Superpowers - Reflection and Dreaming

Let’s talk about two super powers

I believe that there are two superpowers. One is reflection and the second one is dreaming.

I personally call them Reflection Revolution and Dream Quest, because I think that talks more to the transformative power and it's way funner!

Why do you need both?

They actually achieve different things. Each of them has a different purpose associated with it. It has a different energy that it generates and you get different actions and outcomes depending which one you choose, or which one you use, more so.

So basically they achieve different things.

Reflection Revolution

Reflection Revolution is about looking past and behind things that might have happened and then working out what are the incremental improvements that you might want to make along the way. It's really past tense that you're looking at and it's looking for incremental improvements.

It's also designed for you to either review or evaluate something. So it could have been a mistake that happened, or an incident that happened and allows you to look at that with what was good about it, as well as maybe what was not so good about it and work through that. It's also if you want to generate some change, very helpful process to do a Reflection Revolution as part of that process.

Now the thing to know is that it can make you feel a little bit uncomfortable and that's okay, that's what it's designed to do. It's designed to make you uncomfortable with the status quo, so that you want to move.

Dream Quest

Dream Quest is designed to be unbounded, unfiltered - just anything you could possibly ever think of. It's meant to free your brain up to really explore what the future could be and its energy is very different as a result of that. So that's part of the reason for doing both of them is that you can get a different end result.

Because Dream Quest is future focused it means that you can look at things that could be or possibly might be. The really important part about dreaming is that it gives you some sort of direction

So you could have done the Reflection Revolution and you've got some incremental improvements, but for what end, for what direction. Without dreaming you don't have a future state that you're heading towards. That's the reason for doing the Dream Quest component of dreaming.

The other thing to remember is it can be more than one. You can have many dreams and you actually should, because some will be small dreams that will be able to be achieved in a very small amount of time. Some are much bigger dreams that are going to take a little while to kind of chip away at so that's the reason for having more than one dream.  

Ready to Unearth Possibilities?

Great news!

This program has been designed for those people who have “no idea” what they want their life to be about.

Over 6 weeks and 3 live coaching sessions we will explore several techniques to enable you to create a BIG juicy list of ideas to start exploring – basically a fun list of possibilities.

Kicking off on Thursday 21st April, with the first live coaching session 8-9pm AEST

Of course, all sessions will be recorded, but I am known to give away prizes for people attending live.

Get in first and experience this program at a pilot price.

All the registration and payments details are here.

I am super excited about being able to deliver my content to a larger audience online. I hope you can join me unearth some fabulous possibilities.

Yours Collaboratively,

Christina MM

P.S. I get inspired by other peoples dreams, as much as I do by my own dreams. If you feel comfortable, please share your craziest dream with me. It will be used anonymously to inspire others to dream BIG dreams.

Unearth Possibilities Program Announced!

Today I am very pleased to announce Unearth Possibilities (The Program)

Below is a video to quickly explain what is happening. More information and of course the registrations sits just below.

Have you ever felt that you still do not know what you want to do with your life?

Stuck for ideas on what to do next, after kids gone to Uni or school?

Generating ideas for a future life, can be like tumbleweeds across the baren landscape of your brain or the sound of crows going fark, fark?

Then unearth possibilities is exactly what you need…

This 6-week online course, with 3 live coaching sessions is designed to give you a BIG juicy list of ideas.  Basically, to unearth possibilities (which is why it is called that – you get what is on the box).  

These possibilities could take the form of:

  • Deferred dreams

  • The I don’t dare ideas

  • The maybe it’s too late to…

  • The who am I to…

These might be the dreams that went to the very back of the cupboard and have years of crap placed on top.  They could be new dreams; they could be long held dreams you have never dared to speak out loud.

It really does not matter the reason; these dreams that have been deferred (for very good and valid reasons).

We will dust off your brain and fire up your energy and create a fabulously HUGE list that you can choose to work on.  

Once we have a HUGE juicy list of ideas, it is much easier to start.

We will also have filled that void of emptiness with new shiny and sparkly habits to create more and more fabulous dreams

Because the cool thing is….

The more you dream, the more you dream.

Ready to Unearth Possibilities?

Great news!

This program has been designed for those people who have “no idea” what they want their life to be about.

Over 6 weeks and 3 live coaching sessions we will explore several techniques to enable you to create a BIG juicy list of ideas to start exploring – basically a fun list of possibilities.

Kicking off on Thursday 21st April, with the first live coaching session 8-9pm AEST

Of course, all sessions will be recorded, but I am known to give away prizes for people attending live.

Get in first and experience this program at a pilot price.

All the registration and payments details are here.

I am super excited about being able to deliver my content to a larger audience online. I hope you can join me unearth some fabulous possibilities.

Yours Collaboratively,

Christina MM

P.S. I get inspired by other peoples dreams, as much as I do by my own dreams. If you feel comfortable, please share your craziest dream with me. It will be used anonymously to inspire others to dream BIG dreams.

IWD 2022 Themed Playlist

Happy International Women’s Day!

or week (we so deserve a week - at least)

The theme this year is #breakthebias

IWD 2022 themed Playlist

As anyone who knows me for like 5 mins, will know that I love and adore music and, in another life, might have been a music promoter.  

I have created a Spotify Playlist of 10 Australian Female Musicians that deserve to be on high rotation in your music library.

The music industry has been hit really hard in the last 2 years, more than many other industries.  When you are musician, you earn most of your money through touring and concerts, so when they are not happening you are f&%cked.  

So rather than just playing the music on Spotify, where the artist gets a very small amount (like 0.004 cents per play on average – so not even 1 cent, taking about 250 views before they make $1).  I encourage you to listen and then PURCHASE - hard copy (Vinyl or CD), iTunes, Bandcamp.

PURCHASE, because this becomes just that little bit harder if you are a woman.  

They often don’t get booked as the main bill on a festival if they get booked at all.  They must take time off to have children (no friendly employer to pay for maternity leave or even super)

I just realised, that if you listen to my playlist, I have become a music promoter!  Lifelong dream achieved!

If you think I missed someone (I tots know I left some amazing Australian Female Artists out, eg Tina Arena), please let me know as I am always interested in new music.

Coming up soon!

Unearth Possibilities

Around 50% of people that attend my DYLOP course do not know what to design their lives around.  Therefore, I have designed this course – Unearth Possibilities – to do what is on the box and help unearth possibilities and options.  

It will be my first totally online course & will be available at pilot pricing

The program will start on Thursday the 21st of April.  If you have any peeps that will be interested, here is the page, where they can sign up.

I hope you are well and keeping as dry as possible.

Reach out with any questions or comments.

Yours Collaboratively,

Christina MM

Chief Possibilities Encourager

P.S. I get inspired by other people’s dreams, as much as I do by my own dreams.  If you feel comfortable, please share your craziest dream with me. It will be used anonymously to inspire others to dream BIG dreams.

Want a BETTER 2022?

Often life can happen, which causes us to defer our dreams until….. (dramatic pause)

Add COVID 19 into the mix and people wonder whether the life they were barrelling towards was really the one they wanted. 

Want a Better 2022 webinar is about deliberately and intentionally creating a Strategic Life Map for a life that suits you perfectly - Designing YOUR Life on Purpose.

More than a talk fest, you will take action within the session and still have plenty of time for questions.

We will go deeper into support mechanisms that increase your success, taking the opportunities that are right and avoiding the ones that are not right.

Design your Life on Purpose has been designed, developed, and refined for over 10 years.  It began by experimenting with tools, templates, approaches, hints, anything that would make my life better and allow me to direct my future on my terms, after leaving a horrid gig.  It continues to be refined and improved, practicing on myself and my coaching clients (they are willing).

Here is what others have said

“It was my time and I was giving myself permission to invest in me”

Deb Charalambidis - Connexia Change Management Practice Director

“We all need this. Don't waste time being aimless”

 Julianna Canale - Executive Manager, Westpac

“Totally recommend. Opens your mind to thinking outside the square and allowing self to dream, develop plans and break it into steps to go forth with.”

Trina Bechly - Office Manager & Photographer

Join the free webinar

Come along at Saturday 19th February at 10am to work out how you can have a better 2022.

I am also offering a free give away for attending live and a discount on upcoming programs.

Yours Collaboratively,

Christina MM

Incahoots exists… 

To guide professionals who have deferred their dreams, to unearth possibilities to design a strategic life map that answers the question - now what?

About this Christina Morgan-Meldrum (CMM) person

I am Chief Possibilities Encourager (or a coach, facilitator, author, change professional and creative).  I particularly love helping people and organisations unearth what’s possible to design a future that suits them perfectly (a Strategic Life Map).

I have cultivated the ability to walk into any industry; see what is not seen, distil what is complicated, and simplify the chaos.  This skill has been forged in a deliberate and concentrated way for over 20 years, through Personal Coaching and working in Organisational Change Management.  Bottom Line is… I know CHANGE.  I know how to plan for change, how to start change, how to adjust change in progress, how to track change and how to embed change.  

I fill my time on various side hustles, blogging, creating and learning the piano.  If you are looking for me, look for me at my spiritual home JB Hi-Fi, exploring stationery stores or artisan markets.

Contextual beacon - why you need one and how you get one?

I know that we are a little into 2022 and normally I would share this way earlier – it was decided in November 2021 after all.  I realised the other day that I had not shared publicly.

Interesting question on a couple of fronts….

  • Why do I find it so helpful to have a one-word contextual beacon for the year?

  • Why do I share it publicly, any way?

  • How do you get one if your own? 

Why is it so helpful to have a one-word contextual beacon for the year?

The purpose of having a one-word theme is because it acts like a guide or anchor for your dreams throughout the year. It helps balance out the often-conflicting areas of deep focus and opportunity grabbing. Think of it like MACRO structure for the year and then you can have MICRO flexibility, allowing you to respond to opportunities or challenges that arise during the course of a year

A one-word theme helps balance out the often-conflicting areas of deep focus and opportunity grabbing 

Dr Jason Fox

I always felt that SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time bound) goals were a bit constraining for a whole year, when an opportunity or challenge would come along they were no longer relevant.  New Year’s resolution/s had no permeance to them and were forgotten almost before the end of January.  I understand the logic associated with SMART goals, they likely have their place, just not for me.  I like to be able to grab opportunities as they arise.

I know that explanation can seem a little light, but I have found it super effective.  I feel that is a very low risk approach to making meaningful change, you choose a word and anchor your year plans around it. If it does not work, you have not put in too much effort.  However, this brings me nicely to why I share it publicly.

Why I share it publicly?

Aha, you have come across one of the reasons it is effective, well done you!  The contextual beacon is super helpful when you share it.  It you explain the word and what it means to you, to colleagues and friends, they will help keep you accountable.  They will remind you of your word, when you are woosing out on doing something or you are not living according to your word.

Personally, I find that it anchors the dreams I am keen to achieve in the year ahead.  Let me explain with an example.  2020 my word was FORGE, which was about creating things that were enduring, long lasting.  I had planned to hold my first retreat in May 2020.  If you recall, that was when we had just come out of severe lock down and we were still getting used to what this would means for us (the new normal the most overused phase of 2020).  The retreat was a way to ensure I would write the content.  Instead I asked my network if they wanted to participate in a REFLECTION REVOLUTION, which was a series of templates sent via snail mail.  The content was not written, none of it.  I was writing a couple of weeks ahead.  I even explained in the intro that this might be 6-8 weeks, as I had not decided what templates would add the most value.  Because my word for the year was FORGE. I did exactly that and worked out a way to FORGE ahead.

