Are you using these two super powers?

There are two super powers that I think are essential for life generally, but specifically for Designing Your Life on Purpose. 

They are reflection and dreaming. 

Or as I call them Reflection Revolution and Dream Quest, because apart from being way funner, talks more to the transformative power.

Why do you need both Reflection Revolution and Dream Quest? 

Each of them achieves different things, takes you to a different type of thinking, and has a different purpose associated with it.  Each has a different energy that it generates and you get different actions and outcomes depending which one you use. 

They achieve different things. 

Let talk about each in turn


Reflection Revolution is about looking into the past at things that might have happened.  Generally, you are looking for incremental improvements on things that have happened in the past.  For example, you might want to improve your sleep routine, by going to bed earlier. 

Reflection Revolution is also helpful to review or evaluate something.  You could be evaluating a situation that has happened, a mistake or an incident.  The structure allows you to look at what was good about the situation, as well as maybe what was not so good about it and work through what you would have done differently with your time again.  If you want to generate some change, it is very helpful to do a Reflection Revolution session as part of that process.  

Reflecting can make you feel a little bit uncomfortable with the status quo, so that you want to move.  It is designed to do exactly that make you feel uncomfortable so you make a change. 


Dream Quest is designed to be unbounded, unfiltered - just anything you could possibly ever think of.  It's meant to free your brain up to really explore what the future could be.  As a result of this freedom, its energy is very different. 

Because Dream Quest is future focused it means that you can look at things that could be or possibly might be.  The really important part about dreaming is that it provides direction, a future state to head towards. 

Be free and unbounded in your thinking, even the things that seem impossible.  Actually, especially the things that seem impossible, write them down and add them to your dreams list.  This is a case where the bigger the better - so go wild and capture every single thing that you have ever dreamed of. 

You could have some incremental improvements as a result of Reflection Revolution, but for what end, for what outcome.  Without dreaming you don't have a future state that you're heading towards.  That's the reason for doing the Dream Quest component of superpowers. 

The other thing to remember is it can be more than one dream.  You can and should have loads of dreams.  Some will be small dreams that will be able to be achieved in a very small amount of time and relatively quickly.  Some dreams require a longer build time for you to move towards step by step.  

This is a case of…


Reflection Revolution will help you learn from the past, determining what you will do differently and then Dream Quest gives your direction and activity that will move you toward this future state you have dreamed up. 

Reflection Revolution and Dream Quest achieve different outcomes, and you need both to be too able to Design Your Life on Purpose.

How to get better at the superpowers? 

Thanks Christina, I now understand the two superpowers of Reflection Revolution and Dream Quest, so how do I get better at them? 

Glad you asked, lets walk through some techniques to assist with you getting super at using Super Powers. 

Reflection Revolution can be used periodically and daily. 


Use it to reflect on the last month, quarter, year etc as to what has worked well and what you would do differently if you had your time again. 


Start or maintain a journal.  Reflect on the day, what was less than fabulous, and what are you super grateful for.  The cool thing is that by reflecting daily you will get better at the periodic reflection. 


  1. Be careful you don’t get too lost in the areas of improvement.  There absolutely will be things you are grateful for each time you reflect.  Don’t leave a reflection revolution session unless you have a minimum of 3 things to be grateful for 

  2. Use a paper journal to write your daily reflections.  It will minimise going over stuff in your mind and release it from your head.  I also recommend this for the periodic reflection as well.  I find act of writing it down is more impactful than typing it out. 

Dream Quest is best to do periodically and opportunistically 


Yearly or quarterly think about all the fabulous things you might want to add too you dreams list, answering questions, such as  

If you knew you could not fail, what would you do? 

If money education or age are inconsequential, what would you do? 


When a new dream emerges or you hear one from someone that you love add it to the dreams list. 

Here is where I go against my usual advice of writing down your dreams on paper.  I personally add them to a massive Evernote file, so I can add when inspiration strikes. 


So now you know more about the 2 superpowers of reflection revolution and dream quest and how to build them into your routines to build your expertise.  You are welcome 

So, what does this mean for you? 

The two super powers are especially important for Designing Your Life on Purpose, as they both provide critical input into your Strategic Life Map.  They allow you to unearth possibilities and explore what might be.  

Start using the super powers and then unearth amazing possibilities of what your life could be.  I cannot wait to hear what quirkiness you will release on the world. 


Yours Collaboratively 


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Items just for you….

  1. Book in for possibilities exploration

  2. Join the free Incahoots Business Book Club to read more books

  3. Sign up to a wholistic wellbeing program creating a Strategic Life Map, designed to future proof (Design Your Life on Purpose)

Items for you and your team…

  1. Book me as a Guest speaker

  2. Work incahoots to design and deliver an outcome focused workshop

  3. Deliver a workshop on strengths and their application to strategy (Strengthen your Strategy