Origins – how did this start?

This could be called – How did I get here? Or way funner – Origins – like X Files Origins. 

The how did I get here – relates to the Designing Your Life On Purpose course.   

It all began way back when, I left a really horrible gig with a horrible client.  I felt it kind of eroding my self-esteem, even my sense of self-worth, I'm sure many people can relate.  I just I wasn't the same person when I was on that gig and I really needed to take the time to sort through my thinking of what it is that I actually wanted to do.  


Was I even good at this?  Was this the sort of stuff that I wanted to do?   

To investigate what I should do, the real analysis, I looked around to see what was out on the market.   That would help me answer the question - What could I possibly do? What course could I take? What activity could I do?  There was kind of nothing there.  There's a few more things now, but back then, 7 or so years ago, there was nothing to solve my specific problem.  

So, I started experimenting. I said to myself – self – let’s take charge and start trying a few different things to see if you can sort this out yourself.   To see if I could determine what, how and where I want my life to go.  I gleaned little activities from all sorts of different places.   They came from a book, a conference, from something I overheard, it could come from a story or an article in a magazine.  I was not quite sure what I was looking for, so all the pieces of information were helpful.    There was definitely no “do this and you will design your life better”. It was more like a random concept and I would go – self what is the application of this theory – where do you think it could apply? 


Some of them worked and some of them didn't.   Luckily I was experimenting on myself, so no animals, children, or fully fledged adults was harmed in the making of the program.  It was me trying things out.  Throughout I realised that some things were really helpful and some things were so not helpful.  The things were not helpful got jettisoned, flicked away.  The things that were helpful started to create a framework, a process about how you do this. 

Then as my education, my self-learning evolved, I realised that I was getting clearer and clearer about what that framework was and each year I was getting better and better at actually getting what I wanted out of life - heading towards the things that I want to focus on.  

I kept investing in myself looking for ways, methods and techniques.   One course that was helpful, with loads of really helpful information – in fact because of that course I become an author. Not a bad outcome. 


The book I wrote was called (is called – you can still get it, I have a few, so let me know). The book is called Working Your Mojo, entrepreneurial thinking for musicians.  

I tell people that the book was an abject failure, and it is.  Totally wrong audience and not the book I should have written. 

I learnt stacks through that process and many elements of the book are part of Design your Life on Purpose, plus I'm an author now, so that's nothing to sneeze at, Yay me!   

Fast forward and what worked on myself, I also started using when coaching people or in my Organisational Change Management practice.  Then some girlfriends suggested that thing you do every year and plan out your next year, to do all these amazing things, can I get that too. 

This was a real “Hang on a second” moment – this thing that I have been doing year after year to create a better life for me, other people like me might want that too – is this THE ONE (the one business idea I have been searching for through my whole life of unrelenting standards)  

Who knows – but I love it and I know it really helps people, as it already had when I share aspects of it. 


Ok challenge accepted universe – let’s see what this would look like if you guided people on designing their lives.   So I then started working out how that might look like and what would work with what to create a program. 

Of course, I decided to do this in 2020 when we were all in lockdown we didn't know what Coronavirus 19 was going to do to us.  I am glad go started because while it didn't turn out exactly as I wanted, was going to do it in May and we're all in lockdown in Australia at that time.  What I ended up doing was taking that time to do like a little mini pilot and finding out how that could work.  

That pilot is part of the design your life program - called Reflection Revolution.   I learned so much from taking that step and then the next step. 

So now I'm running the Design Your Life On Purpose Course and other programs, plus program for corporates.   It is actually working out exactly as I planned.   So literally I'm Designing My Life and showing people how to design their lives, Yay! 


I love it when a plan comes together.

Yours Collaboratively

Christina MM

Chief Possibilities Encourager

So, what does this mean for you? 

This is about Investing in YOU!

You will never know unless you try.  You will always be lamenting what could be rather than finding out if it really is right for you.  The journey will not be straight, there will be twists and turns, but that is where the magic is, around an unexpected corner.  Go search and seek them, unearth possibilities and experiment. 


Here is what you need to know about Design Your Life Program: 

  • Workshop part of program on Saturday 23rd July 

  • Program is limited to 12 people to ensure personalised attention 

  • The work is individual, it focuses on YOU and what you want from your life 

  • It is wholistic – treating you as a whole human being with responsibilities 

  • Delivered by someone who knows CHANGE.  Over 20 year’s experience in Organisational Change Management (OCM) with Personal Coaching 


Get your Strategic Life Map for 2022 and beyond right here. 

Yours Collaboratively