday the 5th November or 4 weeks online. Both options give you a Strategic Life Map for next 12 months and beyond. I would love to see what amazing possibilities you unearth that will help you have 14% greater life satisfaction, after 3 months. 

All the information is here, including the magical registration button.

Want to have 14% better life satisfaction?

I may not have the statistical rigour of the Gallup’s of the world, but one thing I know for sure is that it is really hard to remember what life was like before.  Before you could not lift 15kg kettle bells, before you worked in x gig, that loved and appreciated you, before you could create amazing graphic drawings/jewellery/art. 

The before picture is not as clear, as when you were there.  It is really hard to see how far you have come, how much you have developed and matured.   


People who are in the business of change, know this.  That is why they measure you in the before state, weight, hip measurements, flexibility etc.  This is the current state, the “where you are now” view. 

It applies as equally for organisations and for people, you need to know your starting point. 

I do exactly the same thing, when someone signs up for Design Your Life on Purpose, I ask them to complete a survey going in, so I understand more about where they are at right now and what they focus needs to be. 

Then at the 3 month mark…. 

Three months into their Strategic Life map journey, I ask them to complete the survey again.  They do not have access to their previous results, so they are reporting again where they are now.  On average I see a 14% increase in life satisfaction. 

It is one of my favourite parts of the program, to see what people have been able to achieve in just 3 short months.  Inspiration is always assured, as they get to reflect on how far they have gone as well as how far their fellow pathfinders have come. 

Yes, I have built in accountability into the program, for three reasons: 

  1. Nothing like knowing someone is going to check on progress to help you get into action.  It was the reason I would practice during the week, so that when my piano lesson arrived, I could actually progress my skills. 

  2. People end up going farther than they think.  When the invite goes out, people are shocked that 3 months has passed.  By giving them time to reflect on where they were and where they are now, they are surprised by how much progress they have made. 

  3. Building in deliberate support mechanisms is part of the 4th modules – called ACT – and is critical for making progress in designing your life, and this is an example of one.  Having support mechanisms in place means you are more likely to get results from long desired changes

How do you get 14% more life satisfaction? 

Obviously, you need to sign up to Design your Life on Purpose with intakes in October and November this year, based on your delivery preferences, details below. 

If you want more information, come along to the FREE webinar – How to have a better 2023? – on Thursday 5th October.

I love seeing what people unearth and feel so humbled to see the progress they make. 


Yours Collaboratively, 

Christina MM


Often life can happen, which causes us to defer our dreams until…..  

Add COVID 19 into the mix and people often wonder whether the life they were barrelling towards was really the one they wanted.  

Want a better 2023? - helps you design a life that suits you perfectly.  

This webinar will run through the 4 modules of designing your life on purpose.  Specifically, focusing on what support mechanisms you can put in place to ensure you increase your success of taking the opportunities that are right for you and avoiding the ones that are not right for you.  

The best bit is that you will get the details on what it takes to live a life with intention, with immediately applicable actions.  If you have ever wondered whether the investment of time and money is worth it, then this is the best way to test the water.


If you are ready to create a Strategic Life Map that suits YOU personally  

Is this the year that you start designing a life that suits you perfectly? 

Head to the link below to choose the preference that works best for you, 1 day workshop on Saturday Saturday the 5th November or 4 weeks online. Both options give you a Strategic Life Map for next 12 months and beyond. I would love to see what amazing possibilities you unearth that will help you have 14% greater life satisfaction, after 3 months. 

All the information is here, including the magical registration button.

What about you? Changies

One of my favourite parts of the recent Rethink change conference was reconnecting with all the wonderful members of the change community and hearing about all the exciting ideas that are being implemented across the change space. The amount of passion and creativity on display made me remember why I love working this area as there is always a new and exciting frontier being explored.  

The other theme that also regularly came up in conversations is how much time and energy we direct towards work projects. With all effort being put into bringing about organisational change, it had me reflecting on why we don’t apply the same drive to improving our own personal journey. The end of a big project can leave us feeling drained and goalless, as we have invested so much of our time and energy to the project leaving little to ourselves. I think it is the perfect time to redirect the energy towards yourself. 

Your Next Project: You 

The modern work week can often feel like it’s always go-go-go, constantly moving from one puzzle to be solved onto the next. This can be further intensified by the demands outside of work like family or social activities.  If you’re someone who works in projects this can be especially true, where the crunch can be intense. 

And when there’s finally a lull in action in the action, we can often feel at a loss at what do next. Sometimes the lack of a clear, immediate goal can even cause anxiousness or unease as we have trained our brains to always be thinking about the next step. 

So why not direct those harness these creative energies and direct them inward? There is never a perfect time to focus on your personal development. By creating a Strategic Life Map you will have the flexibility and the focus to create a life that suits you perfectly. This can equally apply to any transitional period of your life, when you suddenly find you are asking - now what?  

The Complete Package 

Focusing on improving yourself will improve your quality of life, but can also make you better at your job. By using the skills you have honed on your own development, you will come out with a much better understanding of what you want and how to achieve it. 

You spend so much time putting the figurative gas mask on others, you should view your own development as an equally worthy project 

Design Your Life On Purpose 

In summary, life can get so busy that we can easily find ourselves putting all our energy into external projects and neglecting on our development, especially as people involved in Change.

Join me on the Design Your Life program we can turn focus on you, unearthing possibilities and creating a Strategic Life Map, which will buoy regardless of the pace or timing of projects.

I’m really excited to see what we can discover together! 


Yours Collaboratively, 


Christina MM 


Often life can happen, which causes us to defer our dreams until…..  

Add COVID 19 into the mix and people often wonder whether the life they were barrelling towards was really the one they wanted.  

Want a better 2023? - helps you design a life that suits you perfectly.  

