Design is profoundly and fundamentally integrated into our lives
It is profound how much design impacts every aspect of our day. From the coffee cup we drink from in the morning to the pillow and bed we lay our heads and bodies on at the end of the day. Every moment has design integrated into it, fully embedded as part of the experience.
That is without thinking about the areas where design is more prevalently associated, music, art and literature. These add so much colour, emotion and story to our lives, they express how we feel. Without them we would be inextricably lost.
Design takes things from being Awkward and Unwieldy to Elegant and Intuitive.
So why not DESIGN your life?
Designing it deliberately and strategically, intentionally and with focus. That is exactly what we do in the upcoming workshop on Design your Life, on Purpose on 20th March.
This is what we cover in Design your Life on Purpose workshop
The one-day workshop is broken into 4 phases.
Reflection Revolution
This is about conducting a review of the last 12 months and looking at what has worked and what could do with a tweak. Different templates generate different thinking. Generally, this leaves people a little disturbed, ready to work out what to do next.
It is called a revolution, because reflection is something people do not spend a lot of time on, in the instant gratification world. However, reflecting will allow you to see past the now and immediate and determine if you see a trend, or help steer you in a different direction. You need to be really quiet to hear what your heart desires.
Dream Quest:
Remember when you were a child and you were encouraged to dream, explore your mind and be really curious. Slowly this skill gets overtaken by responsibility, standardised tests and trying to fit into societies moulds. But, how can you design a life that you truly desire, if you do not spend time in a dreaming state – otherwise what are you designing a life towards?
Dreamers are the ones that make the impossible seem completely doable. Your dreaming might not do that initially, but it will open your mind and unearth possibilities you can then explore further. Dreaming allows you to preview an alternative future and is rather critical to designing your life.
You now know what is not so right about now, but know what you want to retain and you have a sense of where your dreams are, then let’s get into action. The designing stage is where the rubber hits the road, this is where you take the first 2 stages and literally map out what you will do in the coming year.
It is where you start to plot out the year ahead and what can happen when, catering for all the BIG’s that also happen in your life, birthdays, anniversaries etc. Sounds simple? It requires some decision making on what to focus on and what to defer to another year.
We have a design now, so we are almost there. Now we concentrate on what will set you up for success. What are the support mechanisms you can put in place that will mean you are more likely to achieve your dreams? What items will help anchor you to your strategic life map and help you make decisions and refocus, when like happens.
What processes and habits can you put in place to prevent slip ups or to assist with success?
Tried and Tested tools
I have been experimenting with these tools for a minimum of 7 years and have invested well over $66,000. The benefit to you is three-fold:
They are tried and tested. If the tools work they get incorporated, if they don't they get jettisoned.
They are always evolving and improving. I invest this time and money on what is the latest thinking that will help me maximise my time. No tired and pedestrian content here.
You do not need to make the same investment. I have done the hard work for you to take advantage of the outcome.
It is not just me that has been using these tools, I use them with corporate organisational change management and personal coaching clients. Here is the feedback from participants:
“DYLOP gave me the opportunity to find and understand myself again. Life can get busy balancing health, relationships, work, hobbies and all the other unexpected things that take you away from ‘being and planning’. I would highly recommend this personal investment to friends, family and work peers. Christina is talented in this field, warm, empathetic and generous.”
“The templates helped me clear the fog, provided guidance and a path forward. I now have a sense of structure for my dreams and goals, both strategically and in the daily, weekly and monthly activities”
What are the “walk aways”?
Every time I design a workshop, I always ask the client, What are the “walk aways”? What do you want people to leave the room with? What are they walking away with? Using these words deliberately puts them in a future focused state, with that imagery of people leaving the workshop. It appears to solidify their thinking more than take aways.
An assessment of the last 12 months, positive and negative (it is never all bad)
A list of dreams and the mechanisms to keep dreaming for now and the future
A Life Map for the next 12 months
Tangible and actionable items to work on immediately, no manifesting here
Built individualised support mechanisms that will give your greater success in achieving your dreams
Tried and tested approaches – if it does not work, it is not there
Contextual beacon to guide you in the next 12 months
So, what does this mean for you?
I encourage you to spend time determining what you REALLY want from life, especially the next 12 months and DESIGN it into being.
You can get started with just a little bit of time each week. Even 1 hour a week will get you started. At the very least you will understand if this is for you or not.
To get you set up for that 1 hour a week – come along to the 1-day workshop Design your Life, On Purpose on 20th March. You will get a wholistic strategic life map, that will cater for your personal circumstances.
Design your Life on Purpose (DYLOP) workshop
DYLOP is designed to guide professionals who have deferred their dreams to unearth possibilities and to design a strategic life map to answer the question - now what?
DYLOP attracts 2 types:
1. Know Exactly - Peeps who know exactly what they want to do, but are unsure how or have some blocks to overcome
2. No Idea - Peeps who are unsure what they want to design their life around, or know what they do not want
All details about the one day are contained on this page. It is packed to the gills with everything you can ever imagine asking, such as:
· How is the 1 day and the retreat different?
· What is different to other offerings?
· Bonuses if you bring a friend
What was the experience like again….
Here are the details about Designing your Life on Purpose experience of the attendees.
Design your Life, on Purpose workshop
Saturday 20th March
9.30am to 4.30pm
Seed Spaces
137-151 Bridge Rd, Glebe
Investment: $495
If you are ready to create a 2021 Strategic Life Map that suits you personally, register right here
Once registered, an invoice and details about preparation will be provided.
Is this the year that you start designing a life that suits you perfectly?
I would love to see you at the workshop and see what amazing things you can achieve in 2021.
Yours collaboratively,
Not quite ready for the 1day DYLOP workshop
Here are some other options to get you started on designing.
As we start moving into adulting, we let go of the ability to dream, or it gets schooled out of us. This is an absolute tragedy, and probably responsible for the deluge of sameness we get surrounded with.
People that create amazing, desirable lives are the ones that never let go of dreaming and make those dreams come true.
Dream Quest is about kickstarting that process to unearth possibilities and expand your thinking beyond your now, developing the critical super habit of dreaming. Without this super habit of dreaming it is hard to know what you are designing your life towards.
More Info here
Our lives were already packed with loads of things, very important and valuable things, and then Global Pandemic! The world literally stops….. It then becomes even more important to take stock, and determine whether the life you were heading towards at break neck speed, is really the life that you truly desire.
Reflection is something that you do generally do periodically, rather than an everyday habit, therefore, Reflection Revolution will be offered as preparation for Design Your Life on Purpose workshops or retreats. It is important to note, that this can be done as a stand-alone activity, still very valuable.
More Info here
Incahoots exists
To guide professionals who have deferred their dreams, to unearth possibilities to design a strategic life map that answers the question - now what?
About CMM
Christina Morgan-Meldrum (CMM) is a coach, facilitator, author, change professional and creative. She particularly loves helping people and organisations unearth what’s possible to design a future that suits you perfectly (a Strategic Lifemap).
She has cultivated the ability to walk into any industry; see what is not seen, distil what is complicated, and simplify the chaos. This skill has been forged in a deliberate and concentrated way for over 20 years, through Personal Coaching and working in Organisational Change Management.
Christina fills her time on various side hustles, blogging, creating and learning the piano. If you are looking for her, she is likely at her spiritual home JB Hi-Fi, exploring stationery stores or artisan markets.