There are many more instances of this, throughout the year, where the contextual beacon would assist in guiding my decisions.

Enough already – How do I get one for myself?

Come along to a Design your Life Workshop , and part of the outcome, is we will work through your word.  The investment of a day will give you a whole lot of context to enable you have 2 or 3 to choose from at the end of the day, that will serve your dreams best.  All details are here

If you are unable to make the workshop, here are the four steps:


The outcome we are after here is a word that is inspiring for you, but instantly understandable for everyone else. Having an obscure reference to a Lord of Rings character, will require too much explanation and it will be harder for your posse to help you keep focused, if it's a bit too tricky to remember the word, let alone, it's meaning. The only explanation should be around how that might apply in your context.

Here are Dr Jason Fox's quick tips about choosing a word wisely:

1.     You're not just choosing a word. You're choosing a bundle of attributes, principles, and behaviours to aspire to.

2.     Resist choosing your first word. It's probably boring or common. Explore the words near to the first word that comes to you. They're probably much more memorable and compelling.

3.     It should generate a positive response.  When I think of my word, every year I have created it (see later for inspiration) it always makes me smile when I think about it.  This also happens when others have arrived at their word, it kind of clunks in place.

It is super important here that the word has context.  That is why I put this in the 4th phase of my Design your Life on Purpose workshop.  Picking any random word is not going to generate any magical insights, in and of itself.  However, choosing a words after you have reflected in the year that has been and dreamt of what you want out of life, now that will anchor you and guide you going forward. 


You have a word, but it is bit dull - fancy it up by trying to relate it to one of the following:

  • Animal

  • Active

  • Archetype

  • Aspects

  • Abstract

Is there an archetype that applies? e.g. pioneer (my word for 2016), pirate, or an animal that has the characteristics you are looking for - maybe a Bengal Tiger. Think of something that works for you and is inspiring and memorable.


You can make your contextual beacon more powerful by adding an image. Vision trumps every other sense (Brain Rules John Medina)


I mentioned before, why I share publicly.  Give people your word. Make sure your word will serve you in your social ecology. Choose a word your friends and colleagues will actually use and hold you to.

Waverider 2022

My word for 2022 is Waverider – this is about me riding the waves that inevitably happen throughout the year, rather than stressing about getting them just perfect. Especially, when those waves are awesome, like running 2 DYLOP Programs late 2021. It also means I can choose to let a wave pass me by, if that wave if not for me.

Take on The Great Wave by @jonas_draws


Here is the master (Dr Jason Fox) explaining how this works in a super helpful video
Link -

Plus - I would suggest going straight to this site (Thecleverness) and consuming everything that is there, subscribe to the muse letter and purchase everything he creates, he is SOOOO smart and also a bit hilarious.

Previous Years

Here are my previous years word and image

Design your Life on Purpose (DYLOP) workshop 

DYLOP is designed to guide professionals who have deferred their dreams to unearth possibilities and to design a strategic life map to answer the question - now what?

DYLOP attracts 2 types:

1.        Know Exactly - Peeps who know exactly what they want to do, but are unsure how or have some blocks to overcome

2.        No Idea - Peeps who are unsure what they want to design their life around, or know what they do not want

All details about the one day are contained on this page.  It is packed to the gills with everything.

Is this the year that you start designing a life that suits you perfectly? 

I would love to see you at the workshop and see what amazing things you can achieve in 2022. 

Yours collaboratively, 

Christina MM

Incahoots exists 

To guide professionals who have deferred their dreams, to unearth possibilities to design a strategic life map that answers the question - now what? 

About CMM 

Christina Morgan-Meldrum (CMM) is a coach, facilitator, author, change professional and creative. She particularly loves helping people and organisations unearth what’s possible to design a future that suits you perfectly (a Strategic Lifemap).

She has cultivated the ability to walk into any industry; see what is not seen, distil what is complicated, and simplify the chaos.  This skill has been forged in a deliberate and concentrated way for over 20 years, through Personal Coaching and working in Organisational Change Management. 

Christina fills her time on various side hustles, blogging, creating and learning the piano.  If you are looking for her, she is likely at her spiritual home JB Hi-Fi, exploring stationery stores or artisan markets.

What is the experience like?

You might be curious about what the experience is like on the Design Your Life on Purpose program, so let me add some colour. 

Before you arrive  

You will be sent templates for you to start the thinking process.  These are designed to review and reflect on the last 12 months in detail. 

They are very simple templates, but the power is in the simplicity.  The templates leave space for interpretation and exploration, as well as help you approach the exercise from different angles.  

When you arrive 

The space is curated to create a relaxing, yet stimulating environment, with little touches you might not even notice that create just the right vibe.

The right vibe extends to the venue at Seed Spaces in Glebe, specifically chosen, after much research and thanks to my dear friend Lauren (who suggested I check it out).

It is a funky open space, that will allow you to spread out. 

You will get a kit bag of all the material required in analogue form, yes, we are using paper.  It embeds into your brain way better with the tactile nature of it. 

One of the first exercises, we do is conduct a “before” assessment, which helps me understand where you are right now. 

Throughout the day 

As you move through the exercises and 4 phases of the Design Your Life on Purpose process you will gain greater and greater clarity on where you will focus your valuable attention through 2022. 

 Of course, to do such DEEP thinking requires the right level of nourishment.  Delicious specially selected food is provided throughout the day.

As we are working through the day, there will be many emotions (and not just from the participants).  It is one of the reasons the group is kept to 12, to create an intimate and supportive environment, to allow you to feel what you need to feel.  The venue has been chosen with spaces for you to take a moment.   

Marking the end of the day, is also an important ritual, to ensure you are sent on your way with everything you need. 

You leave armed with a Strategic Life Map to guide you for the next 12 months and beyond. 

3 months later 

Change often requires a little time to percolate, crystalise and become clear.  At the 3 months mark the group gets back together and we share where we are at and what we now need.  I also talk through what usually happens at this point and later and what to do next. 

This also includes a one-on-one session to ensure you can share confidentially and get customised support that works just for you. 

We also conduct the “after” assessment and this point.  You will be surprised how much you have achieved and will be inspired by the other members of the group. 

Now that you have graduated from DYLOP, you will also be invited to the yearly Alumni event.  This event is where we consolidate from the work you have already done and set you up to achieve even more in the next year.  This includes little pieces of curation that make the whole experience, even more beneficial.

So, what does this mean for you? 

This is more than just attending a course; everything has been carefully considered and curated to ensure you are in the right space (literally and figuratively) to be able to design a future that suits you perfectly. 

I would love you come along and ‘experience’, what it means to have a Strategic Life Map from Design your Life on Purpose, from Saturday the 6th November online with a Face to face session on Saturday 4th December

Don’t Miss out

In order to ensure that you have the time to prepare for the workshop, registrations will close on Friday 29th October at midnight.  

Design your life on Purpose is these things 

  • Workshop part of program on Saturday 6th November, then Saturday 4th December

  • Program is limited to 12 people to ensure personalised attention 

  • The work is individual, it focuses on YOU and what you want from your life 

  • It is wholistic – treating you as a whole human being with responsibilities 

  • Delivered by someone who knows CHANGE.  Over 20 year’s experience in Organisational Change Management (OCM) with Personal Coaching 

Get your Strategic Life Map for 2022 right here.

Yours Collaboratively 


Incahoots exists…  

To guide professionals who have deferred their dreams, to unearth possibilities to design a strategic life map that answers the question - now what? 

About this Christina Morgan-Meldrum (CMM) person 

I am coach, facilitator, author, change professional and creative.  I particularly love helping people and organisations unearth what’s possible to design a future that suits them perfectly (a Strategic Lifemap). 

I have cultivated the ability to walk into any industry; see what is not seen, distil what is complicated, and simplify the chaos.  This skill has been forged in a deliberate and concentrated way for over 20 years, through Personal Coaching and working in Organisational Change Management.  Bottom Line is… I know CHANGE.  I know how to plan for change, how to start change, how to adjust change in progress, how to track change and how to embed change.   

I fill my time on various side hustles, blogging, creating and learning the piano.  If you are looking for me, look for me at my spiritual home JB Hi-Fi, exploring stationery stores or artisan markets. 

What exactly is a Strategic Life Map?

My mind has a habit of running forward, part of the combination of futuristic and strategic strengths.  As a result of this, I sometimes forget to let people know some of the fundamentals of my thinking. 

I thought it was time I explained, what exactly is a Strategic Life Map!  

It creates direction & therefore clarity 

The purpose behind a Strategic Life Map is to provide general direction.  It provides you with an outcome an intention.  A destination to arrive at, hopefully.  I say hopefully not to be flippant or to discourage you.  The interesting thing about setting a direction, is that you might not end up at the particular destination that you though you would. 

Decisions create diversions on the path, you might get back to the destination or completely recalibrate where you are heading. 

By deciding on the direction, some things will fall away.   


If I said we are going to travel somewhere for a few nights, you would want to know where.  Knowing where would allow you not to pack for every possible season (unless you are going to Melbourne) 

Isn't life exciting!!!

The path will be different 

Even if you are heading in exactly the same direction as someone else, your path will be different.  The decisions you make, the turns you choose to take or not take will turn different lights on, open up different options.

Let’s say you decided to teach people how to train snails.  Deciding if you train online or face to face, is a choice that will open up other options and possibilities. 


The same will be for your Strategic Life Map.  Each decision you make, will still get you towards your destination, but via a different route. 

Each of these decisions will mean that you will arrive at a different place, the same direction and outcome but handled very differently. 

I like to think of this as going into a building with movement sensor lights.  You take one step and some lights come on.  You can then see what options are available to you.  Take another step in a different direction and different lights come on, with different options. 

It is not a turn by turn

Often it adds more clarity to explain what something is not.   

 A Strategic Life Map is not a turn by turn process for your next 12 months.  It cannot be.  Loads will happen during the year that is unpredictable, in both a good and a bad way. 

 Curve balls will be thrown at you, that is life, and you will need to learn how you can still move in the direction despite the obstacles, or even to change the approach entirely. 


But good things will also happen that will reveal your next step.  By not being a turn for turn, it will give you the chance to change direction, when you unearth something that you did not know and that will lead to other possibilities, remember earlier comments about sensor lights.  

You can change your mind 

Having a strategic life map can provide the clarity and direction you might need.  However, you can change your mind at any time.  As you go exploring you might decide that it is not right or not right now.  So, you can change direction. 

At least you will have tried something and now know, it is not for you. 


This happened to Vanessa.  She was keen to add coaching to her quiver.  She had mad skills that she wanted to translate into coaching.  She did everything right, put all the elements in place and got great outcomes for her clients.  However, she could earn more doing recruiting and she really loved it, whereas getting coaching clients is a lot of hard work.  Knowing that, she can now decide what she wants to do next. 

Practically speaking

  • You will have an A3 paper that will map out your 3-5 dreams for the next 12 months at a high level. 

  • You will then have greater detail for the next 3 months and even more detail, including actions for the next week or month. 

  • You will also have some dreams you have decided to park for another year. 

  • You will have a big list of dreams to pursue at some time in the future and built dreaming and reflection habits to support you going forward. 

  • You will also have built anchors and support mechanisms that will support your success. 


Simply it is a plan for the next 12 months, with some pointers for the next few years.  To get to the Strategic Life Map you go through reflection and design phases, to review and explore. 