This webinar will run through the 4 modules of designing your life on purpose.  Specifically, focusing on what support mechanisms you can put in place to ensure you increase your success of taking the opportunities that are right for you and avoiding the ones that are not right for you.  

The best bit is that you will get the details on what it takes to live a life with intention, with immediately applicable actions.  If you have ever wondered whether the investment of time and money is worth it, then this is the best way to test the water.


If you are ready to create a Strategic Life Map that suits YOU personally  

Is this the year that you start designing a life that suits you perfectly? 

Head to the link below to choose the preference that works best for you, 1 day workshop on Saturday Saturday the 5th November or 4 weeks online. Both options give you a Strategic Life Map for next 12 months and beyond. I would love to see what amazing possibilities you unearth that will help you have 14% greater life satisfaction, after just 3 months. 

All the information is here, including the magical registration button.

Who am I?

It has been a little over a week since the Rethink change conference and what a blast it was, so much good juicy content and fabulous people to connect with.  Last Friday those people that registered got the recording, and presentations.  I personally cannot wait to go deeper and go through all the presentations and squeeze all the goodness out, while listening to the curated playlist I created for the day. 

Today I thought I would take a moment to tell you about me and why I am on this planet.  Let’s remove any guess work you might have surmised by my posts and s p e l l  it  o u t. 

About CMM 

I am a change professional, coach, facilitator, author, and creative. 

I have cultivated the ability to walk into any industry; see what is not seen, distil what is complicated, and simplify the chaos.  This skill has been forged in a deliberate and concentrated way for over 25+ years, through Personal Coaching and Organisational Change Management, working in very different industries, such as financial services, education and retail.   

I have spent the last 10 years and over $70k, experimenting, refining, and improving my life design process.  The result is an approach that will enable you to unearth possibilities and design a Strategic Life Map. 


Bottom Line is… I know CHANGE. I know how to plan for change, how to start change, how to adjust change in progress, how to track change and how to embed change.   

If you are looking for me, I am likely designing something or in my spiritual home JB Hi-Fi, exploring stationery stores or artisan markets. 

I started Incahoots, 15 years ago… 

About Incahoots 

At Incahoots we believe we are better together!   

Incahoots started with the belief that collaboration is key.  Together we are better.  What we create together, brings all the goodness of each contribution and amplifies and enriches the result.  The result is way more than the sum of its parts.  Solving wicked problems together is super fun and allows for creativity in designing a more positive outcome.  We can spark off each other, generating greater “popportunities” – reasons to celebrate and the opportunity by letting off a popper – hence popportunities!  

Through collaboration we are creatively designing a better tomorrow. 

What can Incahoots or CMM do for me? 

How Incahoots and CMM manifest better together is in the following ways….. 

For an Individual… 

Design your own Strategic Life Map  

A Strategic Life Map unearths possibilities and provides you with the guidance to design your life, so that the better tomorrow is one that suits your perfectly. 

Practically speaking, you get a plan for the next 12 months and beyond, with enough support mechanisms to help balance opportunity grabbing and stickiness to the plan 

Pathfinders (collective noun for people designing their lives) report a 14% better life satisfaction in just 3 months as they are well on the way to future proofing their lives. 

The next Design your Life on Purpose (DYLOP) program is coming up Oct/Nov depending on your delivery preference, 1 day workshop or 4 weeks online – all details are right here.  


Read more books 

Join Incahoots Business Book Club (BBC) to read more business books, if that is one of your dreams for 2022/2023.  Perfect time to join, as we plan out our books for 2023, very much a co-design process, everyone has the option to input and vote on the books for 2023. 


For a Team… 

Strengthen Your Strategy 

A bespoke facilitated workshop that combines strengths-based coaching and applies it to your business strategy.  The outcomes are your team are bringing their best selves to your strategy.  They feel like they are contributing their best and you get your strategy actioned. 

Being bespoke, it means it can be customised to your team’s needs, allowing you to fully participate in the goodness that emerges.  Because they will understand their strengths, they will know exactly how they contribute to the strategic success of the team. 

More details are here 


Design your Life on Purpose (DYLOP) Corporate version 

I am looking for a corporate who would like to pilot DYLOP in their organisation.  This is helping your team members craft a deliberate development path, that considers the whole person and not just the work person.  Organisations (eg Unilever, HBR Mar/Apr 2022) are finding that being a purpose driven organisation is no longer enough, they want their employees to be “future-fit’ regardless of what life throws their way. 

If you are interested to find out more, lets chat – christina@incahoots.com.au 

So, there you go.  You now know more about me, about Incahoots and how I can help you. 


Yours Collaboratively, 

Christina MM

Join the free webinar - Want a better 2023?

Often life can happen, which causes us to defer our dreams until….. 

Add COVID 19 into the mix and people often wonder whether the life they were barrelling towards was really the one they wanted. 

Want a better 2023? - helps you design a life that suits you perfectly. 

This webinar will run through the 4 modules of designing your life on purpose.  Specifically, focusing on what support mechanisms you can put in place to ensure you increase your success of taking the opportunities that are right for you and avoiding the ones that are not right for you. 

The best bit is that you will get the details on what it takes to live a life with intention, with immediately applicable actions.  If you have ever wondered whether the investment of time and money is worth it, then this is the best way to test the water. 

HEARD Enough – sign me up all ready! 

If you are ready to create a Strategic Life Map that suits YOU personally 

Is this the year that you start designing a life that suits you perfectly?

Head to the link below to choose the preference that works best for you, 1 day workshop on Saturday Saturday the 5th November or 4 weeks online. Both options give you a Strategic Life Map for next 12 months and beyond. I would love to see what amazing possibilities you unearth that will help you have 14% greater life satisfaction, after 3 months.

All the information is here, including the magical registration button.