What happens on retreat – stays on retreat!
Absolutely, but here are some trends you might be interested in, especially if you are thinking it might be for you. Plus, I know you people and you are super curious
So, who attended?
I reckon this will be the most asked question of all. I will not tell you, as this is definitely one of the things that stays on retreat.
The design your life on purpose method attracts 2 types of people:
1. Know Exactly - Peeps who know exactly what they want to do, but are unsure how or have some blocks to overcome
2. No Idea - Peeps who are unsure what they want to design their life around, or know what they do not want
Interestingly, this retreat had exactly 50/50 split of the two camps.
The Experience….
Everything was designed to create light filled calmness and a dream like atmosphere to allow people to go deep, and we did go deep. Yes, tears were shed, and not just by the participants. When you are working through creating the life that suits you perfectly, and not everyone else in your circle, it can be liberating and your eyes tend to leak a little.
The room was set up, with Covid Safe spacing and to allow everyone to spread right out. No boring board room set up here.
The Hive
Orange, NSW
Throughout the 2 days the participants were supported with template and reminders to help them anchor and support the new strategic life plan they were creating.
As early adopters also received some one-off items to remind them of the experience.
It’s all about the Merch
How was it for the participants?
Even if you knew exactly what you wanted to design your life around, the day 1 activities dislodged some other thoughts, which morphed their approach.
When you give yourself permission and are supported, you find that things emerge you were not expecting. You have the space and permission (which you gave yourself by investing the time) to play around with them and explore them from all angles, without having to make a decision by 5pm.
Banned words
Because there was a little bit of leakage in the eye area (tears) there started to emerge a theme of apologising for emotions. So as a group we decided to ban the words:
Sorry and Just
We wanted people to be able to feel what they felt and say what they needed to say, without any qualifications.
The right path
All of the participants reflected on the need to have some time to “Invest in something that will get me on the right path”.
2020 was tough right
The participants also needed the time and space to process everything that 2020 uncovered, they needed time to “reflect on the chaos” and it was what their “soul needs”.
There was a lot of feedback about choosing to do something, or not do something. Life is series of choices, are you choosing you and your future?
Yes, health was there
Every new year’s resolution ever includes something about health. In the design your life context it is more about being healthy to give you the energy to achieve all the wonderful dreams on your strategic life map, and not about losing weight.
So, what next?
Convinced you need to design your life on purpose. The following are four options to get you on the path, at whatever stage you are at.
Dream Quest is designed to kick start the critical super habit of dreaming. Without this super habit of dreaming it is hard to know what you are designing your life towards.
Perfect for:
This will be perfect for someone who is unsure whether they have any dreams at all or who is keen to start designing their life.
As dreaming is a perpetual habit, something you can contribute to every day, Dream Quest can be accessed at any time. Dream Questers will receive drip fed templates in the post, to allow them to think, percolate and document their dreams, with the full Incahoots experience.
More information and sign up for Dream Quest are here at a cost of $75
Reflection Revolution is about developing the other super habit of reflection.
Perfect for:
This will be perfect for someone who wants to check-in on where they are now. This can sometimes mean they are not 100% happy with today, but unsure about what aspects are not working.
This is also helpful for someone who is keen to understand more about the designing your life process before committing to a retreat or a workshop.
Reflection is something that you do generally do periodically, rather than an everyday habit, therefore, Reflection Revolution will be offered as preparation for Design Your Life on Purpose workshops or retreats.
Reflection revolution will be supported with live webinars to explain the process, set people up, and answer the ‘what now?” question, as well as receive templates via the post.
More information and sign up for Reflection Revolution are here at a cost of $100, starting in the first week in February 2021.
Sydney based 1-day workshop with optional one on one coaching session.
This workshop is a mini version of the retreat. It will include all the elements of the 4-step methodology, reflect, dream, design and act in enough detail to get you underway with your Strategic Life Map, including support mechanisms.
Perfect for:
This workshop is ideal for people who are ready to Design their Life on Purpose. It will help people who either:
Know exactly what they want to do, but are unsure how or have some blocks to overcome
Unsure what they want to design their life around, or know what they do not want
The workshop includes an optional one on one session, to help address any blocks or provide customised direction.
A pre-requisite for this workshop is to have completed reflection revolution.
The one-day workshop would be held late March, in a Sydney location at a cost of $750.
Expressions of interest can be made here.
The retreat package will include all costs associated with the retreat weekend (including accommodation and meals), as well as all pre and post work. This is a full year of guidance and support post the retreat, with preparation prior to the retreat. This package also includes the opportunity to step away from the day to day and go deep, really take the time to set yourself up for the year ahead. Set in country NSW, it additionally supports local communities.
Perfect for:
This immersive retreat is for people who want to be removed from the day to day and really have the opportunity to reflect, ponder and go deep. It will help people who either:
Know exactly what they want to do, but are unsure how or have some blocks to overcome
Unsure what they want to design their life around, or know what they do not want
If you are after one package, to rule them all, with one all-inclusive cost, this is it.
Pre-work activities will ensure the right participants to enable open, transparent and vulnerable conversations throughout.
Expressions of interest can be made here.
Incahoots exists
To guide professionals who have deferred their dreams, to unearth possibilities to design a strategic life map that answers the question - now what?
About CMM
Christina Morgan-Meldrum (CMM) is a coach, facilitator, author, change professional and creative. She particularly loves helping people and organisations unearth what’s possible to design a future that suits you perfectly (a Strategic Lifemap).
Cultivating the ability to walk into any industry; see what is not seen, distil what is complicated, and simplify the chaos. This skill has been forged in a deliberate and concentrated way for over 20 years, through Personal Coaching and working in Organisational Change Management.
Filling her time on various side hustles, blogging, creating and learning the piano. If you are looking for her, she is likely at her spiritual home JB Hi-Fi, exploring stationery stores or artisan markets.