Finally, you secure the Strategic Life Map with support mechanisms and anchors, that will help increase your success. 

You get the following from the program: 

  1. An assessment of the last 12 months, positive and negative (it is never all bad) 

  2. A list of dreams and the mechanisms to keep dreaming for now and the future 

  3. A Strategic Life Map for the next 12 months 

  4. Tangible and actionable items to work on immediately, no manifesting here 

  5. Built individualised support mechanisms that will give you greater success in achieving your dreams 

  6. Contextual beacon to guide you in the next 12 months 

So, what does this mean for you? 

Having a Strategic Life Map gives you enough flexibility to respond to life events, as well as clarity and direction and tangible actions.

The easiest way to get started on your Strategic Life Map would be to join me on Design your Life on Purpose, starting on Saturday the 6th November, online and then Face to Face on the Saturday 4th December

Don’t miss out

In order to ensure you get the right time and space to prepare, registrations close Friday 29th October at Midnight.

Design your life on Purpose is these things

  • Workshop part of program on Saturday 6th November and Saturday 4th December 

  • Program is limited to 12 people to ensure personalised attention 

  • The work is individual, it focuses on YOU and what you want from your life 

  • It is wholistic – treating you as a whole human being with responsibilities 

  • Delivered by someone who knows CHANGE.  Over 20 year’s experience in Organisational Change Management (OCM) with Personal Coaching 


Get your Strategic Life Map for 2022 right here.

Yours Collaboratively 


Incahoots exists…  

To guide professionals who have deferred their dreams, to unearth possibilities to design a strategic life map that answers the question - now what? 

About this Christina Morgan-Meldrum (CMM) person 

I am coach, facilitator, author, change professional and creative.  I particularly love helping people and organisations unearth what’s possible to design a future that suits them perfectly (a Strategic Lifemap). 

I have cultivated the ability to walk into any industry; see what is not seen, distil what is complicated, and simplify the chaos.  This skill has been forged in a deliberate and concentrated way for over 20 years, through Personal Coaching and working in Organisational Change Management.  Bottom Line is… I know CHANGE.  I know how to plan for change, how to start change, how to adjust change in progress, how to track change and how to embed change.   

I fill my time on various side hustles, blogging, creating and learning the piano.  If you are looking for me, look for me at my spiritual home JB Hi-Fi, exploring stationery stores or artisan markets. 

What is unique about DYLOP?

What is different? 

Unique is one of those loaded words to use to describe yourself or your course.  On the one hand you cannot say you are entirely unique, as you have built your material on the back of other people’s hard work, as these fine artists say. 

The only art I study is stuff I can steal from
— David Bowie

 “Art is theft” 

 Pablo Picasso

Then on the other hand your unique combination of genes, life experience, your upbringing and natural skills, means you and the DYLOP course will be unique.

Below are 3 reasons that will help add substance to this existentialism. 

What is indeed unique about Design Your Life on Purpose (DYLOP)? 

  • It combines Organisational Change Management (OCM) with Personal Coaching 

  • It is wholistic – treating you as a whole human being with responsibilities 

  • It has been developed over 7 years and way over $77,000 has been invested, so you do not need to  

Combines Organisational Change Management and Personal Coaching 

DYLOP combines two areas of knowledge and expertise Organisational Change Management (OCM) and Personal Coaching.   

Organisational Change Management (OCM) is the ability to move an organisation from current situation to future desired situation.  It can be a sub part of the organisation or the whole organisation.  It is super fun and challenging at times, but you learn a lot about people and their reaction to change, which isn’t always bad btw. 


There are skills, techniques and strategies that you use to help people move through change.  Often it is viewed at 50,000 feet that you are moving the whole organisation as one, when in fact each person needs to choose to change.  So, you need to appeal to the masses and to each individual at the same time.

From my bio, you will see that I have been doing OCM for some time.  What you might not appreciate is that my experience spans organisations, industries and different types of change, e.g system, cultural, process, compliance change.  Applying the same skills and techniques and strategies, but adapting them for each organisation and its unique needs. 

This translates to an understanding of change as it applies to different industries, different work cultures, different demographics and basically every version of humans you can think of.  That is some deep knowledge right there, and here are some stats to really drive it home. 

I have loved working with: 

  • 18 Organisations 

  • 32 Projects/Programs 

  • 3,500 Workshop attendees 

  • 75,000 People impacted by the implemented changes 

  • Development of 99 OCM strategies 

Personal Coaching is where you work with people one on one to help them create change in some aspect of their life, helping them towards a desired future state. (see the parallels).

Inevitably in every organisational change, you will also need to do personal coaching.  It could be with executives on how to sell the change and gain confidence of the organisation and their program teams working on getting the thing done.  It could be coaching team members that are melting down from the pressure of embarking on this change, or it could be coaching people, who are passively or actively resisting.

Apart from coaching in the organisational change perspective I love collaborating with individuals who want to do something different, whatever that different is. 

Some of my techniques and strategies are different to Organisational Change Management and some the same.  Early on in my Org Change Career, I realised that coaching skills would help me be better and I would be a better coach, as a result of my organisational skills. 

Both organisational and individual change draws on aspects of positive psychology, Neuroscience, personal productivity, strategy, human centred design, facilitation, project management and governance and a host of other fields and skills.  Pulling together the right combination for an organisation or this individual is what makes it super fun. 

It is Wholistic 

DYLOP is a wholistic approach to your life, treating you as whole human being.  Your family or personal circumstances will absolutely affect where you can place your energy and time.  So, it works with where you are and what you have right now.

Once the course is complete, even 1 hour a week will continue to move you forward towards your dreams.  It does not matter if you are working full time, part time, just getting by or in your dream job, it suits all.   

My Investment – so you do not have to 

I cannot remember a time when I was not looking at ways to improve.  It started to crystallise when I started working in organisations in 1992.  I now know that what I attributed to constructive discontent is actually an inherent talent called “maximiser” (see more about strengths at Clifton’s Strength Assessment). 

Steal like an Artist
— Austin Kleon

I am always looking at ways to be a better human, and to get more from this life, a burning desire to leave a legacy.

I have calculated, over the last 10 years alone – when I started working on DYLOP in earnest – I have invested well over $9,500 per year in this space.  So, $66,000 over 7 years, at least.   

Why am I telling you this?  I am telling you this, so you do not have to invest as much.  I have distilled what is good and jettisoned what does not work.  I did not start this with you in mind, just selfishly for me.

What has dawned on me through my roles in Organisational Change Management and Coaching, is that this helps people, a lot. If it can help someone, then I share it. 

Sharing works best when it is relevant and applicable to the person at that time.  When it is adapted to suit a person or an organisation, then it becomes a collaboration, creatively solving problems to create a desired future state.

That is why my company is called Incahoots – I work “in-cahoots” with you and/or your organisation. 

My Word for 2020 was Forge – it was about making this work enduring, the 7 years and over $77,000 have culminated in DYLOP.  This becomes all for nought if I do not share it, which is where my word for 2021 comes in – Electrify. 

Electrify is about injecting DYLOP with energy, so it sparks, guiding you so you can stop deferring your dreams, unearth possibilities and develop your strategic life map, answering the question – now what?  

Electrify has also been about automation and making decisions in my business, so that I can show up with my best energy.  Outsourcing some more admin tasks, as well as adding automation in to make my life easier.  It has also been around focusing on my exercise plan, so I can be strong and energetic when creating and updating content, as well as Electrifying when I am delivering. 

Bottom Line 

Bottom Line is… I know CHANGE. I know how to plan for change, how to start change, how to adjust change in progress, how to track change and how to embed change.   

When you attend a DYLOP program you will be gaining the collective wisdom, that has been condensed and distilled from over 20 years of experience, from both Organisational Change Management and Personal Coaching.

You are getting the research, and investment to designing your desired future state.  You are getting a wholistic approach that is focused uniquely, on you, your personal Strategic Life Map that suits you and no one else.

Yours Collaboratively,

Christina MM

So, what does this mean for you?

Join me on the next program for Design Your Life on Purpose program on Saturday the 6th November, so can leverage the uniqueness and create your own unique Strategic Life Map.

I keep the program size limited to 12 pathfinders, as I want to make sure you get the attention you need to create a Strategic Life Map that suits you perfectly.

READY TO SIGN UP for Design your Life on Purpose (DYLOP) program 

DYLOP is designed to guide professionals who have deferred their dreams, to unearth possibilities and design their strategic life map answering the question - now what?  

 “We all need this. Don't waste time being aimless” 

 Julianna Canale - Executive Manager, Westpac 

 “It was my time and I was giving myself permission to invest in me” 

Deb C - Connexia Change Management Practice Director 

 “Do it. Even if they sort of know their path its' such a great exercise and it triggers your brain. Even more so for someone that is a bit lost - Everyone can do it.” 

Frida Eriksson-Moussa 

Bring a friend 

Everything is better with friends, so if you bring a friend along then you both get a bonus one on one coaching session.  Each person will work on their own Strategic Life Map and they can choose to share or not.  The session is all about you and what you need and is strictly confidential.  Giving you all my focus and attention to help accelerate your dreams.


If you are ready to create a Strategic Life Map that suits YOU personally. 

Is this the year that you start designing a life that suits you perfectly? 

Yes, then lock the Saturday the 6th November in your calendar and register right now.  I would love to see you there and see what amazing things you can achieve in the next 12 months.  

All the information is here, including the magical registration button.

Incahoots exists…  

To guide professionals who have deferred their dreams, to unearth possibilities to design a strategic life map that answers the question - now what? 

About this Christina Morgan-Meldrum (CMM) person 

I am coach, facilitator, author, change professional and creative.  I particularly love helping people and organisations unearth what’s possible to design a future that suits them perfectly (a Strategic Lifemap). 

I have cultivated the ability to walk into any industry; see what is not seen, distil what is complicated, and simplify the chaos.  This skill has been forged in a deliberate and concentrated way for over 20 years, through Personal Coaching and working in Organisational Change Management.  Bottom Line is… I know CHANGE.  I know how to plan for change, how to start change, how to adjust change in progress, how to track change and how to embed change.   

I fill my time on various side hustles, blogging, creating and learning the piano.  If you are looking for me, look for me at my spiritual home JB Hi-Fi, exploring stationery stores or artisan markets. 

Work with where you are at and what you have…

Have you ever looked back at your life and marvelled at the journey that got you to where you are today? 

side hustle origami.jpg

Probably not your normal average activity.  I encourage you to do it, with a positive lens.  Imagine someone wants to emulate your success, by following your path, or you are writing your autobiography, even if part way through your life. 

What would you share? 

What decision points? 

What trials and tribulations got you to today?

I have seen it where people will write to their younger self and talk about where they are now and offer advice.  I have seen people literally create a roadmap of the highs and the lows and how each inflection point has taken them closer to where they are today. 

When you look back, you will see patterns and perspective.  The amazing thing about hindsight hey!

Word of caution

If you do decide to take this as an action, please approach this with a curious and positive framing mind.  This is not about documenting all the mistakes you have made in the past.  The past is done and you cannot change it or the decisions you made.  This is about getting perspective on now, and how you have arrived here in this moment and what threads have been weaved. 

What about the future? 

Aha, now you are in my wheelhouse.   

Regardless of what emerges when, or if you do the above exercise; I am often, asked about the time it takes to design your life on purpose. Most people assume that it will take a significant amount of time.  Maybe they are looking at me and others and thinking that level of commitment is needed.  It is NOT! 

