What exactly is a Strategic Life Map?

My mind has a habit of running forward, part of the combination of futuristic and strategic strengths (see Gallup/Clifton’s Strengths).  As a result of this, I sometimes forget to let people know some of the fundamentals of my thinking. 

I thought it was time I explained, what exactly is a Strategic Life Map! 

A Strategic Life Map creates direction & therefore clarity 


The purpose behind a Strategic Life Map is to provide general direction.  It provides you with an outcome, an intention, a destination to arrive at, hopefully.  I say hopefully not to be flippant or to discourage you, but as a reminder that you might not end up where you intended.  Decisions create diversions on the path, you might get back to the destination or completely recalibrate where you are heading.  Often where you end up is way better than predicted, which has been my experience. 

By deciding on the direction, some things will fall away. 

If I said we are going to travel somewhere for a few nights, you would want to know where.  Knowing where we are going would allow you to pack appropriately. 

Isn't life exciting!!! 

The path will be different 

Even if you are heading in exactly the same direction as someone else, your path will be different.  The decisions you make, the turns you choose to take or not take will turn different lights on, open up different options. 

Let’s say you decided to teach people how to train snails.  Deciding if you train online or face to face, is a choice that will open up other options and possibilities. The same will be for your Strategic Life Map.  Each decision you make, will still get you towards your destination, but via a different route. 

Each of these decisions will mean that you will arrive at a different place, the same direction and outcome but handled very differently. 

I like to think of this as going into a building with movement sensor lights.  You take one step and some lights come on.  You can then see what options are available to you.  Take another step in a different direction and different lights come on, with different options. 

It is not a turn by turn 

Often it adds more clarity to explain what something is not.   

A Strategic Life Map is not a turn by turn process for your next 12 months.  It cannot be.  Loads will happen during the year that is unpredictable, in both a good and a bad way. 

Curve balls will be thrown at you, that is life, and you will need to learn how you can still move in the direction despite the obstacles, or even to change the approach entirely.

But good things will also happen that will reveal your next step.  By not being a turn by turn, it will give you the chance to change direction, when you unearth something that you did not know and that will lead to other possibilities. 

You can change your mind 

Having a strategic life map can provide the clarity and direction you might need.  However, you can change your mind at any time.  As you go exploring you might decide that it is not right or not right now.  So, you can change direction.  At least you will have tried something and now know, it is not for you. 

This happened to Vanessa.  She was keen to add coaching to her quiver.  She had mad skills that she wanted to translate into coaching.  She did everything right, put all the elements in place and got great outcomes for her clients.  However, she could earn more doing recruiting, which she really loved, whereas getting coaching clients was a lot of hard work.  Knowing that, she can now decide what she wants to do next. 

Practically speaking 

You will receive an A3 paper that will map out your 3-5 dreams for the next 12 months at a high level.  You will then have greater detail for the next 3 months and even more detail, including actions for the next week or month.  You will also have some dreams you have decided to park for another year.   

You will have a big list of dreams to pursue at some time in the future and built dreaming and reflection habits to support you going forward.  You will also have built anchors and support mechanisms that will support your success. 


Simply it is a plan for the next 12 months, with some pointers for the next few years.  To get to the Strategic Life Map you go through reflection, dreaming and design phases, to review and explore.  Finally, you secure the Strategic Life Map with support mechanisms and anchors, that will help increase your success. 

You get the following from the program: 

  1. An assessment of the last 12 months, positive and negative (it is never all bad) 

  2. A list of dreams and the mechanisms to keep dreaming for now and the future 

  3. A Strategic Life Map for the next 12 months 

  4. Tangible and actionable items to work on immediately, no manifesting here 

  5. Built individualised support mechanisms that will give you greater success in achieving your dreams 

  6. Contextual beacon to guide you in the next 12 months

So, what does this mean for you? 


Having a Strategic Life Map gives you enough flexibility to respond to life events, as well as clarity and direction and tangible actions. 

The easiest way to get started on your Strategic Life Map would be to join me on Design your Life on Purpose, on Saturday the 23rd July.

Design your life on Purpose is these things

  • Workshop part of program on Saturday 23rd July 

  • Program is limited to 12 people to ensure personalised attention 

  • The work is individual, it focuses on YOU and what you want from your life 

  • It is wholistic – treating you as a whole human being with responsibilities 

  • Delivered by someone who knows CHANGE.  Over 20 year’s experience in Organisational Change Management (OCM) with Personal Coaching 


Get your Strategic Life Map for 2022 and beyond. 


Yours Collaboratively 




DYLOP is designed to guide professionals who have deferred their dreams, to unearth possibilities and design their strategic life map answering the question - now what? 


 “We all need this. Don't waste time being aimless” 

 Julianna Canale - Executive Manager, Westpac 

 “It was my time and I was giving myself permission to invest in me” 

Deb C - Connexia Change Management Practice Director 

 “Do it. Even if they sort of know their path its' such a great exercise and it triggers your brain. Even more so for someone that is a bit lost - Everyone can do it.” 

Frida Eriksson-Moussa 

Special Offers


Everything is better with friends, so if you bring a friend along then you both get a bonus one on one coaching session.  Each person will work on their own Strategic Life Map and they can choose to share or not.  The session is all about you and what you need and is strictly confidential.  Giving you all my focus and attention to help accelerate your dreams.   


Get $50 off the total price if you sign up right now. 


If you are ready to create a Strategic Life Map that suits YOU personally.

Is this the year that you start designing a life that suits you perfectly? 

Yes, then lock the Saturday the 23rd July in your calendar and register right now.  I would love to see you there and see what amazing things you can achieve in the next 12 months and beyond. 


All the information is here, including the magical registration button.