 There are lots of areas of your life that cannot and should not be neglected, while you design your life; career, social, financial, physical and community (Clifton’s 5 Elements of Wellbeing) 

Work with what you have and where you are at 

This means that if you have things that require consideration, often financial or social, e.g. family, then ensure they are looked after.  There is no point getting in massive amounts of debt, if that is constraining your thinking, lifestyle or health. 

If you are the main bread winner, do not compromise your financial stability by going hell for leather (as an aside - what is the origin of that saying?).  Stop and consider what steps you could take that do not risk that, or risk a small proportion. 

Is there a way you can test the idea, with little or no financial risk?  Can you talk to people who are doing similar things and understand what it looks like for them financially?  Can you do research that will mean you are more informed? 

If you have small children or aging parents, they cannot really fend for themselves, so you will need to continue to provide that support. 

This probably applies to larger children as well, I am a fully grown adult and I still need my Mum’s help with things.  I would love to talk to my Dad about loads of stuff and get his perspective (miss you Dad). 

You can start designing your life with as little as 1 hour a week.  If you only have 1 night a week that you can dedicate to designing your life, then just use that one night a week.  Even if you do not use it consistently, you will still make progress.   

 To help you, here are some strategies that I find useful: 

  1. Tell your family and friends that you are not available from X to Y.  Treat it like a doctor’s appointment or even better a hairdresser’s appointment.  Those things are not movable, unless under extreme circumstances.   

  2. Block the time in your calendar.  This is particularly helpful when doing reviews and planning, monthly and quarterly. 

  3. Create some personal rules or guidelines that help you.  I find that these give me the time to be able to work on my strategic life map.  I have 2 main ones: 

  4. Only 2 week nights out/week (not that this has been a problem since Covid 19).  One is my piano lesson, so only leaves one more 

  5. Only 1 weekend away each month or visitors here at home. 

  6. Know when you best “deep work” time is – I am a lark, so I like to get up early and get into it.  I am rubbish much past 9.30pm.  Research* shows that 2 hours after your cronotype (Lark, Owl and somewhere in between) is your best deep-thinking time.  This deep-thinking time is perfect for working on your strategic life map, especially in planning. 

*Thanks Inventium Workday Reinvention Program 

Fully formed plan of the outcome, also not required. 

You do not need to know exactly what the “end’ will be, you can choose exploration as an action.  Some people believe, that is the end is not super clear, then they cannot start, phooey I say!  Follow the energy and start exploring. 

If you think that you would like to pursue something creative, then start exploring different things.  Maybe you could attend an hour taster class, or watch a YouTube video.  If you are thinking you would like to spend more time helping animals, try different ways to help for a couple of hours and see which one, works for you. 

Inspiration exists, but it has to find us working. If you are looking for inspiration, just start creating something, then it comes.
— Picasso

You do not need to know the destination to start, just start and the destination will start to reveal itself. 

IF everything is not ok? 

However, if everything in your world is imploding.  Then it is so completely OK, in fact required, for you to deal with what is in front of you, one step at a time.  It is OK for you to just be.   

Concentrate on what you need to do right now to be OK.  Designing can wait.  You have not abandoned it and failed, you have paused it and are honouring your situation. 

If it helps, the process I use to create your strategic life map, means that it is super easy to remember and progress, when you are ready.

So, what does this mean for you? 

When is the best time to design your life?  20 years ago 

When is the 2nd best time to design your life?  Now 

I want you to do the thing you have been avoiding, thinking it was not right or odd.  It is doable.  Ignore the naysayers and go do your thing. 

I will be the cheerleader for your quirkiness.   

You can get started with just a little bit of time each week.  Even 1 hour a week will get you started.  At the very least you will understand if this is for you or not.

Yours Collaboratively

Christina MM

READY TO SIGN UP for Design your Life on Purpose (DYLOP) program 

DYLOP is designed to guide professionals who have deferred their dreams, to unearth possibilities and design their strategic life map answering the question - now what? 

  “We all need this. Don't waste time being aimless” 

 Julianna Canale - Executive Manager, Westpac 

 “It was my time and I was giving myself permission to invest in me” 

Deb C - Connexia Change Management Practice Director 

 “Do it. Even if they sort of know their path its' such a great exercise and it triggers your brain. Even more so for someone that is a bit lost - Everyone can do it.” 

Frida Eriksson-Moussa 

Bring a friend 

Everything is better with friends, so if you bring a friend along then you both get a bonus one on one coaching session.  Each person will work on their own Strategic Life Map and they can choose to share or not.  The session is all about you and what you need and is strictly confidential.  Giving you all my focus and attention to help accelerate your dreams.


If you are ready to create a Strategic Life Map that suits YOU personally. 

Is this the year that you start designing a life that suits you perfectly? 

Yes, then lock the Saturday the 6th November in your calendar and register right now.  I would love to see you there and see what amazing things you can achieve in the next 12 months. 

All the information is here, including the magical registration button.

Incahoots exists…  

To guide professionals who have deferred their dreams, to unearth possibilities to design a strategic life map that answers the question - now what? 

About this Christina Morgan-Meldrum (CMM) person 

I am coach, facilitator, author, change professional and creative.  I particularly love helping people and organisations unearth what’s possible to design a future that suits them perfectly (a Strategic Lifemap). 

I have cultivated the ability to walk into any industry; see what is not seen, distil what is complicated, and simplify the chaos.  This skill has been forged in a deliberate and concentrated way for over 20 years, through Personal Coaching and working in Organisational Change Management.  Bottom Line is… I know CHANGE.  I know how to plan for change, how to start change, how to adjust change in progress, how to track change and how to embed change.   

I fill my time on various side hustles, blogging, creating and learning the piano.  If you are looking for me, look for me at my spiritual home JB Hi-Fi, exploring stationery stores or artisan markets. 

But someone is already doing my thing?

It can be tempting to not even start, because someone is already doing what you want to do.  I get it! 

It is super scary to try and create something from nothing, especially if you look out there and see someone doing something very similar.  It can be very soul destroying and throw you in a spin. 

However, they are not you.

They have not grown up with the same experience, same life lens as you have, and I bet you would do it very differently. 

DYLOP - Different.jpg

If this was not the case, there would not exist computers made by, Dell, HP, Lenovo, Apple and probably loads of others.  They did not look out there and go, oh x is doing it, so I may as well not.  They knew what they would do would be different. 

That may be an extreme example, so let me get personal. 

In Australia there is a very famous stationery provider (Kikki K) who created a course called Live your Dream Life.  I must admit when she recently started promoting her course, I felt shattered.  She was offering something very similar to what I do.

I am a big fan of Kristina and Kikki K, loyal VIP shopper here.  I felt like the wind was kicked from my lunges and the rug pulled up from underneath me.

Even though Kristina is fabulous, she is not me.  I already use (with credit of course) some of the questions that Kristina poses in her books, as they are great questions. 

From what I have seen, Kristina’s Dream Life course looks good.  I attended a recent webinar, to satisfy my curiosity, but it is not like my Design Your Life on Purpose course.

Kristina does not have over 20 years of experience in Organisational Change Management (OCM) and personal coaching.  She has not deliberately tested her approach for change with over 18 different organisations.

We both have different delivery methods, content, and approaches  

All art is theft! Pablo Picasso 

Or as Austin Kleon says – “Steal Like an Artist” 

This is not being disrespectful of artists.  Austin claims, and I agree that the work of artists is built on the work of others.  Artists take what is already good and reinterpret it or dial up elements.   

Art is not the only field this happens in, Science is another great example.  Scientific advances are on the back of breakthroughs from others or solving a problem a different way.   

A lot of things needed to be in place for Uber and AirBnB to be able to source drivers or hosts and passengers and guests, they built that off other things that already existed. 

You will never know if you do not try 

This can seem super harsh and it’s not the way I roll, but you never know unless you try.  Once you take the first few steps, you start to see more options and possibilities.

Ways to differentiate yourself will emerge, so what you are doing stands out from the others. 

 Fun fact there are over 66,000 thousand Hairdressers registered in Australia 2008-2022 (Australian Bureau of Statistics).  Not a small number and each one would be different 

After sitting in on the Kikki K webinar, I was thrown off track for a little while.  I had to remind myself that I am unique and different, just as I am doing for you right now.  My offering is just as valid and compelling as Kristina’s is. 

Saying to myself, “keep going Christina.” (weird how we are both Christina’s – but are different, even in the spelling).

So, what does this mean for you? 

Your thing will never be exactly the same as someone else, it can’t.  So, give yourself permission to unearth possibilities and explore what might be with your little area of quirkiness and expertise. 

The easiest way to get started on your Strategic Life Map would be to join me on Design your Life on Purpose, on Saturday the 6th November

Here is what you need to know about Design Your Life Program 

  • Workshop part of program on Saturday 6th November 

  • Program is limited to 12 people to ensure personalised attention 

  • The work is individual, it focuses on YOU and what you want from your life 

  • It is wholistic – treating you as a whole human being with responsibilities 

  • Delivered by someone who knows CHANGE.  Over 20 year’s experience in Organisational Change Management (OCM) with Personal Coaching 

Of course, all the information is under this link. 

Look to what others are doing to understand what makes you different, but do not let it derail you.  You are unique and you deserve to share this with the world. 


Yours Collaboratively 



To guide professionals who have deferred their dreams, to unearth possibilities to design a strategic life map that answers the question - now what? 


I am coach, facilitator, author, change professional and creative.  I particularly love helping people and organisations unearth what’s possible to design a future that suits them perfectly (a Strategic Lifemap). 

I have cultivated the ability to walk into any industry; see what is not seen, distil what is complicated, and simplify the chaos.  This skill has been forged in a deliberate and concentrated way for over 20 years, through Personal Coaching and working in Organisational Change Management.  Bottom Line is… I know CHANGE.  I know how to plan for change, how to start change, how to adjust change in progress, how to track change and how to embed change.   

I fill my time on various side hustles, blogging, creating and learning the piano.  If you are looking for me, look for me at my spiritual home JB Hi-Fi, exploring stationery stores or artisan markets. 

Who Says? You need to focus on deficits and not strengths

Who says? 

Design your Life on Purpose – who says series – is about looking at amazing crazy ideas.  

It might be my extreme positivity (I have been measured and I am 98% optimist and 99% happy), but I choose to look at the world from a strengths-based lens, rather than a deficit. 

‘Existing wisdom’ is that we need to concentrate on what we do poorly and work on how we get better at it.  I have had many performance improvement discussions in my career, where they told me to focus on x, even if I am really crap at it.  Baffling!


Thankfully, there is evidence that this will not generate high performance and frankly can lead people to believe there is something wrong with them.  Different people have different talents and these talents will show up in different ways.  If this was not the case we would not have different people performing different roles.

People are successful using the talents and skills they innately have.  That is why we have accountants and artists, boiler makers and ballet dancers, because we are not homogenous beings.

My experience with strengths is relatively new, but fits very well with my view of the world.  But the research and rigour applied by Cliftons/Gallup is an impressive way to evidence my world view.

Gallup measure everything that moves and their research shows that people who know and use their CliftonStrengths are: 

  • more engaged at work 

  • more productive in their roles 

  • happier and healthier

However, my biggest reason for loving it, is that it helps people make sense of themselves in a way that allows them to apply their strengths regardless of their role. 

It helps you appreciate how and when you succeed and how to repeat the circumstances that will make that happen more often.   

Utilising your Strengths

It has helped me create the Design your Life on Purpose program, using my top 5 strengths, let me explain: 


My infectious enthusiasm, helps people unearth what is possible and then believe it is possible 


Helps me create different plans and approaches to get to the outcomes, and help them quickly decide what is going to work best for them 


Helps paint a picture of what the future could be for them and helps me create a picture of what my future is 


Means I can quickly generate a bunch of ideas (quickly) that can help buffer against the roadblocks that can come up 


Building deep enduring relationships means I can design an experience that is uplifting and unique, I am their partner in this for the long haul 

The same strengths, in a very similar way show up in designing Incahoots, into a whole different business model.  Where I will spend time working with teams and projects to design their change strategy, strategic plans and then coach their teams to achieve the outcome.   

Have you ever received advice that you knew you could not apply?  I often get the advice “are you going to toughen up now?”, usually after someone has let me down spectacularly, or being very judge-y that hurt me right to the core.  I get the sentiment, but that is not how I navigate the world and I would prefer to be open and welcoming and be cut to the quick very occasionally. 

If I look at why that is so, my strengths point towards that outcome.

Knowing your strengths will help you know what is going to work better for you and what you are trying to achieve.

So, what does this mean for you? 

 Knowing your strengths will mean you have a more effective at designing your life on purpose - think of it as Strengthening your Strategic Life Map. 

Strength’s assessment and debrief (debrief – is essential to help understanding, connection and application) can fundamentally change the way you approach the dreams you have in place and will help you achieve them. 

What “existing” wisdom do you feel needs to be flipped? 


Just because everyone is going one way, you can choose to go an entirely different direction.  I want you to do the thing you have been avoiding, thinking it was not right or odd.  It is doable.  Ignore the naysayers and go do your thing. 

I will be the cheerleader for your quirkiness.   


You can get started with just a little bit of time each week.  Even 1 hour a week will get you started.  At the very least you will understand if this is for you or not.

Yours Collaboratively

Christina MM

READY to SIGN UP for Design your Life on Purpose (DYLOP) program 

DYLOP is designed to guide professionals who have deferred their dreams, to unearth possibilities and design their strategic life map answering the question - now what? 


 “We all need this. Don't waste time being aimless” 

 Julianna Canale - Executive Manager, Westpac 

 “It was my time and I was giving myself permission to invest in me” 

Deb C - Connexia Change Management Practice Director 

 “Do it. Even if they sort of know their path its' such a great exercise and it triggers your brain. Even more so for someone that is a bit lost - Everyone can do it.” 

Frida Eriksson-Moussa 

Special Offers 

Bring a friend 

Everything is better with friends, so if you bring a friend along then you both get a bonus one on one coaching session.  Each person will work on their own Strategic Life Map and they can choose to share or not.  The session is all about you and what you need and is strictly confidential.  Giving you all my focus and attention to help accelerate your dreams.


If you are ready to create a Strategic Life Map that suits YOU personally. 

Is this the year that you start designing a life that suits you perfectly? 

Yes, then lock the Saturday the 6th November in your calendar and register right now.  I would love to see you there and see what amazing things you can achieve in the next 12 months. 


All the information is here, including the magical registration button. 

Incahoots exists…  

To guide professionals who have deferred their dreams, to unearth possibilities to design a strategic life map that answers the question - now what? 

About this Christina Morgan-Meldrum (CMM) person 

I am coach, facilitator, author, change professional and creative.  I particularly love helping people and organisations unearth what’s possible to design a future that suits them perfectly (a Strategic Lifemap). 

I have cultivated the ability to walk into any industry; see what is not seen, distil what is complicated, and simplify the chaos.  This skill has been forged in a deliberate and concentrated way for over 20 years, through Personal Coaching and working in Organisational Change Management.  Bottom Line is… I know CHANGE.  I know how to plan for change, how to start change, how to adjust change in progress, how to track change and how to embed change.   

I fill my time on various side hustles, blogging, creating and learning the piano.  If you are looking for me, look for me at my spiritual home JB Hi-Fi, exploring stationery stores or artisan markets. 

Want a better 2022 than 2021?

There is a lot of talk about the Great Resignation, and I can completely understand why.

Here are some reasons, without even really trying to think too hard. 

Global Pandemic – brings things into sharp relief 

Work does not need to look the same, we proved that, especially for knowledge workers 

But it is more than where I work – way more 

People have worked out how to integrate life and work and they want more, more integration, more life. 

As someone who has always had a hybrid career, an “and” rather than an “or” career, this has been something I have been working towards for ages.  Yay the world caught up!  Also, the corporate gig I am working for I have amazing bosses, who get me and what I am all about.   

So how do you get more? 

For the last 7 years, intently and over 10 years, I have been working, beavering away, on how to solve this.  You see every year I design a Strategic Life Map – basically a plan for the next year, with some placeholders for the following year. 

During that time, I have invested in time and dollars on working out what are the best tools, templates, approaches I can use to get MORE in my life and to design a life that suits me perfectly.  It does not fit into the “normal” (what really is normal these days) corporate life and I am OK with that, because it suits me. 

The culmination of this beavering away has been Design Your Life on Purpose program.  It combines all the tools and templates that work, with enough flexibility to suit different years and different needs.

My recommendation is to create your own Strategic Life Map, it will help you focus on the things that are likely to bear the most fruit, without sacrificing everything you have set up to date.

I am excited that the next intake for this program is Saturday the 6th November, with early bird and special bonuses in place until 15th October.

What is a Strategic Life Map? 

Simply it is a plan for the next 12 months, with some pointers for the next few years.  To get to the Strategic Life Map you go through reflection and design phases, to review and explore. 

Finally, you secure the Strategic Life Map with support mechanisms and anchors, that will help increase your success. 

You get the following from the program: 

  1. An assessment of the last 12 months, positive and negative (it is never all bad) 

  2. A list of dreams and the mechanisms to keep dreaming for now and the future 

  3. A Strategic Life Map for the next 12 months 

  4. Tangible and actionable items to work on immediately, no manifesting here 

  5. Built individualised support mechanisms that will give you greater success in achieving your dreams 

  6. Tried and tested approaches – if it does not work, it is not there 

  7. Contextual beacon to guide you in the next 12 months 

  8. Follow up group and one on one coaching 

Here is what you need to know: 

  • Workshop part of program on Saturday 6th November 

  • Program is limited to 12 people to ensure personalised attention 

  • The work is individual, it focuses on YOU and what you want from your life 

  • It is wholistic – treating you as a whole human being with responsibilities 

  • Delivered by someone who knows CHANGE.  Over 20 year’s experience in Organisational Change Management (OCM) with Personal Coaching 

Get a better 2022, by creating a Strategic Life Map!

Incahoots exists… 

To guide professionals who have deferred their dreams, to unearth possibilities to design a strategic life map that answers the question - now what?

About this Christina Morgan-Meldrum (CMM) person

I am coach, facilitator, author, change professional and creative.  I particularly love helping people and organisations unearth what’s possible to design a future that suits them perfectly (a Strategic Lifemap).

I have cultivated the ability to walk into any industry; see what is not seen, distil what is complicated, and simplify the chaos.  This skill has been forged in a deliberate and concentrated way for over 20 years, through Personal Coaching and working in Organisational Change Management.  Bottom Line is… I know CHANGE.  I know how to plan for change, how to start change, how to adjust change in progress, how to track change and how to embed change.  

I fill my time on various side hustles, blogging, creating and learning the piano.  If you are looking for me, look for me at my spiritual home JB Hi-Fi, exploring stationery stores or artisan markets.

Why November is the best time for designing your Strategic Life Map?

side hustle 4.jpg

Designing your Strategic Life Map is very much like the adage - When is the best time to plant a tree?  Answer, 20 years ago, the 2nd best time is now.

Designing your Strategic Life Map is similar, the sooner you start the better.  So, let me tell you why November is the best time to do this planning.

November has this lovely segue feel to it. 

Spring is in full swing.  While we start our planning for Christmas, we have not yet begun that in earnest.  We still have some time and space to think.

Enough of the year has passed, to be able to effectively reflect 

We also get a sense that the year is coming to close, so we start thinking about the year ahead.  It is not quite done, but we are through enough to know what went well and what we could do differently in the coming year. 

A head start to the New Year. 

It also means that we can create our Strategic Life Map for the following year, and know we can kick off immediately.  If we do our strategic planning in the New Year, we end up not getting started until February/March.  Once January starts, you are all ready to start actioning your Strategic Life Map. Hazzah!

I have been doing this type of planning intentionally for the last 7 years and this is when I start my Strategic Life Map for the year ahead. 

So, what does this mean for you? 

I have perfectly timed my next program for Design Your Life on Purpose course on Saturday the 6th November.  If you sign up before the 15th October you will also get a bonus coaching session with me, valued at $200 and a $50 discount on the program investment. 

 I keep the program size limited to 12 pathfinders, as I want to make sure you get the attention you need to create a Strategic Life Map that suits you perfectly. 


DYLOP is designed to guide professionals who have deferred their dreams, to unearth possibilities and design their strategic life map answering the question - now what?

  “We all need this. Don't waste time being aimless”

 Julianna Canale - Executive Manager, Westpac

 “It was my time and I was giving myself permission to invest in me”

Deb C - Connexia Change Management Practice Director

Special Offers


Everything is better with friends, so if you bring a friend along then you both get a bonus one on one coaching session.  Each person will work on their own Strategic Life Map and they can choose to share or not.  The session is all about you and what you need and is strictly confidential.  Giving you all my focus and attention to help accelerate your dreams.  


Get $50 off the total price if you sign up right now.


if you register by Friday 15th October, I will throw in an additional one-on-one coaching session with me valued at $200. 


 If you are ready to create a Strategic Life Map that suits YOU personally

 Is this the year that you start designing a life that suits you perfectly?

Yes, then lock the Saturday the 6th November in your calendar and register right now.  I would love to see you there and see what amazing things you can achieve in the next 12 months.

 All the information is here, including the magical registration button


To guide professionals who have deferred their dreams, to unearth possibilities to design a strategic life map that answers the question - now what? 


I am coach, facilitator, author, change professional and creative.  I particularly love helping people and organisations unearth what’s possible to design a future that suits them perfectly (a Strategic Lifemap). 

I have cultivated the ability to walk into any industry; see what is not seen, distil what is complicated, and simplify the chaos.  This skill has been forged in a deliberate and concentrated way for over 20 years, through Personal Coaching and working in Organisational Change Management.  Bottom Line is… I know CHANGE.  I know how to plan for change, how to start change, how to adjust change in progress, how to track change and how to embed change.   

I fill my time on various side hustles, blogging, creating and learning the piano.  If you are looking for me, look for me at my spiritual home JB Hi-Fi, exploring stationery stores or artisan markets.

Who Says? You cannot turn waste into….

Who says?  

Design your Life on Purpose – who says series – is about looking at amazing crazy ideas. 

In this who says series we look at people who looked at waste and decided, it was not waste at all, but an incredibly valuable resource that could be used to create something beautiful. 

Let’s run through a couple of examples: 

ChopValue Charcuterie-Platter.jpg

Chop Value

There is the company in North America (Canada) that takes used chopsticks and converts them into products that can be used again and again.  Chopsticks are used once and then discarded, often within 30 mins.  They treat the chopsticks and smash them together to create chopping boards and other cool things.  They had to invent machinery to perform the functions they wanted and are the first circular economy business that has franchises



Takes old blankets and converts them into water bottle covers.  They have that lovely nostalgic feel and are cosy to boot.  A very simple way to repurpose, rather than discard. @chooktopia

On Instagram 



Five Mile Radius

This company turns construction waste into bespoke Terrazzo benchtops and tables.  Based in Brisbane they are reinventing construction waste. (Insert links) 



So, what does this mean for you?

Just because everyone is going one way, you can choose to go an entirely different direction.  I want you to do the thing you have been avoiding, thinking it was not right or odd.  It is doable.  Ignore the naysayers and go do your thing. 

I will be the cheerleader for your craziness.   

You can get started with just a little bit of time each week.  Even 1 hour a week will get you started.  At the very least you will understand if this is for you or not.

Join the How to Life your Life Intentionally Webinar

Join me on the How to Life your Life Intentionally free webinar. Where you get the chance to win a coaching session and Incahoots Merch pack, total value $250 drawn live on the webinar.

Often life can happen, which causes us to defer our dreams until…..

Add COVID 19 into the mix and people often wonder whether the life they were barrelling towards was really the one they wanted.

How to living your life intentionally - helps you design a life that suits you perfectly.

This webinar will run through the 4 stages of designing your life on purpose.  Specifically, focusing on what support mechanisms you can put in place to ensure you increase your success of taking the opportunities that are right for you and avoiding the ones that are not right for you.

The best bit is that you will get the details on what it takes to live a life with intention, with immediately applicable actions.  If you have ever wondered whether the investment of time and money is worth it, then this is the best way to test the water.

HEARD ENOUGH, SIGN UP for Design your Life on Purpose (DYLOP) program 

DYLOP is designed to guide professionals who have deferred their dreams, to unearth possibilities and design their strategic life map answering the question - now what? 


 “We all need this. Don't waste time being aimless” 

 Julianna Canale - Executive Manager, Westpac 

 “It was my time and I was giving myself permission to invest in me” 

Deb C - Connexia Change Management Practice Director 

 “Do it. Even if they sort of know their path its' such a great exercise and it triggers your brain. Even more so for someone that is a bit lost - Everyone can do it.” 

Frida Eriksson-Moussa 

Special Offers 

Bring a friend 

Everything is better with friends, so if you bring a friend along then you both get a bonus one on one coaching session.  Each person will work on their own Strategic Life Map and they can choose to share or not.  The session is all about you and what you need and is strictly confidential.  Giving you all my focus and attention to help accelerate your dreams.   

Early Bird 

Get $50 off the total price if you sign up right now. 


 If you are ready to create a Strategic Life Map that suits YOU personally 

Is this the year that you start designing a life that suits you perfectly? 

Yes, then lock the Saturday the 6th November in your calendar and register right now.  I would love to see you there and see what amazing things you can achieve in the next 12 months. 

All the information is here, including the magical registration button. 

Incahoots exists…  

To guide professionals who have deferred their dreams, to unearth possibilities to design a strategic life map that answers the question - now what? 

About this Christina Morgan-Meldrum (CMM) person 

I am coach, facilitator, author, change professional and creative.  I particularly love helping people and organisations unearth what’s possible to design a future that suits them perfectly (a Strategic Lifemap). 

 I have cultivated the ability to walk into any industry; see what is not seen, distil what is complicated, and simplify the chaos.  This skill has been forged in a deliberate and concentrated way for over 20 years, through Personal Coaching and working in Organisational Change Management.  Bottom Line is… I know CHANGE.  I know how to plan for change, how to start change, how to adjust change in progress, how to track change and how to embed change.  

I fill my time on various side hustles, blogging, creating and learning the piano.  If you are looking for me, look for me at my spiritual home JB Hi-Fi, exploring stationery stores or artisan markets. 

I can’t imagine what I am doing tomorrow, let alone my life – how does this work?

You might be thinking…. 

 Hey Christina, I cannot even think about what I am doing tomorrow, let alone a whole life plan – how does this work? 

Great question listener!

Strategic Life Plans are possible, even if you are completely unsure about what you want to design your life around.

First a pencil drawing 

The exercises that we complete in Reflection Revolution and Dream Quest are designed to unearth those possibilities of the future life of your design.   

They will help you uncover a long-deferred dream or new dreams and we create a pencil drawing of this.  Some people liken this to a North Star, or it could just be things you want to explore more, things you are curious about. 

Then an outline  

Based on the 3 goals that emerge from the first two stages of the process, (Reflection Revolution and Dream Quest), we create an outline for the next 12 months.  If you are anything like me, you will have a lot of dreams, so you might even want to park some for the next 2 years.   

Side_ Map_ adult-book-business-297755.jpg

More colour for 3 months

Taking the 12 month outline you now add more colour for the first 3 months of that year.  This colour is the focus for the first 3 months.  It will still have some gaps, but will look closer to a plan, it will feel like it has shape and structure. 

Saturated Colour for the first month  

Now we have the Strategic Life Map, we need to convert this to actions.  We will plan what we are going to do in that first month to progress our dreams further.  Walking away from the Design Your Life on Purpose (DYLOP) program you will know what you need to do when.   

The final stage of the Program (ACT) is where we look at what is going to help and hinder you and put in place actions that will assist in both regards.  Support Mechanisms and Anchors that will help you and strategies that will help you avoid trips and traps. 


You now have a Strategic Life Map! 

So, what does this mean for you? 

Attend the upcoming webinar, so you can get a sense of what living intentionally means.  You could also win a prize drawn live, valued at $250. 

Which nicely lines up for the next program for Design Your Life on Purpose program on Saturday the 6th November.  If you sign up before the 15th October you will also get a bonus coaching session with me, valued at $200 and a $50 discount on the program investment. 


I keep the program size limited to 12 pathfinders, as I want to make sure you get the attention you need to create a Strategic Life Map that suits you perfectly.

HEARD ENOUGH, SIGN UP for Design your Life on Purpose (DYLOP) program

DYLOP is designed to guide professionals who have deferred their dreams, to unearth possibilities and design their strategic life map answering the question - now what?

  “We all need this. Don't waste time being aimless”

 Julianna Canale - Executive Manager, Westpac

 “It was my time and I was giving myself permission to invest in me”

Deb C - Connexia Change Management Practice Director

Special Offers

Bring a friend

Everything is better with friends, so if you bring a friend along then you both get a bonus one on one coaching session.  Each person will work on their own Strategic Life Map and they can choose to share or not.  The session is all about you and what you need and is strictly confidential.  Giving you all my focus and attention to help accelerate your dreams.  

Early Bird

Get $50 off the total price if you sign up right now.


 If you are ready to create a Strategic Life Map that suits YOU personally

 Is this the year that you start designing a life that suits you perfectly?

Yes, then lock the Saturday the 6th November in your calendar and register right now.  I would love to see you there and see what amazing things you can achieve in the next 12 months.

 All the information is here, including the magical registration button.

Incahoots exists…  

To guide professionals who have deferred their dreams, to unearth possibilities to design a strategic life map that answers the question - now what? 

About this Christina Morgan-Meldrum (CMM) person 

I am coach, facilitator, author, change professional and creative.  I particularly love helping people and organisations unearth what’s possible to design a future that suits them perfectly (a Strategic Lifemap). 

I have cultivated the ability to walk into any industry; see what is not seen, distil what is complicated, and simplify the chaos.  This skill has been forged in a deliberate and concentrated way for over 20 years, through Personal Coaching and working in Organisational Change Management.  Bottom Line is… I know CHANGE.  I know how to plan for change, how to start change, how to adjust change in progress, how to track change and how to embed change.   

I fill my time on various side hustles, blogging, creating and learning the piano.  If you are looking for me, look for me at my spiritual home JB Hi-Fi, exploring stationery stores or artisan markets. 

Who Says? I am too old

That did not stop Ronni Kahn, Pete Murray, Jan Logan or Ita Buttrose.  These are just 4 people who did something “later” in life and have been very successful.

Who says your crazy idea might not be exactly what the world needs?  

Regardless of how young or old you are.

Design your Life on Purpose – who says series – is about looking at what amazing crazy ideas have been done, so why not yours?

Today we look at 4 people that could have stopped, but in fact made a significant contribution “later” in life.

Ronni Kahn is the founder of OZ Harvest (Australia’s largest Food rescue association) and started this at the age of 52.  I imagine her and all the people that they help (27,701,761 meals from March to Dec 2020) are glad she didn’t think she was too old.  She has changed an entire industry and in fact created a new one for food rescue and diverted 7,792,763 kgs from landfill.

Pete Murray is a musician, and you might be thinking old, what the?  He became a serious musician into his thirties.  Shocking I know!  In an industry where if you haven’t had major success by mid to late 20s, you give up, this is unusual.  Pete only started learning guitar at 22, he didn't think he was too old, actually, he did.  He was convinced by other musos and has had 3 albums that have achieved Platinum status on the ARIA Charts (Australian Recording Industry Association) as a result. 

Jan Logan started her jewellery business at age 50.  She had her kids and decided she needed something else in her life (see this article about a country girl to design icon).  The designs are just divine and I often lust over them.  Thank goodness she didn't think she was too old.

Finally, everyone’s favourite, Ita Buttrose.  A very formidable women, having worked in Magazines and Newspapers, when they were male chauvinistic bastions, Ita was invited and accepted the chair of the ABC at the age of 77.  She did not think she was too old.

The above people ignored the people who said, “you are too old” and just went ahead and did it anyway.  The above are very public examples of the people who refused to let age be a barrier.  I am sure if you looked around you, you could find loads more 

So, what does this mean for you?

Do not let age be a barrier to you.  I want you to do the thing you have been avoiding, thinking it was not right or odd.  You are not too old.  It is doable.  Ignore the naysayers and go do your thing.

I will be the cheerleader for your craziness.  

You can get started with just a little bit of time each week.  Even 1 hour a week will get you started.  At the very least you will understand if this is for you or not.  

Yours Collaboratively,

Christina MM

Join the How to Life your Life Intentionally Webinar

Join me on the How to Life your Life Intentionally free webinar. Where you get the chance to win a coaching session and Incahoots Merch pack, total value $250 drawn live on the webinar.

Often life can happen, which causes us to defer our dreams until…..

Add COVID 19 into the mix and people often wonder whether the life they were barrelling towards was really the one they wanted.

How to living your life intentionally - helps you design a life that suits you perfectly.

This webinar will run through the 4 stages of designing your life on purpose.  Specifically, focusing on what support mechanisms you can put in place to ensure you increase your success of taking the opportunities that are right for you and avoiding the ones that are not right for you.

The best bit is that you will get the details on what it takes to live a life with intention, with immediately applicable actions.  If you have ever wondered whether the investment of time and money is worth it, then this is the best way to test the water.

HEARD ENOUGH, SIGN UP for Design your Life on Purpose (DYLOP) program

DYLOP is designed to guide professionals who have deferred their dreams, to unearth possibilities and design their strategic life map answering the question - now what?

  “We all need this. Don't waste time being aimless”

 Julianna Canale - Executive Manager, Westpac

 “It was my time and I was giving myself permission to invest in me”

Deb C - Connexia Change Management Practice Director

Special Offers

Bring a friend

Everything is better with friends, so if you bring a friend along then you both get a bonus one on one coaching session.  Each person will work on their own Strategic Life Map and they can choose to share or not.  The session is all about you and what you need and is strictly confidential.  Giving you all my focus and attention to help accelerate your dreams.  

Early Bird

Get $50 off the total price if you sign up right now.


 If you are ready to create a Strategic Life Map that suits YOU personally

 Is this the year that you start designing a life that suits you perfectly?

Yes, then lock the Saturday the 6th November in your calendar and register right now.  I would love to see you there and see what amazing things you can achieve in the next 12 months.

 All the information is here, including the magical registration button.

Incahoots exists… 

To guide professionals who have deferred their dreams, to unearth possibilities to design a strategic life map that answers the question - now what?

About this Christina Morgan-Meldrum (CMM) person

I am coach, facilitator, author, change professional and creative.  I particularly love helping people and organisations unearth what’s possible to design a future that suits them perfectly (a Strategic Lifemap).

I have cultivated the ability to walk into any industry; see what is not seen, distil what is complicated, and simplify the chaos.  This skill has been forged in a deliberate and concentrated way for over 20 years, through Personal Coaching and working in Organisational Change Management.  Bottom Line is… I know CHANGE.  I know how to plan for change, how to start change, how to adjust change in progress, how to track change and how to embed change.  

I fill my time on various side hustles, blogging, creating and learning the piano.  If you are looking for me, look for me at my spiritual home JB Hi-Fi, exploring stationery stores or artisan markets.

COVID 19 making you question your life decisions?

According to a recent Marie Claire Article Oct 2021 “Generation Resignation”, you are not alone.


“51% of Australian Gen Y workers are planning to leave their job by the end of year”

“41% of workers globally are planning to hand their registrations in soon”, according to a Microsoft study, with 4 million workers quitting their jobs in the USA in April 2021, the biggest spike in 20 Years

I completely understand, a global pandemic, does make you question, well, everything.

Can I implore you - please don’t leave, until you have a Strategic Life Map

Jumping off and starting something new, eat, pray love style has its attraction.  If your soul is being destroyed then I agree you should prioritise your mental health.  I know I have done that a few times where the gig was eroding my confidence, when taking steps to address the issues didn't pan out.

I could confidently do that for a couple of reasons:

  1.  I had built up a reputation in the field of change, and change is happening everywhere, all the time. So, I knew I could leverage those skills and my network

  2. Every year I create a Strategic Life Map, which has supported me for the last 10 years.  Basically, I had a plan.

Even when I left full time employment, and started my own consultancy business, I had a plan.  That was over 15 years ago now – Happy Anniversary Incahoots!

So again, I ask you to take a moment, create a Strategic Life Map and then you will know when is the right time to take the leap.

What does it look like to have a Strategic Life Map?

Let me share the story of Sara..

Sara arrived at the DYLOP (Design your Life on Purpose) course in a very bad place.  Sara has recently gone through a separation, during COVID 19 lockdown and was working on an impossible gig, that was absorbing all of her time.  She was flat and drained, in fact she spent the first 30 mins of DYLOP, crying.  She knew something had to change and I was honoured that Sara trusted me to guide her.

Sara did not get any blinding flashes on completing the 1-day workshop.  What happened, with the exercises and activities is that a long-denied dream was surfacing.  Sara has always wanted to be a Doctor, but her science degree from another country was over 10 years ago and she was unable to use it for post graduate studies, so she started working in business to support her family.  Sara knew she now had options on what she could do with her life.  Sara investigated what options were available to her and has been accepted in a bridging science course at the university of her choice, commencing in Feb 2022.  Sara has already agreed with her employer to go part time and has been reading biology and science text books to get her brain in gear.  

How do I get a Strategic Life Map?

Using my experience with personal coaching and organisational change management over the last 20 years, I have developed a program that will allow you to Design a Life that Suits you perfectly.  I have deliberately and intentionally focused on each 12 months for the last 7 years on what sort of life I want to design my life around.

This research has been curated into a program, called Design Your Life on Purpose (DYLOP).

I have an upcoming intake of just 12 pathfinders (collective noun for people designing their life) on Saturday the 6th November.  The number of participants means the templates, tools and approach can be personalised and customised to suit the participants on the program. 

Want to know more?

Come along to my webinar on How to live a life intentionally Friday 8th October at a lunchtime friendly time of noon to 1pm.

Often life can happen, which causes us to defer our dreams until…..

Add COVID 19 into the mix and people often wonder whether the life they were barrelling towards was really the one they wanted.

How to living your life intentionally - helps you design a life that suits you perfectly.

This webinar will run through the 4 stages of designing your life on purpose.  Specifically, focusing on what support mechanisms you can put in place to ensure you increase your success of taking the opportunities that are right for you and avoiding the ones that are not right for you.

The best bit is that you will get the details on what it takes to live a life with intention, with immediately applicable actions.  If you have ever wondered whether the investment of time and money is worth it, then this is the best way to test the water.

Attending the webinar, means you could also win a prize drawn live, valued at $250.

All of which nicely lines up for the next program for Design Your Life on Purpose program on Saturday the 6th November.  If you sign up before the 15th October you will also get a bonus coaching session with me, valued at $200 and a $50 discount on the program investment.

I keep the program size limited to 12 pathfinders, as I want to make sure you get the attention you need to create a Strategic Life Map that suits you perfectly.

Incahoots exists… 

To guide professionals who have deferred their dreams, to unearth possibilities to design a strategic life map that answers the question - now what?

About this Christina Morgan-Meldrum (CMM) person

I am coach, facilitator, author, change professional and creative.  I particularly love helping people and organisations unearth what’s possible to design a future that suits them perfectly (a Strategic Lifemap).

I have cultivated the ability to walk into any industry; see what is not seen, distil what is complicated, and simplify the chaos.  This skill has been forged in a deliberate and concentrated way for over 20 years, through Personal Coaching and working in Organisational Change Management.  Bottom Line is… I know CHANGE.  I know how to plan for change, how to start change, how to adjust change in progress, how to track change and how to embed change.  

I fill my time on various side hustles, blogging, creating and learning the piano.  If you are looking for me, look for me at my spiritual home JB Hi-Fi, exploring stationery stores or artisan markets.

Why hindsight is 20/20 and how the real world works?

Like anyone, I get really inspired by people’s “this is how I made it stories”.  I find them really interesting and engaging to watch the hero move away from zero and toward success they can be proud of.

The trick though, is it is not a “recipe” or a “formula”. Their personalities, technology, worlds view and situation will all be very different to yours so you cannot follow it step by step and get the same results.

The interesting thing, if we ask them to predict their next 6 steps in their career and business, I bet they would struggle to tell you the first one or two.  I am not being critical, as I would struggle as well.  

side hustle_13.jpg

When you look backwards, you can see the connections, the steps that led from this to that.  The reason there is a saying about hindsight having 20/20 vision is because it all seems clear and logical when you look back.  The decisions have already been made and connections and steps on the path are very clear.  However, when they were standing at a cross road and deciding to go one way or another, they could not see what one way would produce and what it would not.

So, what do you do instead?

What you do is take one step forward, using a Strategic Life Map you have designed that suits you and your circumstances.  Think of it like entering a car park with environmentally friendly lighting.  You take your first step forward and some lights come on, you take another step and more lights come on.  Change direction and a different set of lights comes on. Designing your life is exactly like that.  You take one step forward in the area/s you want to work on and another step will be revealed.

What are you talking about?

Let me demonstrate with my story.  I left a particularly horrid change gig and spent the best part of 3 months staring at the television, trying to process my thoughts.  The hilarious part is that it was a poisonous organisation and I should have left after 6 months not 2 years later.  In fact, they did me a favour, not that I knew it at the time.

It was funnily enough then that the Design your Life on Journey started, but I only realised that recently when I drew my “how did I get here” journey.

I started a side hustle called Yellow & Co (design business eg t-shirts) when I was at the above horrid gig.  It was a chance to indulge my love of merch, which I learnt a stack out of as part of the process, and still design t-shirts, jewellery in my design book.

Side Hustle number 2 - Ideas Coach.

I am very good at generating ideas and helping people see differently about circumstances and next steps, - so Ideas Coach made sense.  There were fabulous elements to this as well, including my Idea Café, Like eHarmony for entrepreneurs and services that can help them.  It almost became a Vivid workshop, except I did not have any executional evidence to back my fabulous idea. I still learnt a lot and apply some of the principle I established for Design your Life.

A course here and there meant that I niched to Musicians and you know what, I authored a book – Working Your Mojo for Musicians.  While the few musicians I worked with loved it, it was not the right market for me, despite the fact I am also obsessed with music.

So where to from here…

A few more courses and navel gazing

You know what I am exceptional at - Change.  Every year for 7-10 years I create a Strategic Life Map of what I am going to focus on personally, and professionally.  I have created tools and templates and processes that I know work, because I have tried them on myself, and people I coached or worked with in Corporate gigs, over and over.

But Design your Life is more than a plan, it is a curated experience.  If I had not done Yellow and Co, I would not know how to get the best merch, If I had not started Ideas Coach, I would not have experience at generating ideas at pace and volume.  If I had not of written a book for the wrong audience, with some right content, I would not have worked out how to do Design your Life.

Looking back all the steps are connected and make sense, when I started on each path, there was no connection and no grand plan, just a Strategic Life Map for the next year and what I was keen to explore. 

So, what does this mean for you?

Save yourself the time of following the “do it my way” mantra.  Use it for inspiration sure, but decide what you want your perfect life to be.  Don't waste time doing all the crazy research I did, as I have done it for you.  Let me guide you on a wholistic Strategic Life Map that suits you and only you perfectly.

Join me on the How to Life your Life Intentionally free webinar.

Often life can happen, which causes us to defer our dreams until…..

Add COVID 19 into the mix and people often wonder whether the life they were barrelling towards was really the one they wanted.

How to living your life intentionally - helps you design a life that suits you perfectly.

This webinar will run through the 4 stages of designing your life on purpose.  Specifically, focusing on what support mechanisms you can put in place to ensure you increase your success of taking the opportunities that are right for you and avoiding the ones that are not right for you.

The best bit is that you will get the details on what it takes to live a life with intention, with immediately applicable actions.  If you have ever wondered whether the investment of time and money is worth it, then this is the best way to test the water.

Yours Collaboratively,

Christina MM

HEARD ENOUGH, SIGN UP for Design your Life on Purpose (DYLOP) program

DYLOP is designed to guide professionals who have deferred their dreams, to unearth possibilities and design their strategic life map answering the question - now what?

 “We all need this. Don't waste time being aimless”

 Julianna Canale - Executive Manager, Westpac

 “It was my time and I was giving myself permission to invest in me”

Deb C - Connexia Change Management Practice Director

 “Do it. Even if they sort of know their path its' such a great exercise and it triggers your brain. Even more so for someone that is a bit lost - Everyone can do it.”

Frida Eriksson-Moussa

Special Offers

Bring a friend

Everything is better with friends, so if you bring a friend along then you both get a bonus one on one coaching session.  Each person will work on their own Strategic Life Map and they can choose to share or not.  The session is all about you and what you need and is strictly confidential.  Giving you all my focus and attention to help accelerate your dreams. 

Early Bird

Get $50 off the total price if you sign up right now.


If you are ready to create a Strategic Life Map that suits YOU personally

Is this the year that you start designing a life that suits you perfectly?

Yes, then lock the Saturday the 6th November in your calendar and register right now.  I would love to see you there and see what amazing things you can achieve in the next 12 months.

All the information is here, including the magical registration button.

Incahoots exists… 

To guide professionals who have deferred their dreams, to unearth possibilities to design a strategic life map that answers the question - now what? 

About this Christina Morgan-Meldrum (CMM) person

I am coach, facilitator, author, change professional and creative.  I particularly love helping people and organisations unearth what’s possible to design a future that suits them perfectly (a Strategic Lifemap).

I have cultivated the ability to walk into any industry; see what is not seen, distil what is complicated, and simplify the chaos.  This skill has been forged in a deliberate and concentrated way for over 20 years, through Personal Coaching and working in Organisational Change Management.  Bottom Line is… I know CHANGE.  I know how to plan for change, how to start change, how to adjust change in progress, how to track change and how to embed change.  

I fill my time on various side hustles, blogging, creating and learning the piano.  If you are looking for me, look for me at my spiritual home JB Hi-Fi, exploring stationery stores or artisan markets.

Hands up, Who has a presenting outfit?

When running a workshop or a webinar for Design Your Life on Purpose, I have curated a special outfit.  


 Good News!

You may or may not see said ‘special outfit’ when I present the next webinar (Friday October 8th at noon)

How to live your life intentionally!

What is it all about?

Often life can happen, which causes us to defer our dreams until…..

Add COVID 19 into the mix and people often wonder whether the life they were barrelling towards was really the one they wanted.

How to living your life intentionally - helps you design a life that suits you perfectly.

This webinar will run through the 4 stages of designing your life on purpose.  Specifically, focusing on what support mechanisms you can put in place to ensure you increase your success of taking the opportunities that are right for you and avoiding the ones that are not right for you.

The best bit is that you will get the details on what it takes to live a life with intention, with immediately applicable actions.  If you have ever wondered whether the investment of time and money is worth it, then this is the best way to test the water.

I would love you to join me, so we can explore the topic together.  

Incahoots prize drawn on the webinar live

As a bonus for attending the webinar live (much funner than talking to an empty virtual room), I will be offering a free coaching session with me, valued at $200.  In addition to share my slight obsession with merch and stationery, I will also be giving away an Incahoots designed merch pack.  Total Incahoots prize pack at $250

This will be drawn live on the webinar, so you will need to attend to win.

Sharers also win an Incahoots Prize

I would love to get as many people as possible to the webinar, so they can design a life that suits them perfectly.

If you share and tag me I will add your name to a special INCAHOOTS draw.  One sharer will be randomly chosen to also win the special Incahoots design merch pack.  Total Incahoots prize pack at $50. 

How to Share?

It might seem super obvious, so sorry if it is.  Here are some ways you can share:


You can forward this email directly to your peeps.  The Registration Link for the webinar is here:

Linked In

Here is my LinkedIn post you can share

The results DYLOP program generate for pathfinders are truly wonderful with real life changes happening, here is an example…

Sara arrived at the DYLOP (Design your Life on Purpose) course in a very bad place.  Sara has recently gone through a separation, during COVID 19 lockdown and was working on an impossible gig, that was absorbing all of her time.  She was flat and drained, in fact she spent the first 30 mins of DYLOP, crying.  She knew something had to change and I was honoured that Sara trusted me to guide her.

Sara did not get any blinding flashes on completing the 1-day workshop.  What happened, with the exercises and activities is that a long-denied dream was surfacing.  Sara has always wanted to be a Doctor, but her science degree from another country was over 10 years ago and she was unable to use it for post graduate studies, so she started working in business to support her family.  Sara knew she now had options on what she could do with her life.  Sara investigated what options were available to her and has been accepted in a bridging science course at the university of her choice, commencing in Feb 2022.  Sara has already agreed with her employer to go part time and has been reading biology and science text books to get her brain in gear.  

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

Remember to unearth possibilities and design your life on purpose.

Yours Collaboratively



READY to SIGN UP for Design your Life on Purpose (DYLOP) program

DYLOP is designed to guide professionals who have deferred their dreams, to unearth possibilities and design their strategic life map answering the question - now what?

 “We all need this. Don't waste time being aimless”

 Julianna Canale - Executive Manager, Westpac

 “It was my time and I was giving myself permission to invest in me”

Deb C - Connexia Change Management Practice Director

 “Do it. Even if they sort of know their path its' such a great exercise and it triggers your brain. Even more so for someone that is a bit lost - Everyone can do it.”

Frida Eriksson-Moussa

Special Offers

Bring a friend

Everything is better with friends, so if you bring a friend along then you both get a bonus one on one coaching session.  Each person will work on their own Strategic Life Map and they can choose to share or not.  The session is all about you and what you need and is strictly confidential.  Giving you all my focus and attention to help accelerate your dreams. 

Early Bird

Get $50 off the total price if you sign up right now.

 If you are ready to create a Strategic Life Map that suits YOU personally

Is this the year that you start designing a life that suits you perfectly?

Yes, then lock the Saturday the 6th November in your calendar and register right now.  I would love to see you there and see what amazing things you can achieve in the next 12 months.

All the information is here, including the magical registration button.

Incahoots exists… 

To guide professionals who have deferred their dreams, to unearth possibilities to design a strategic life map that answers the question - now what?

About this Christina Morgan-Meldrum (CMM) person

I am coach, facilitator, author, change professional and creative.  I particularly love helping people and organisations unearth what’s possible to design a future that suits them perfectly (a Strategic Lifemap).

I have cultivated the ability to walk into any industry; see what is not seen, distil what is complicated, and simplify the chaos.  This skill has been forged in a deliberate and concentrated way for over 20 years, through Personal Coaching and working in Organisational Change Management.  Bottom Line is… I know CHANGE.  I know how to plan for change, how to start change, how to adjust change in progress, how to track change and how to embed change.  

I fill my time on various side hustles, blogging, creating and learning the piano.  If you are looking for me, look for me at my spiritual home JB Hi-Fi, exploring stationery stores or artisan markets.

Hands up who wants an ‘AND’ career and not an ‘OR’ career?

Let’s explore the 6 reasons why having more than 1 career at the time can be ace.

By this I mean they want to pursue 2 (or more) career paths simultaneously, having an ‘and’ rather than an ‘or’ in their careers.  

For a start if you cannot pursue 2 career paths simultaneously, they have to either:

  1.     Squish it into a side hustle

  2.    Having to decide one way or the other


In the work that I do with professionals, I am seeing people wanting to pursue two careers at once, rather than sequentially (#oldschool).  You can be a snail trainer and a hairdresser, a real estate agent and a professional knife thrower.  The people I work with are looking for the ‘and’ and no longer the ‘or’, when it comes to their career.

This makes sense to me for a number of reasons (6).  

What is normal really?

What we expected was the “norm” was flipped on its head when we hit Covid 19.  You can be a productive member of an organisation and work from home.  What?  You can live in a location that is removed from the head office and still get a lot done.  No Way!  I know a number of organisations did work this way, but it was not the norm and now it is.

Explore safely

If you are considering investigating a different career, the logical and safe bet is to do this while you are gainfully employed.  You do not throw away what you need to sustain your family and wellbeing, while you pursue something you are unsure about.  You can test the waters.  Yes, you can do this as a side hustle, but there will come a time when it needs to move into something more than nights and weekends, but will still require care and feeding.  Maintaining both is a great way to confirm it works.  Plus, there is this thing called rest.  I have learnt it is super important, so allow your employees to have hybrid careers, means they will bring the best of themselves to the office (actually work, as the office is hybrid now), rested and ready to go.

Different gigs satisfy different needs

Why can you not do both?  If you get value out of them both in different ways, why do we need to do one or the other.   It does not make sense to me.  I love working with corporates on large scale changes, they are complicated, tricky and super exciting.  But, I equally love working with individuals and small teams and business on helping them navigate and plan change to create a desirable future.  As long as both are aware of how they will be supported and when, why can I not do both?

Fully formed humans, with ambitions and dreams are good for organisations

For an organisation, if you want fully formed humans to be working for you then, they come with ambitions and dreams that might not line up completely with you and your organisation. Why would you lose that talent, just because they do not fit the perfect employee mould?

Build skills in creativity and problem solving

Pursuing something you are unsure of will require some creativity and problem-solving skills, stretching you.  I am pretty sure those skills are what every organisation, wants as well.  Creativity and innovation come from the edges and not the fully formed middle.  Bringing those skills back to an organisation will be invaluable for the individual and the organisation.

Future Proofing

Finally, future proofing.  If you look back at the history of business, there is always disruption.  A business or a whole industry will disappear, when something different comes along.  In recent memory; taxis disrupted by uber, hotels by Airbnb, music distribution companies by streaming services, retail by instagram & online shopping, credit card companies by afterpay, corporate office buildings by hybrid working.  There is a real democratisation happening, so future proofing your career will help ensure you have a career, when your industry is disrupted.

So, what does this mean for you?

Just because everyone is going one way, you can choose to go an entirely different direction.  I want you to do the thing you have been avoiding, thinking it was not right or odd.  It is doable.  Ignore the naysayers and go do your thing.

I will be the cheerleader for your craziness.  

You can get started with just a little bit of time each week.  Even 1 hour a week will get you started.  At the very least you will understand if this is for you or not.  

What does living your life intentionally actually mean?

Join in a free information session on Friday 8th October at work friendly time, noon to 1pm.

We will cover the 4 phases that are required to design a Strategic Life Map, that unearths possibilities and allows you to design your life that suits you personally.

Ready to sign up to the Design your Life on Purpose (DYLOP) program

DYLOP is designed to guide professionals who have deferred their dreams, to unearth possibilities and design their strategic life map answering the question - now what?

 “We all need this. Don't waste time being aimless”

 Julianna Canale - Executive Manager, Westpac

 “Do it. Even if they sort of know their path its' such a great exercise and it triggers your brain. Even more so for someone that is a bit lost - Everyone can do it.”

Frida Eriksson-Moussa

Special Offers 

Bring a friend

Everything is better with friends, so if you bring a friend along then you both get a bonus one on one coaching session.  Each person will work on their own Strategic Life Map and they can choose to share or not.  The session is all about you and what you need and is strictly confidential.  Giving you all my focus and attention to help accelerate your dreams. 

Early Bird

Get $50 off the total price if you sign up right now.


If you are ready to create a Strategic Life Map that suits YOU personally

Is this the year that you start designing a life that suits you perfectly?

Yes, then lock the Saturday the 6th November in your calendar and register right now.  I would love to see you there and see what amazing things you can achieve in the next 12 months.

All the information is here, including the magical registration button.

Remember to unearth possibilities and design a life that suits you perfectly

Yours collaboratively,

Christina MM

Incahoots exists… 

To guide professionals who have deferred their dreams, to unearth possibilities to design a strategic life map that answers the question - now what?

About this Christina Morgan-Meldrum (CMM) person

I am coach, facilitator, author, change professional and creative.  I particularly love helping people and organisations unearth what’s possible to design a future that suits them perfectly (a Strategic Lifemap).

I have cultivated the ability to walk into any industry; see what is not seen, distil what is complicated, and simplify the chaos.  This skill has been forged in a deliberate and concentrated way for over 20 years, through Personal Coaching and working in Organisational Change Management.  Bottom Line is… I know CHANGE.  I know how to plan for change, how to start change, how to adjust change in progress, how to track change and how to embed change.  

I fill my time on various side hustles, blogging, creating and learning the piano.  If you are looking for me, look for me at my spiritual home JB Hi-Fi, exploring stationery stores or artisan markets.